First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

Prudence would dictate that the first Magillas get a more sturdy timber on which they can swing and nest. A nice perch on which they can pluck and consume each others lice.

Don't the Obamas usually put Muslim crap etc on their tree?

you people never fail to produce the stereotypical rw results :clap2: The only caveat being you're n00bs but rw'ers nonetheless.

Why didn't you answer my question dumbass! :confused:

One would hope because he was embarrassed. Then again, leftists don't seem to have this gene when it comes to the obama.

From Christmases past:

White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire | Fox News

White House Christmas Tree Ornaments | Fox News

US Capitol Christmas tree ornaments pay tribute to Obama... but not Jesus | Mail Online
omG, really? Every first family does this every year. Nothing special about this first family doing it.

"Dottie" is just getting a rise out of the Obama haters and getting the lovers to drool all over the would just be the opposite if a Republican was in office you big deal....
No he should get respect for holding the office of POTUS. I cant stand people bashing the POTUS regardless of your party affiliation. Once the votes are counted everyone should be in line supporting. People who dont are a drag on progress.

Then why did you post "show some respect to a black man"?

Not everyone supports the policies of the president (this one or past presidents). You think we should all support what a president does even though we don't agree with what they do?

IOU some serious + rep, but I'm out for a while.

Yeah, he later posted something about shutting our traps while the obama was president. Or something. lol, I stopped paying much attention to his gibberish several pages back.
No...they are nothing like all the other first families. This is the first family African American style. You don't have to appreciate it but I do.

Oh, you see them through black colored glasses. I see them through clear glasses and they are doing what every first family before them has done.

No...I see them though clear glasses. No other first family has done what they have done.

what?.....get a Christmas tree?....this is their 5th time.....:eusa_eh:
Not really. I like women. Go away. I'm not gay.

So you're a two bit racist AND a homophobe, got it thanks........ :thup:

No I said I'm not gay. You are which is ok by me. I'm just not interested. Are you stupid as well as being a racist?

You were the first to bring up race in this thread and you continue to bring it up. You are the racist. Race is all you know to talk about. Because you are ignorant and stupid.
Oh! You mean after 1/20/16 we can call obama "asshole" all we want?

Respect due to POTUS doesn't extend after he leaves office?
What's the difference?

I respect the office, but I have nothing but contempt for the man now occupying it. OK?
Yes. The difference is that at that point he is not your leader anymore. The respect is to the office not the man. If you respect the office shut your trap until he leaves the office.

No, we most certainly will NOT shut our traps. He is a lousy president, is nothing but a drag on this country, is hell bent on destroying it, and he will be called out on it every chance we get.

Then stop lying about your respect for the office then.
So he should get respect because he's black?

Wow. Just ... wow.
No he should get respect for holding the office of POTUS. I cant stand people bashing the POTUS regardless of your party affiliation. Once the votes are counted everyone should be in line supporting. People who dont are a drag on progress.

obama disgraces the office that he holds. He defiles it. To respect him is to respect such defilement. To support this evil man, this leporsy of the body politic, is to embrace disgrace. Become one with disgrace. The progress is the progress of decomposition. To support this kind of evil is to reduce one's self to the level of bacteria that feeds upon a corpse to chart the progress of its rot.

Yes. The difference is that at that point he is not your leader anymore. The respect is to the office not the man. If you respect the office shut your trap until he leaves the office.

No, we most certainly will NOT shut our traps. He is a lousy president, is nothing but a drag on this country, is hell bent on destroying it, and he will be called out on it every chance we get.

Then stop lying about your respect for the office then.

The man in office is not the office.

Guess you didn't get that memo.
USMB has, again, reached a pinnacle of some sort, when President Lincoln giving a blow job is a serious matter of debate.

I thought it was Lincoln GETTING a blow job. I'd think he would be a bit lifeless if he tried to give one. Well, either way.....maybe the Moo sow will stand behind the curtain and grunt, 'here it comes!'
I don't care what family is in the WH. What bugs the hell out of me is them having a crew go looking for magnificent trees and then chopping them down. OLD trees. Trees 500 years old or a thousand or even older. They see one? They kill it. For what? To celebrate what? So the tree dies as it is all gussied up for a holiday that means squat nowadays.

Kinda like yesterday. People giving thanks for what they have, then commence to go thump some heads over a toaster the next day or at midnight that night after acting so hypoctrically THANKING for what they have? And at what price?

Both holidays are starting to taste bitter. Starting? Wrong. They have been bitter for a long time and it will only get worse. The only enjoyment I will have on xmas day is watching my dogs tear into wrapped paper to get their toys inside. It is hilarious, pleasing to see, and nobody got hurt. And the local stores got a bit of money so they, in turn, can pay their bills and feed their family.

Blech. The whole thing is so......lopsided.

I know how to make a Christmas tree out of a Reader's Digest. It's not very big, but maybe they could put in on a table or something.
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That wasn't what I was talking about. From the OP

You edited your post after I responded to it.

If you were talking about them making you proud then you should have said so.

So no other first family has made you proud? Why not? should have asked instead of assuming. There have been few and far between. The current POTUS has made me the proudest.

Why are you proud of this one? Were you proud of Carter? Johnson? Clinton? Reagan? either Bush?

Why this guy?

What a dreadful sweater. Her mamma needs to take her out and buy her some nice Christmas clothes.

Look how tall Sasha got! Wow, hadn't see a pic of her in awhile.

Those doggies are just dang cute. Didn't know the one had white on his (her?) legs.

Michelle got rid of the bangs? Big mistake.

I agree about the bangs. Anything to cover that face is definitely an asset.
No, we most certainly will NOT shut our traps. He is a lousy president, is nothing but a drag on this country, is hell bent on destroying it, and he will be called out on it every chance we get.

Then stop lying about your respect for the office then.

The man in office is not the office.

Guess you didn't get that memo.

Moo sow is the man in the office. That is why she strutted out to greet the tree! Barry's been bad. He was standing in the corner. Or whatever passes for a corner in the oval office.
So you're a two bit racist AND a homophobe, got it thanks........ :thup:

No I said I'm not gay. You are which is ok by me. I'm just not interested. Are you stupid as well as being a racist?

You were the first to bring up race in this thread and you continue to bring it up. You are the racist. Race is all you know to talk about. Because you are ignorant and stupid.

Whats racist about this?
Its very special. Just a reminder how beautiful the family is. Beautiful, strong, Black woman. A picture of Gods first queen. 2 gorgeous little girls and the leader of the free world. Again Very special.

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