‘First-Hand Witness’ Says Smartmatic, Dominion Were Built to Change Election Results

They care. That is why Millions March against Monsanto actually had millions of members. It only lead to Monsanto rebranding under Bayer, etc... People became very aware of how tainted their food is with glyphosate and many resolve not to buy anything that is GMO so now we have a lot of fake organic on the shelves. The battle is constant even though at times it may be a little more prevelant than at others.

Per the blog I really I enjoy it but keep in min a thousand years is as a day an a day as a thousand years in the spirit.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’! That’s the old line, isn’t it? Well, if that’s the case, then Democrats tried extra hard during the 2020 general election.

The left was determined to make Donald Trump a one-term president, despite lower taxes, record-low unemployment across the board, and Middle East peace deals galore.

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell is making it known that her team is on the case. They’re not going down without a fight.

Ought oh

While speaking with Mark Levin, Powell stated: “I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly with the states the suddenly went down, they stopped counting the votes. It was because the need was so great to President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Good grief! Seriously??


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Flag & Cross Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of poor sources, lack of transparency with ownership, and several failed fact checks.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’! That’s the old line, isn’t it? Well, if that’s the case, then Democrats tried extra hard during the 2020 general election.

The left was determined to make Donald Trump a one-term president, despite lower taxes, record-low unemployment across the board, and Middle East peace deals galore.

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell is making it known that her team is on the case. They’re not going down without a fight.

Ought oh

While speaking with Mark Levin, Powell stated: “I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly with the states the suddenly went down, they stopped counting the votes. It was because the need was so great to President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Good grief! Seriously??


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Flag & Cross Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of poor sources, lack of transparency with ownership, and several failed fact checks.

If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’! That’s the old line, isn’t it? Well, if that’s the case, then Democrats tried extra hard during the 2020 general election.

The left was determined to make Donald Trump a one-term president, despite lower taxes, record-low unemployment across the board, and Middle East peace deals galore.

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell is making it known that her team is on the case. They’re not going down without a fight.

Ought oh

While speaking with Mark Levin, Powell stated: “I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly with the states the suddenly went down, they stopped counting the votes. It was because the need was so great to President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Good grief! Seriously??


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Flag & Cross Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of poor sources, lack of transparency with ownership, and several failed fact checks.

Your ‘source’ is completely unreliable, devoid of credibility.

You and your fellow rightists are only embarrassing yourselves with these ridiculous lies.
Is that from the JFK movie, another movie about a heinous crime pulled in front of the nation's eyes
like Joe Biden's stealing of a presidential election?

Good choice, staying in character like that.
First of all, it is from Jurassic park.

Secondly, funny you should mention the JFK assassination.

In the 90's, congress authorized the rest of the classified JFK files to be declassified to the public by a sitting president in 2017. That happened to be Trump. But did he? NOPE, he took the side of the DEEP STATE that he supposedly rails against for rhetorical purposes, proving, once again, that you folks that only listen to the propaganda, don't know your head from a hole in the ground.

Here's Why Key JFK Files Held by the CIA Continue to Stay Secret

". . . Nate Jones, director of the FOIA Project of the non-profit National Security Archive, said, “I think Trump will act like the presidents before him and have his opinions dictated by the disingenuous but hair-on-fire memorandums from the intelligence agencies warning of ‘grave irreparable harm’ to US espionage capabilities if all the information about what US spies were doing nearly 55 years ago during the JFK assassination is released.”

Jones predicts “the intelligence community will instruct to the president to sign off on the continued withholding of a substantial amount of material, and the president will listen to their orders.”

Larry Sabato, University of Virginia professor and JFK author, concurs. “My bet is Trump will do whatever his new BFF Pompeo recommends. That means CIA will be protected.”

J. Pat Brown, executive editor of Muck Rock, a non-profit, collaborative investigative news site, said in an interview, “the original deadline was the last hope that the process would be held to any standard of control. [For the CIA] was more of a statement, ‘We can delay this as long as possible.’ So I would not be at all surprised if they continue to stall.”

Not in Your Lifetime

Phil Shenon, former New York Times reporter and JFK author, thinks last October was “the best shot” for full disclosure.

“I can’t see why, at a moment when his presidency is in greater peril, Trump would now risk antagonizing allies like Pompeo on something like this,” Shenon wrote in an email.

“It is worth noting,” he went on, “that Chief Justice Warren’s famous comment that Americans might not see some assassination documents ‘in your lifetime,’ later described as a blunder that did not reflect his real views, may prove to be true.. . . ."
Is that from the JFK movie, another movie about a heinous crime pulled in front of the nation's eyes
like Joe Biden's stealing of a presidential election?

Good choice, staying in character like that.
First of all, it is from Jurassic park.

Secondly, funny you should mention the JFK assassination.

In the 90's, congress authorized the rest of the classified JFK files to be declassified to the public by a sitting president in 2017. That happened to be Trump. But did he? NOPE, he took the side of the DEEP STATE that he supposedly rails against for rhetorical purposes, proving, once again, that you folks that only listen to the propaganda, don't know your head from a hole in the ground.

Here's Why Key JFK Files Held by the CIA Continue to Stay Secret

". . . Nate Jones, director of the FOIA Project of the non-profit National Security Archive, said, “I think Trump will act like the presidents before him and have his opinions dictated by the disingenuous but hair-on-fire memorandums from the intelligence agencies warning of ‘grave irreparable harm’ to US espionage capabilities if all the information about what US spies were doing nearly 55 years ago during the JFK assassination is released.”

Jones predicts “the intelligence community will instruct to the president to sign off on the continued withholding of a substantial amount of material, and the president will listen to their orders.”

Larry Sabato, University of Virginia professor and JFK author, concurs. “My bet is Trump will do whatever his new BFF Pompeo recommends. That means CIA will be protected.”

J. Pat Brown, executive editor of Muck Rock, a non-profit, collaborative investigative news site, said in an interview, “the original deadline was the last hope that the process would be held to any standard of control. [For the CIA] was more of a statement, ‘We can delay this as long as possible.’ So I would not be at all surprised if they continue to stall.”

Not in Your Lifetime

Phil Shenon, former New York Times reporter and JFK author, thinks last October was “the best shot” for full disclosure.

“I can’t see why, at a moment when his presidency is in greater peril, Trump would now risk antagonizing allies like Pompeo on something like this,” Shenon wrote in an email.

“It is worth noting,” he went on, “that Chief Justice Warren’s famous comment that Americans might not see some assassination documents ‘in your lifetime,’ later described as a blunder that did not reflect his real views, may prove to be true.. . . ."

So you are confirming that an unelected and unaccountable group actually runs the county
I would agree with that.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’! That’s the old line, isn’t it? Well, if that’s the case, then Democrats tried extra hard during the 2020 general election.

The left was determined to make Donald Trump a one-term president, despite lower taxes, record-low unemployment across the board, and Middle East peace deals galore.

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell is making it known that her team is on the case. They’re not going down without a fight.

Ought oh

While speaking with Mark Levin, Powell stated: “I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly with the states the suddenly went down, they stopped counting the votes. It was because the need was so great to President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Good grief! Seriously??


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Flag & Cross Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of poor sources, lack of transparency with ownership, and several failed fact checks.

Your ‘source’ is completely unreliable, devoid of credibility.

You and your fellow rightists are only embarrassing yourselves with these ridiculous lies.

You're an idiot
Stay in your bubble
The real world is not for you.
Once the AntiChrist system of government is in place, this will be the norm in every nation. No honest or Godly person will ever be able to hold office or be elected to office. And once they rise to sufficient numbers, world wide persecutions of Christians and Jew will begin.

There is no turning back if this is not exposed and allowed to stand. Many of you think you are fighting for an election result. You are wrong. You are fighting for your lives, and the lives of your friends and family.

Punishment Lists or Enemies Lists, and actually publicly talking about re-education camps which are actually concentration camps are not the things of a Republic, or even a quasi socialist state. It is pure Evil.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden



"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!"
Joe Biden
Once the AntiChrist system of government is in place, this will be the norm in every nation. No honest or Godly person will ever be able to hold office or be elected to office. And once they rise to sufficient numbers, world wide persecutions of Christians and Jew will begin.

There is no turning back if this is not exposed and allowed to stand. Many of you think you are fighting for an election result. You are wrong. You are fighting for your lives, and the lives of your friends and family.

Punishment Lists or Enemies Lists, and actually publicly talking about re-education camps which are actually concentration camps are not the things of a Republic, or even a quasi socialist state. It is pure Evil.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

View attachment 417724
View attachment 417723
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!"
Joe Biden
You are totally full of shit ! Biden never said that and never would! To claim that he did, toi spread such lies makes you aa dangerous demigod
It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing
Smartmatic and Dominion are completely separate companies with separate hardware and separate software.

Smartmatic was founded by a couple of Venezuelans. Whether or not they had anything to do with Maduro or Chavez is beyond the point. Smartmatic has nothing to do with Dominion.
So you are confirming that an unelected and unaccountable group actually runs the county
I would agree with that.
We deplorables call them the "Deep State" or the Administrative State....a group of human cockroaches
that cannot be contained or removed because they are ubiquitous and stay in Washington DC regardless
of who the president is.
And most of the time, like cockroaches, they carry on mostly out of sight although some cockroaches, like James Comey, will step out into the light and be exterminated for it.

Although cockroaches that make a big splash will be pushed out of the light invariably they will find refuge
as book publishers, universities and television news outlets will give them a nice home to nest in and
continue to befoul the American home, writ large.
If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’! That’s the old line, isn’t it? Well, if that’s the case, then Democrats tried extra hard during the 2020 general election.

The left was determined to make Donald Trump a one-term president, despite lower taxes, record-low unemployment across the board, and Middle East peace deals galore.

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell is making it known that her team is on the case. They’re not going down without a fight.

Ought oh

While speaking with Mark Levin, Powell stated: “I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections. And he realized when things were happening the way they were here, particularly with the states the suddenly went down, they stopped counting the votes. It was because the need was so great to President Trump that they had to go in and do a separate reset on the machines to have them come out for Biden.”
Good grief! Seriously??


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Flag & Cross Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of poor sources, lack of transparency with ownership, and several failed fact checks.

Your ‘source’ is completely unreliable, devoid of credibility.

You and your fellow rightists are only embarrassing yourselves with these ridiculous lies.

While I think these guys are just a bunch of conspiracy theorist with no evidence...

I would prefer a hand count like many other countries in the world.... Elections need anonymity and trust.

It is pretty hard (if not impossible) to give both when machine counting... Manual counting is close to impossible to have any major fraud or even the perception of fraud.. While counting would take a couple of days, it can have very few challenges...
The worst I have seen was it taking a week and that was because it was down to one vote in an election in Ireland in 2016. They were actually both from the same party (internal party rivalry in Ireland can be worst than between parties)

No one went to court (sometimes it does for spoilt votes, rarely)... Bunch of recounts asked and given by the returning officer... 10 days has been the longest in Ireland.

By the way Ireland has Multi Seat preference voting which involves multiple counts

This is a manual count. The counters are seated and there is a representative from each party there (called tally men). The counter makes a count but the tally men then compare notes and usually agree... Very hard to have a lack of trust in this system. They know the boxes from each area and the history of those boxes. They can see swings in just a few boxes, surprisingly accurate.
I will also point out that this is also highly popular. It takes a couple of days (due to multiple counts)... Returning officer then stands up and gives the results for that area... You still don't know for sure until they tell you...

But that is how it is done offically... Here is the UK prime minister getting declared elected... Worth a laugh.
The JFK coup was a molding experience is my life (I was ten when Kennedy was murdered) and it's off topic
but not entirely as ultra insider Joe Biden, like LBJ, is practiced in gaining and holding onto power no matter what.

One man was willing to blow out the president's brains in broad daylight in Dallas, Texas. Not him, personally
of course. And the other is willing to steal the presidency in front of the whole world through a variety of ways
(not him personally, of course).
And in both cases the media was only too happy to help out and do their part. They are cockroaches too.
It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing
Smartmatic and Dominion are completely separate companies with separate hardware and separate software.

Smartmatic was founded by a couple of Venezuelans. Whether or not they had anything to do with Maduro or Chavez is beyond the point. Smartmatic has nothing to do with Dominion.

You did or you did not see an "and" in there?
So you are confirming that an unelected and unaccountable group actually runs the county
I would agree with that.
We deplorables call them the "Deep State" or the Administrative State....a group of human cockroaches
that cannot be contained or removed because they are ubiquitous and stay in Washington DC regardless
of who the president is.
And most of the time, like cockroaches, they carry on mostly out of sight although some cockroaches, like James Comey, will step out into the light and be exterminated for it.

Although cockroaches that make a big splash will be pushed out of the light invariably they will find refuge
as book publishers, universities and television news outlets will give them a nice home to nest in and
continue to befoul the American home, writ large.

Correct -
George W. once talked about whoever the President was there would still be a group that set the parameters (paraphrasing)
You did or you did not see an "and" in there?
I did. However, it's not there for any enumerated reason. When you look at Powell's affidavit, it's all about Smartmatic. There's nothing about Dominion and no clear reason why a problem with Smartmatic would indicate a problem with Dominion. The only association is that they are both voting technology companies. This is guilt by association without even an association.
You did or you did not see an "and" in there?
I did. However, it's not there for any enumerated reason. When you look at Powell's affidavit, it's all about Smartmatic. There's nothing about Dominion and no clear reason why a problem with Smartmatic would indicate a problem with Dominion. The only association is that they are both voting technology companies. This is guilt by association without even an association.

Poor Coleytroll -

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