First he says we don't pay tariffs

the deficit ballooned because you're Republican W f***** up the economy and Obama have to fix it by stimulating it. The Republican recession ended under Obama.
If obummer "fixed" the economy, how come the trade deficit balloned under him? that was the policies, that fucking twat implemented...simple is your "obummer the saviour economy"

Because the trade deficits always go up as the economy gets better. This is pretty basic.

The trade deficit is nothing more than you, me and everyone else buying things that we want or need.

The more I get paid the higher my trade deficit with Best Buy and Golf Galaxy gets.
the deficit ballooned because you're Republican W f***** up the economy and Obama have to fix it by stimulating it. The Republican recession ended under Obama.
If obummer "fixed" the economy, how come the trade deficit balloned under him? that was the policies, that fucking twat implemented...simple is your "obummer the saviour economy"
The trade deficit has nothing to do with the recession. Learn economy. You're on the wrong thread.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Sounds like a tacit admission that he was wrong before.

FUnny you aren't celebrating that, if his previous claim bothered you so much.

I guess you're really just nothing but ,

View attachment 274237

Let me know when Trump actually admits to being wrong about anything. As far as I know it has never happened.

In today's environment, admitting anything just encourages attack. There is never acceptance of apology and forgiveness and building of bridges.

Stop living in the past grandpa. You and yours built this world. Trump and I just live in it.
Well, it's not really admission. It's just that Jina bet Trump couldn't take the heat, and they were probably right. Of course if he's reelected, nothing prevents him from doubling down.

I'm not quite sure why Correll found this funny. I said that if Trump gets reelected, he may bring the hammer down even harder on Jina. I thought Correll was a Trumpeteer. Whatever.

I think Trump is sincere in believing Jina has been screwing us for years. But I doubt he has the ability to do anything about it, really. It would require a worldwide coalition of trading partners, and Trump has pissed of the EU and is going with Boris and his miniscule gnp v. the EU now.

Not really. They benefit from massive trade surpluses with US.

We don't have to let that continue. We don't need anyone else to help with that.
Democrats would rather give China $500 Billion a year to build China's military and infrastructure and screw our companies out of their intellectual property. Democrats would rather China get the jobs instead of our people.

That's treason in my book.

China was allowed to enter the WTO with tariffs on goods imported to China to help them get a start competing on the world stage. Now they're the second biggest economy.

Why the fuck do they still need this handout?

Hey dumbass. It has nothing to do with Democrats. It's the American corporations who only care about the bottom line which have brought this about.

Two words: Cheap labor.

Of course it's also about the Democrats...under Obummer, the trade deficit increased by $100 billion in two years alone, reaching the peak of more than $400 billion...why was that?
how come, democrats have done zip to fix this? how come obummer told Americans that "those jobs ain't coming back" instead of fighting the necessary fight...sure, you could say tha Bush the lesser wasn't any different and in a sense, he wasn't..he was a fucking idiot and that quite literally.

Yes, cooperations are always looking for maximum profit and minimum cost...yet, it's the political caste which creates the matrix in which they have to operate and so far, nationalism has taken a backseat and with it the US population and that has to stop, simple as...
How else do you force cooperations to beneficial for the nation? Capitalism is great, but it sure needs regulations.

PS: what do you think? is China playing it fair and square? cause I certainly don't think so
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.

And Obama was right. Those jobs are not coming back because they have been automated away.

Only retards fall for the huckster's bullshit he's going to "bring jobs back from China". That's not where they went.

It's sheer laziness on Trump's part. He knows you dolts fall for that shit, and so he doesn't have to do the actual hard work of retooling our education system to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Sounds like a tacit admission that he was wrong before.

FUnny you aren't celebrating that, if his previous claim bothered you so much.

I guess you're really just nothing but ,

View attachment 274237

Let me know when Trump actually admits to being wrong about anything. As far as I know it has never happened.

In today's environment, admitting anything just encourages attack. There is never acceptance of apology and forgiveness and building of bridges.

Stop living in the past grandpa. You and yours built this world. Trump and I just live in it.
Well, it's not really admission. It's just that Jina bet Trump couldn't take the heat, and they were probably right. Of course if he's reelected, nothing prevents him from doubling down.
how many flights into Hong Kong the last three days?
Democrats would rather give China $500 Billion a year to build China's military and infrastructure and screw our companies out of their intellectual property. Democrats would rather China get the jobs instead of our people.

That's treason in my book.

China was allowed to enter the WTO with tariffs on goods imported to China to help them get a start competing on the world stage. Now they're the second biggest economy.

Why the fuck do they still need this handout?

Hey dumbass. It has nothing to do with Democrats. It's the American corporations who only care about the bottom line which have brought this about.

Two words: Cheap labor.

Of course it's also about the Democrats...under Obummer, the trade deficit increased by $100 billion in two years alone, reaching the peak of more than $400 billion...why was that?
how come, democrats have done zip to fix this? how come obummer told Americans that "those jobs ain't coming back" instead of fighting the necessary fight...sure, you could say tha Bush the lesser wasn't any different and in a sense, he wasn't..he was a fucking idiot and that quite literally.

Yes, cooperations are always looking for maximum profit and minimum cost...yet, it's the political caste which creates the matrix in which they have to operate and so far, nationalism has taken a backseat and with it the US population and that has to stop, simple as...
How else do you force cooperations to beneficial for the nation? Capitalism is great, but it sure needs regulations.

PS: what do you think? is China playing it fair and square? cause I certainly don't think so
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.

And Obama was right. Those jobs are not coming back because they have been automated away.

Only retards fall for the huckster's bullshit he's going to "bring jobs back from China". That's not where they went......

Then why are they fighting back? If this is all bullshit, than let him have his way, it doesn't work, nothing changes, and what is the problem?

His polices are only a problem, if you worry that they will work, and you don't want that.
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Democrats would rather give China $500 Billion a year to build China's military and infrastructure and screw our companies out of their intellectual property. Democrats would rather China get the jobs instead of our people.

That's treason in my book.

China was allowed to enter the WTO with tariffs on goods imported to China to help them get a start competing on the world stage. Now they're the second biggest economy.

Why the fuck do they still need this handout?

Hey dumbass. It has nothing to do with Democrats. It's the American corporations who only care about the bottom line which have brought this about.

Two words: Cheap labor.

Of course it's also about the Democrats...under Obummer, the trade deficit increased by $100 billion in two years alone, reaching the peak of more than $400 billion...why was that?
how come, democrats have done zip to fix this? how come obummer told Americans that "those jobs ain't coming back" instead of fighting the necessary fight...sure, you could say tha Bush the lesser wasn't any different and in a sense, he wasn't..he was a fucking idiot and that quite literally.

Yes, cooperations are always looking for maximum profit and minimum cost...yet, it's the political caste which creates the matrix in which they have to operate and so far, nationalism has taken a backseat and with it the US population and that has to stop, simple as...
How else do you force cooperations to beneficial for the nation? Capitalism is great, but it sure needs regulations.

PS: what do you think? is China playing it fair and square? cause I certainly don't think so
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.

And Obama was right. Those jobs are not coming back because they have been automated away.

Only retards fall for the huckster's bullshit he's going to "bring jobs back from China". That's not where they went.

It's sheer laziness on Trump's part. He knows you dolts fall for that shit, and so he doesn't have to do the actual hard work of retooling our education system to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

Jobs have also gone to other countries NOT USA
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.
fuck off're a lying piece of shit

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

here, you lying scumbag, read up on the issue before spouting the ususal leftist lies...took me 5 seconds to google, you're not even able to do that...pathetic
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession
What are you smoking? good shape? where? in the US...well, that is beyond stupid...a throttled, sold out economy...yeah...good shape Euro style..and that is not a compliment
The trade deficit has nothing to do with the recession. Learn economy. You're on the wrong thread.

Do you know anything about economics? obviously not! the trade deficit is the strongest and most visible marker for the general wrong direction, the economy is heading! shipping production overseas to fill domestic demant is a stupid thing to do..but than again: you are a obamanite drone...the NPC raw model...pathetic
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession
What are you smoking? good shape? where? in the US...well, that is beyond stupid...a throttled, sold out economy...yeah...good shape Euro style..and that is not a compliment
Unemployment down to 4% from 10 under gwb Employment 75 straight months of 6 digit gains almost a triple in our DOW What else do you want honest Abe,,,blood?
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?

Poor little mindless drone, can't do anything but parrot what you god tells you to say.

But, here I will throw you a bone, find a post from me saying Trump would start another world war, or that there would be a recession right Trump took office or that I thought he did anything illegal in regards to Russia...I will send you 10 bucks for each post you can find from me saying that shit.

You are just one more boring Trump worshiper that assumes because I do not bow down to your god that I must love the left.

I have no doubt you are further left than I am.
Do you know anything about economics? obviously not! the trade deficit is the strongest and most visible marker for the general wrong direction, the economy is heading! shipping production overseas to fill domestic demant is a stupid thing to do..but than again: you are a obamanite drone...the NPC raw model...pathetic

Are you really this fucking stupid?

The trade deficit gets larger when the economy is booming, and it shrinks during a recession.

Where the hell do you morons come from? Is there a factory pumping you all out?
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?

Poor little mindless drone, can't do anything but parrot what you god tells you to say.

But, here I will throw you a bone, find a post from me saying Trump would start another world war, or that there would be a recession right Trump took office or that I thought he did anything illegal in regards to Russia...I will send you 10 bucks for each post you can find from me saying that shit.

You are just one more boring Trump worshiper that assumes because I do not bow down to your god that I must love the left.

I have no doubt you are further left than I am.
I'm sorry to hear that. Really
Unemployment down to 4% from 10 under gwb Employment 75 straight months of 6 digit gains almost a triple in our DOW What else do you want honest Abe,,,blood?
Where did you get those numbers from? cause they smell like shit....hmm..your ass I guess...sorry, not into the homo stuff

here are the real numbers:
unemployment numbers 2016 usa - Google Search
more like 5% eh?

you want 4% and lower? well, you have to look to a real president:
unemployment numbers USA 2019 - Google Search

Those are President Trump's numbers

If you take over a crashed economy, the % numbers always look good..after all 2 is 100% more than 1, right? obummer was a moron traitor and the fact, that I was once for the guy is a stain on my vest...disgusting

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