First he says we don't pay tariffs

2018 again, huh? is that all you've got?

IT IS 2019..2018 was, when the tariffs took fucking stupid are you? are your parents related? sorry, but it isn;t our fault that mommy and daddy are siblings....all that California hippie love,eh....
Hey dipshit, 2019 isn't over yet.

And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

And you yourself posted a link showing the deficit is bigger. It takes a special retard to shoot himself in the crotch.

Face it, kid. Trump has exploded the trade deficit with China.

I feel like I'm kicking a three year old at this point. Doesn't seem fair. I'm going to have to hit myself in the head with a hammer to give you a fair chance.
And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

"And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot."

well,idiot, didn't you just tell us, that the deficit is decreasing because of a looming recession? what is it now, fuckwit?

oh, I're doing the CNN thing...disgusting...just keep your mouth shut, cause all you're doing is to embarress yourself you lunatic traitor
2018 again, huh? is that all you've got?

IT IS 2019..2018 was, when the tariffs took fucking stupid are you? are your parents related? sorry, but it isn;t our fault that mommy and daddy are siblings....all that California hippie love,eh....
Hey dipshit, 2019 isn't over yet.

And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

And you yourself posted a link showing the deficit is bigger. It takes a special retard to shoot himself in the crotch.

Face it, kid. Trump has exploded the trade deficit with China.

I feel like I'm kicking a three year old at this point. Doesn't seem fair. I'm going to have to hit myself in the head with a hammer to give you a fair chance.
And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

"And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot."

well,idiot, didn't you just tell us, that the deficit is decreasing because of a looming recession?
Nope. I did not say that. Put down the crack pipe, kid.

What I said is that the trade deficit with China has exploded under Trump. Right up to the present day. Let me know which words you don't understand.

Now where did I put that hammer...
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Think Sept I don't think it's over yet Maybe late Aug
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Think Sept I don't think it's over yet Maybe late Aug

You can buy now and again in Sept.
Nope. I did not say that. Put down the crack pipe, kid.

What I said is that the trade deficit with China has exploded under Trump. Right up to the present day. Let me know which words you don't understand.

Now where did I put that hammer...
exploded? like the $100 billion increase under obummer?


btw: what would YOU say has to be done to address the trade deficit?

come on, gigve us that leftist economics model for success...
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
Think Sept I don't think it's over yet Maybe late Aug

You can buy now and again in Sept.
IF FED moves 50 points in Sept markets should move up big Problem is with this up and down DOW who knows when it'll sink again
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.
I'm not sure of what he's responsible for anymore BUT I agree with Sanders Trump is an idiot
Lindsey Graham said ,,,,He's a race baiting xenophobic religious bigot a kook crazy and a man unfit for office ,,in 2015 My how the worm turned
All the boy can do is parrot Trump's talking points, talking points which now even Trump has moved past.
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.

Not all economies go through what we do.

Check out a book called Fragile By Design for more info if you like
I'm not sure of what he's responsible for anymore BUT I agree with Sanders Trump is an idiot
oh, if comrade Sanders says it, it must be true...yeah right...are we talking pinchy Sanders? the guy that screws his employees out of their righful pay?

thought so...

PS he runs now for the third time...who is here the idiot?
I'm not sure of what he's responsible for anymore BUT I agree with Sanders Trump is an idiot
oh, if comrade Sanders says it, it must be true...yeah right...are we talking pinchy Sanders? the guy that screws his employees out of their righful pay?

thought so...

PS he runs now for the third time...who is here the idiot?
What about what Graham said??
Lindsey Graham said ,,,,He's a race baiting xenophobic religious bigot a kook crazy and a man unfit for office ,,in 2015 My how the worm turned
the fact that Lindsey ran for president has nothing to do with that, eh? that's what's so despicable about you take everything out of context.

So, what should he have said about hios opponent? Trump is the right man for the job?

Last time I've checked, Killary bashed Obimbo quite a bit herself...OK,we do know that obimbo wasn't fit for office at any given time, so one has to make that distinction
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.
I'm not sure of what he's responsible for anymore BUT I agree with Sanders Trump is an idiot

I was talking about your words, equating a recession with the nation "crumbling".

It seems you have given up any attempt to defend your statement.

I guess that was just some shit you threw against the wall, and now you will move on to throwing some more shit, since someone pointed out that that last batch of shit, was just shit.

You new batch of shit? If you don't have any respect for the shit you post, then neither do I.

Consider it dismissed as shit.
800 point drop and the moron blames the Fed ? The man was NEVER fit for office
funny, coming from a guy who parrots the hate rethoric of the looney left and MSM fake news for three years now....tell me: where is the promised third world war, Trump was suppose to initiate? where is the recession which was suppose to happen right after Trump took office? where is the Russian collaboration? all those other million wack job conspiracies and foul mouth accusations...

the answer: nothing and nowhere... instead, the US is booming and coming back to in Europe, they were running their mouths about the US being the "superpower of yesterday" and not relevant anymore...when OBUMMER was in office...haven't heard anything of that vicious note anymore...the US deserve respect for what it is and always has been: the beacon of hope and civilization in the,why do you leftists hate it so much?
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.

Not all economies go through what we do.

Check out a book called Fragile By Design for more info if you like

You're making the claim that the expansion/recession cycle is some plan by someone?

That is a new one. I'd love to hear more.

I assume that this plan started well before Trump and will continue long after him. Indeed, I would imagine, that you would agree with me, in context, that blaming Trump for it, is as stupid as blaming him for the Sun setting.

Come on then. Say it. Agree with me.
Why do we hate it That's BS We don't hate it we love it and seeing our great country crumbling because of the FN mad man trump is what we hate Thank god Obama left us in good shape OR we'd already be in recession

A recession is not the nation crumbling. YOu are a lunatic.
Crumble crumble
A recession means a fall in GDP / national output. A recession will typically be characterised by high unemployment, falling average incomes, increased inequality and higher government borrowing. The impact of a recession depends on how long it lasts and the depth of the fall in output. The main costs of a recession will be

  1. Unemployment
  2. Rise in poverty
  3. Falling real incomes
  4. Increased inequality
  5. Less Tax revenue – higher borrowing
  6. Permanently lost output

Mmm, yeah, thanks for telling us what we all already know.

You let out the part that it is part of the normal economic cycle that all economies go though.

So, blaming Trump for it happening, is like blaming him for the sun setting.
I'm not sure of what he's responsible for anymore BUT I agree with Sanders Trump is an idiot

I was talking about your words, equating a recession with the nation "crumbling".

It seems you have given up any attempt to defend your statement.

I guess that was just some shit you threw against the wall, and now you will move on to throwing some more shit, since someone pointed out that that last batch of shit, was just shit.

You new batch of shit? If you don't have any respect for the shit you post, then neither do I.

Consider it dismissed as shit.
OK OK it doesn't bring us to our knees BUT the AH in the WH imo is mostly responsible BTW are you saying a recession is NBD?

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