First he says we don't pay tariffs

How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.
fuck off're a lying piece of shit

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

here, you lying scumbag, read up on the issue before spouting the ususal leftist lies...took me 5 seconds to google, you're not even able to do that...pathetic
Hey retard. You realize that when it says the trade deficit has reached a five month high, that means our deficit with China is bigger, right?

Right, retard? You get that, right?
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.
fuck off're a lying piece of shit

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

here, you lying scumbag, read up on the issue before spouting the ususal leftist lies...took me 5 seconds to google, you're not even able to do that...pathetic
Here you go, retard:

U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

The U.S. trade deficit in goods with China set a new record during President Donald Trump’s second year in office

Mexico can thank the US for its record-high trade surplus

Mexico sure is paying for TH3 WALLE, eh?

U.S. Trade Gap Surged to $621 Billion in 2018, Highest in Decade
Are you really this fucking stupid?

The trade deficit gets larger when the economy is booming, and it shrinks during a recession.

Where the hell do you morons come from? Is there a factory pumping you all out?

Dude, you are stupid..but why is that my problem? sorry, we aren't talking obummer economics here...

C'mon, I educate you little, tell many jobs were added in the past three years?

here are the numbers

what are these people, now employed, doing? oh, standing around I guess...they don't manufacture anything or so..right? like the steel plant in Auburn,MA for instance which was re-activated.

So..things are being produced and manufactured IN the USA to supply the demand...which means imports are going down....but logic was never your cup of only think in "foreigners have to make everything we need" kinda traitor economy...fuck off, and be ashamed of wanna be an American? you sure aren't!

How about we switch places? you belong into a sell-out country like Scotland and I am the better American anyways....traitor

you sleezy little fake news smear merchant,the numbers from 2018 are convinient, eh? you fiucking retarded liar...we all know what happened, when President Trump announced the tariffs....companies stocked is now 2019 you fucking retarded traitor bitch...what are the numbers NOW?

fucking moronic anti-American scumbag...go, move to China you piss pot excuse for a human being...even though they aren't hot on foreigners there...they love tools like you

you sleezy little fake news smear merchant,the numbers from 2018 are convinient, eh? you fiucking retarded liar...we all know what happened, when President Trump announced the tariffs....companies stocked is now 2019 you fucking retarded traitor bitch...what are the numbers NOW?

fucking moronic anti-American scumbag...go, move to China you piss pot excuse for a human being...even though they aren't hot on foreigners there...they love tools like you
You just posted a link yourself that the trade gap with China has gotten BIGGER! You are doing a fine job of proving yourself wrong. :lol:

Careful. You might pole vault into the number one position of dumbest poster I've seen on this forum to date.
How ironic you blind monkeys have failed to notice our trade deficit with China has exploded since Trump took office. Under a Republican President with a Republican Congress. I've started enough topics about it you should have noticed by now.
fuck off're a lying piece of shit

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

here, you lying scumbag, read up on the issue before spouting the ususal leftist lies...took me 5 seconds to google, you're not even able to do that...pathetic
Hey retard. You realize that when it says the trade deficit has reached a five month high, that means our deficit with China is bigger, right?

Right, retard? You get that, right?

you give him far too much credit

you sleezy little fake news smear merchant,the numbers from 2018 are convinient, eh? you fiucking retarded liar...we all know what happened, when President Trump announced the tariffs....companies stocked is now 2019 you fucking retarded traitor bitch...what are the numbers NOW?

fucking moronic anti-American scumbag...go, move to China you piss pot excuse for a human being...even though they aren't hot on foreigners there...they love tools like you
You just posted a link yourself that the trade gap with China has gotten BIGGER! You are doing a fine job of proving yourself wrong. :lol:

Careful. You might pole vault into the number one position of dumbest poster I've seen on this forum to date.
Maybe one day we can take a poll to see who is the dumbest Lincoln is in the top 3 for filthiest
Trump hates being number two. He hated being second in trade gaps to Obama. So he had to make it bigger.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

The trade deficit gets larger when the economy is booming, and it shrinks during a recession.

Where the hell do you morons come from? Is there a factory pumping you all out?

Dude, you are stupid..but why is that my problem? sorry, we aren't talking obummer economics here...

C'mon, I educate you little, tell many jobs were added in the past three years?

here are the numbers

what are these people, now employed, doing? oh, standing around I guess...they don't manufacture anything or so..right? like the steel plant in Auburn,MA for instance which was re-activated.

So..things are being produced and manufactured IN the USA to supply the demand...which means imports are going down....but logic was never your cup of only think in "foreigners have to make everything we need" kinda traitor economy...fuck off, and be ashamed of wanna be an American? you sure aren't!

How about we switch places? you belong into a sell-out country like Scotland and I am the better American anyways....traitor

These people are employed doing all sorts of things, not everyone wants to work in a factory or dig ditches like you.

Trade deficits are continuing to grow, because the people of the US are buying more things...that is what a trade deficit is, we the people buying things we want to buy.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

The trade deficit gets larger when the economy is booming, and it shrinks during a recession.

Where the hell do you morons come from? Is there a factory pumping you all out?

Dude, you are stupid..but why is that my problem? sorry, we aren't talking obummer economics here...

C'mon, I educate you little, tell many jobs were added in the past three years?

here are the numbers

what are these people, now employed, doing? oh, standing around I guess...they don't manufacture anything or so..right? like the steel plant in Auburn,MA for instance which was re-activated.

So..things are being produced and manufactured IN the USA to supply the demand...which means imports are going down....but logic was never your cup of only think in "foreigners have to make everything we need" kinda traitor economy...fuck off, and be ashamed of wanna be an American? you sure aren't!

How about we switch places? you belong into a sell-out country like Scotland and I am the better American anyways....traitor

These people are employed doing all sorts of things, not everyone wants to work in a factory or dig ditches like you.

Trade deficits are continuing to grow, because the people of the US are buying more things...that is what a trade deficit is, we the people buying things we want to buy.

View attachment 274377
There is also a correlation between budget deficits and trade deficits.

Trump and the GOP Congress DOUBLED our federal deficit in two years.

It's amazing anyone still falls for this idiot huckster's bullshit.
You just posted a link yourself that the trade gap with China has gotten BIGGER! You are doing a fine job of proving yourself wrong. :lol:
oh, never read more than the first line, eh? boy, why do I waste my time wioth retarded traitors like you?

read the whole thing....if you are smart enough to comprehend...(spoiler: a slight increase due to new tariffs with an immidiate drop off)
c'mon..retarded gave me numbers from 2018 you fucking cocksucking leftist scumbag....

How about you give me your passport and you get mine, eh? deal? you hate your country and want it to can live that here to the max...just like that German antifa Nazi in the immigration know, the one that makes up excuses for the guy from Eritrea who threw the 8 year old and his mother under the train? you are just as much a scumbag and hate your fellow, move here...Europe needs more people to drive it down the drain and you are prime material...
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW
2018 again, huh? is that all you've got?

IT IS 2019..2018 was, when the tariffs took fucking stupid are you? are your parents related? sorry, but it isn;t our fault that mommy and daddy are siblings....all that California hippie love,eh....
Hey dipshit, 2019 isn't over yet.

And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

And you yourself posted a link showing the deficit is bigger. It takes a special retard to shoot himself in the crotch.

Face it, kid. Trump has exploded the trade deficit with China.

I feel like I'm kicking a three year old at this point. Doesn't seem fair. I'm going to have to hit myself in the head with a hammer to give you a fair chance.
Now he says he's relaxing them because he doesn't want Americans getting hurt with higher prices BECAUSE of tariffs.,and to protect consumers who'll be Xmas shopping Americans aren't paying for tariffs just like we're not paying for the wall, because Mexico is Trump is one ****ed-** president

Another dedication thread. How big is the Trump tower in your head?
It got bigger today with the 800 point drop in the DOW

Good buying opportunity. I hope you take advantage.
2018 again, huh? is that all you've got?

IT IS 2019..2018 was, when the tariffs took fucking stupid are you? are your parents related? sorry, but it isn;t our fault that mommy and daddy are siblings....all that California hippie love,eh....
Hey dipshit, 2019 isn't over yet.

And I posted a link from March of this year showing the trade deficit is at a ten year high. Idiot.

And you yourself posted a link showing the deficit is bigger. It takes a special retard to shoot himself in the face.

Face it, kid. Trump has exploded the trade deficit with China.

I feel like I'm kicking a three year old at this point. Doesn't seem fair. I'm going to have to hit myself in the head with a hammer to give you a fair chance.

Easy with the language. Let's see how things progress.

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