First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

When Trump left we had record unemployment and a crashed economy. Amazing how you only remember the few months after Obama left when the economy he had humming was not yet destroyed by Trump.
You phuks can not even get water for your minions.
You phuks can not even get water for your minions.
Red state water problems in Mississippi. Texas power grid failure. We send so much federal blue money to red states for them to squander. It's a travesty but you cant cure dumb.
trump thugs tried to kill VP Pence and shut down the legal process of verifying the 2020 Presidential Election on Jan 6th, 2021. It was a FAILED insurrection. Another trump FAILURE.

Democrats changed election laws illegally and continue to use and subvert the court system because they have no idea how to win without cheating and lying.
Democrats changed election laws illegally and continue to use and subvert the court system because they have no idea how to win without cheating and lying.
Meh, fascist masturbation... you people are a threat to our future...
I hope Griffin fights this.
All he got charged with was being on restricted grounds.
This is what it said in the article....

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars any person from holding federal or state office who took an “oath…to support the Constitution of the United States” as an “officer of any State” and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or gave “aid or comfort” to insurrectionists.

And this is what the judge said in her or his's a PDF and I can't copy it....but she describes all of the events he held and what he did and said at other stop the steal and cowboys for Trump events leading up to 1/6.

Looks like he was not just someone who ended up over the restricted area.

This is what it said in the article....

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars any person from holding federal or state office who took an “oath…to support the Constitution of the United States” as an “officer of any State” and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or gave “aid or comfort” to insurrectionists.

And this is what the judge said in her or his's a PDF and I can't copy it....but she describes all of the events he held and what he did and said at other stop the steal and cowboys for Trump events leading up to 1/6.

Looks like he was not just someone who ended up over the restricted area.

Its all he got charged with. And it wasnt an "insurrection" as bad as you bedwetters want it to be
Republicans sued and brought changes to the Court, and lost prior to those very minor changes, different in each state, of which the Court said were ok, were used.

No one cheated or broke the law, they followed court rulings, that were equal opportunity for both republicans and democrats, not just changes for democrats.

1 out of the 60 court cases, did republicans appeal the court decision..... The appeals courts in the end, sided with republican legislators....and in that case, which came 3 months or longer after the election, did not have enough votes cast that way, that could change the results of the election, if they were all thrown out....Biden still won.
Its all he got charged with. And it wasnt an "insurrection" as bad as you bedwetters want it to be
Read the pdf, she or he details insurrection and rebellion LEGAL terms and definition.

He also incited violence, prior events and during 1/6.
Read the pdf, she or he details insurrection and rebellion LEGAL terms and definition.

He also incited violence, prior events and during 1/6.
I have posted case law. IDC what that left wing judge said. All federal supremacist are fucking liars.
CREW said the decision also marks the first time that a judge ruled the events of Jan. 6 were an insurrection.

“This is a historic win for accountability for the January 6th insurrection and the efforts to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power in the United States. Protecting American democracy means ensuring those who violate their oaths to the Constitution are held responsible,” said CREW President Noah Bookbinder. “This decision makes clear that any current or former public officials who took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and then participated in the January 6th insurrection can and will be removed and barred from government service for their actions.”

Except there was no rebellion or insurrection.

Just because you call a riot those things, does not make them those things.
How in the world can you claim there wasn’t a rebellion or insurrection?!

A riot as you admit there was, at the capital with the intent to stop the certification of an election is quite literally the definition of insurrection.
Doesn't matter. He'll be removed for malfeasance and violation of his oath.

Hey asshole, we're done saying. We're doing now. Your judge will go the way of Chesa Boudin.

Done. Bye. See ya.
Haha. I was right. You don’t know anything about this judge. You’re just talking out of your ass.
Nice try. Try Google.
Good poster Scruffy, you are failing at this.
Part of it is my fault, in that I can lead a horse to water but I cannot make him fish.
Meaning, you may not be capable of doing due diligence, of crafting a persuasive position, of offering the forum a narrative that is understandable and credible. It may simply not be in your nature or your education.

The porridge boils down to this Scruffy: YOU made a claim. My avatar did not.
Ergo---YOU need to back up your claim with plausible, hopefully credible, details on why you are right, why you feel comfortable in making your claim that all federal agencies 'stated their was no insurrection'.

If you cannot do that. If you refuse to do that. If you do not do that.
Well then, there are those on this chatroom who may very well call you dishonest. Or incompetent. Or too young to really be here.
Good luck. We hope you will strive to be a better version of you.

A MINOR RIOT does NOT equal an "insurrection
It can be. But in this case, that is irrelevant.
The suggestion that what happened to those 140 uniformed federal officers who were injured, not to mention the many others who were roughed up, hit, sprayed, and wrestled down....perhaps, would not be described as "minor" to them or to their families. And in some cases, to their grieving survivors.


A MINOR RIOT does NOT equal an "insurrection .......You are NOT a part of THIS country and you are NOT one of the "good guys."
Well, see above about this mischaracterization of the J6 attack on our elected legislators, assaults on uniformed police, and vandalism of the Capitol of the United States of "minor".
But moving beyond that unfortunate mistake by poster Angel, let us note the good poster Tommy Tainant has never---to the best of my knowledge---ever claimed to be part of the US citizenry. Why would poster Death Angel infer that he had claimed such?
If Death Angel thinks Tommy has made such a claim.....well, Angel, show us.
Don't simply make unsupported inferences. It makes you look unprepared for adult discussion.
No offense intended.


Just dont fuck it up.
Too late! It's been fucked up. We need to hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot
Poster Tommy, if I may ---- you will note that those who wish to "Delete" America, who want to "reboot" our governance......are, more than likely, the losers, the failures, the ne'er-do-wells of American society. For whatever reason, and I'm sure it varies by individual. Could be poor parenting, inadequate education, lack of motivation, an IQ issue, bad luck, whatever. But it seems the anger and spoiling for a fight ethic that permeates those folks is concentrated in those who are unhappy with the life they have created for themselves and their families.
It is a corrosive unhappiness.....that has found a home in MAGAstan, and its' paladin, DTrump.
I know. It is sad.

But, you need know that here in America there are plenty of winners, plenty of people who strived for an education, who work hard, who built a successful life for them and their families. Those people ---and they are the vast vast majority of Americans.....are NOT looking to 'reboot' America. Those people....know America is not f*cked-up. Yes, it is sad about the others. But every society, every culture has dead-enders. It is the nature of things.


Democrats changed election laws illegally

Show us.
Prove it.
Court rulings?
How in the world can you claim there wasn’t a rebellion or insurrection?!

A riot as you admit there was, at the capital with the intent to stop the certification of an election is quite literally the definition of insurrection.

That had no mechanism to stop the transfer of power, nor did it in any way prevent it from happening weeks later, when it was supposed to happen.

Unlike CHAZ/CHOP where local government authority was actually usurped for MONTHS.

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