First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Can’t help it if they are losers and can’t get elected.
Brilliant. So the reason Democrats remain in power in this state is because they are CORRUPT. Thanks for giving your seal of approval on that.

Now fuck off.
"for the most part"? :rofl: :rofl:
For NO part, you mean.
You are beginning to be boring.
It not impossible for people to be charged with rioting or insurrection but it is a rarity that they do get charged with either and it’s certainly not necessary for people to be prosecuted with those specific charges for there to be an actual riot or insurrection
Brilliant. So the reason Democrats remain in power in this state is because they are CORRUPT. Thanks for giving your seal of approval on that.

Now fuck off.
You need to put fake words in my mouth to try and win an argument?! Haha. Ok sugar cakes. Whatever floats your boat
Nope. That’s exactly what you said. So again. Fuck off. You are a waste of air.
Y’all get so mad when you lose arguments and try so hard to push your opposition away. I’m not here to force conversation. Your tactics aren’t clever though
I hope Griffin fights this.
All he got charged with was being on restricted grounds.
In the judgment, the court states that Griffin “assumed a leadership role in the mob by using a bullhorn to gain the crowd’s attention,” “Griffin’s crossing of barricades to approach the Capitol were overt acts in support of the insurrection” and he “incited, encouraged, and helped normalize the violence on January 6.”
This part of the 14th Amendment was intended to keep former Confederates from being elected to office.

Not someone who participated in an ill-considered riot.
In the judgment, the court states that Griffin “assumed a leadership role in the mob by using a bullhorn to gain the crowd’s attention,” “Griffin’s crossing of barricades to approach the Capitol were overt acts in support of the insurrection” and he “incited, encouraged, and helped normalize the violence on January 6.”

OMG a bullhorn!!! It's an insurrection....bull horns kill people!!!!

Good gawd
I'm an independent conservative, I claim no party. I think you all equally suck ass. You do for sure, brown nose
Cool. I love what you've done with the conservative choices in the US. Keep up the good work.
In the judgment, the court states that Griffin “assumed a leadership role in the mob by using a bullhorn to gain the crowd’s attention,” “Griffin’s crossing of barricades to approach the Capitol were overt acts in support of the insurrection” and he “incited, encouraged, and helped normalize the violence on January 6.”
Has Trump put a message on his failing social media platform yet, saying how unfairly Griffin was treated and calling the judge a Nazi?

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