First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

I'm English. Well, hang on. We're my ancestors English, or were they Vikings etc..

Were your ancestors Native Indians? Were they immigrants. Does my Jack Russell have more brain cells than you? That's a yes.

To say you are you native, you're thick as fuck.
You are ignoring what terms actually mean, and for what? Do you want to look stupid?
Good grief.
"There has only been 5 people( I believe it was 5) that have been charged with that and thats because they allegedly planned on doing some crazy shit. You guys rhetoric is nothing but bullshit."
Well, first.....I have no idea who your are including in "you guys". Couldn't be me. 'Cause I do this gossipboard gig all by my lonesome. So there is that.

And then as far as the 'rhetoric = bullshit' suggestion....well, I'm not so sure.
Leastwise, those 5 (or more) blokes charged with 'seditious conspiracy' likely feel that if their predictment is only 'rhetoric'....well, it has gotten awfully serious and awfully painful......for just rhetoric.

Accountability is a due bill.
Somebody's gotta pay it.


"Every federal agency involved has declared an insurrection did not occur"
"Every federal agency involved"....????
How many would that be? Seems like it would be a lot. Can you list 'em?
And then, they all "declared" no insurrection?

"No insurrection"? By all of the agencies?

Umm, show the forum whatcha got there good poster W53.
Show us your links to those agencies' public pronouncements.

Let's give you a break.....just show us, say 6 such pronouncements. No need for you to find links to all 20? 30? agencies' declarations.

Six will do.
So saddle up, Slim.
Show the forum you do your due diligence. That you are credible.
That you got game.
"Biden is in the WH because the criminals who run this country put him there with massive fraud."

Prove it.
Or go.
Cowboy up, poster Lastamender.
Don't be a silly boobird who cannot back up his own word.

We expect better from you.
See post #112,
Poor poster Lastamender.
The USMB forum appears to be a bridge-to-far for his abilities and his educational level.
That is sad.
Well, first.....I have no idea who your are including in "you guys". Couldn't be me. 'Cause I do this gossipboard gig all by my lonesome. So there is that.

And then as far as the 'rhetoric = bullshit' suggestion....well, I'm not so sure.
Leastwise, those 5 (or more) blokes charged with 'seditious conspiracy' likely feel that if their predictment is only 'rhetoric'....well, it has gotten awfully serious and awfully painful......for just rhetoric.

Accountability is a due bill.
Somebody's gotta pay it.


"Every federal agency involved"....????
How many would that be? Seems like it would be a lot. Can you list 'em?
And then, they all "declared" no insurrection?

"No insurrection"? By all of the agencies?

Umm, show the forum whatcha got there good poster W53.
Show us your links to those agencies' public pronouncements.

Let's give you a break.....just show us, say 6 such pronouncements. No need for you to find links to all 20? 30? agencies' declarations.

Six will do.
So saddle up, Slim.
Show the forum you do your due diligence. That you are credible.
That you got game.
Your British carnival barker cadence is hokey. I do not provide links to issues that have been discussed here for months. Do your own research and stop the “prove yourself innocent” bull shit
And Nigel I never need to step up to the plate because I’m always knocking them out of the park. .
Every federal agency involved has declared an insurrection did not occur
I do not provide links to issues that have been discussed here for months.
I never need to step up to the plate because I’m always knocking them out of the park. .
Umm, with all due respect, and with no intention to be dismissive or pejorative, but.....but, poster W53, I find the above comments of yours to be un-persuasive in:
1. Their veracity
2. And, your ability to back up your own word.

In short, poster W53, I kinda sorta suspect you have nothing to back yourself up with. You are making it up. It is possible you are a fake and a phony. I'm not saying you are. It just looks like that is so.

As far as "every federal agency"....declared an insurrection did not occur.
Well, I don't believe that is true.
And, I think you made it up as a tactic to advance your polemic.
As such it is dishonest. Prove me wrong. Show us those agencies.
And meet the forum's expectations for responsible participation here.

Second, as far as providing links to previously discussed issues.....well, amigo, I don't recall ever hearing any single poster claim what you claimed. That is, "every single agency" said "no insurreciton".
So, that too......leads me to think you are fibbing, or your are simply ignorant, or you are lost in wishful-thinking. (It's a U-Pick-Em).

Lastly, "always-knocking-them-out-of-the-park".......well, mein freund, you be you. Nobody here wishes to discount your own high regard for your own postings. Nobody here wants to judge you. But.........
Every federal agency that looked into “insurrection” concluded there was none. That info and conclusion began to be detailed here Last Year . Libs like to fakely use the word still and you like to fakely demand via garbled word salad that all those posts be reassembled for your blessing.
Every federal agency that looked into “insurrection” concluded there was none.

I call out the poster W53 to prove his assertion.*
Or go.

*Although, we will allow the good poster W53 to exercise his option for 'goal-post-mobility'. Meaning, he's gone from every federal agency now every federal agency that's looked into it.

That's OK.

Because I think he is wrong on both counts.
And he has refused, or cannot....or in any case, prove himself right at either goalpost position.

His avatar may simply be a fake and phony......merely here to advance a polemic.
No one need fret about that. No harm. No foul. It is the internet.
Biden is in the WH because the criminals who run this country put him there with massive fraud. The end.
So.... it's been a breeze to investigate, find, and charge 842 people from Jan 6, convict 220, with the rest still pending for mobbing the capital (37 sedition charges) but in 2 whole years there has been zero legal challenges to the criminals you think created massive fraud in a national election? Get a grip. There was no fraud.

Everything Chilledcotex is having an orchestrated tantrum about has already been provided at USMB during this year and last
Like most libs it doesn’t want to do the work and keeps hollering that it be done for it.

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