First it was confederate monuments now statues offensive to Native Americans are poised to topple ..

Coming to light that a lot of the statue haters feel like they are being stared down upon with disdain by the statue

Man. Talk about infantile obsession with self morphing into some fantasy land history erasing

It shouldn't be "coming to light" --- that was the whole point in the Lost Cause artifacts. Maybe you just weren't paying attention.

Again, it's not the inanimate object of a statue or plaque or other monument that "stares down" at the oppressed --- it's the intent put there by the monument-erectors that put them there in high-traffic PUBLIC spaces, specifically for that purpose. As was noted here:

The first monument that city took down was a tribute to an 1874 coup d'êtat staged by a Klan-like group called the White League. And before it was a plaque it was a large obelisk (35 feet tall) at the foot of Canal Street, i.e. the most prominent spot in the city, festooned with an inscription celebrating how that event "recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state." Meaning that's when the city imposed segregation. And it stood there for almost a hundred years, in the busiest corner of downtown, reminding all, white and black, which one was in charge and which one was despised.

That obelisk, and its inscription, have now been gone for years. Don't remember anybody wailing about "losing our history". But I know a lot of black people in New Orleans who appreciate its disappearance.

The White League was a white supremacist/terrorist/insurgent organization, one of dozens of such groups that coalesced after the Civil War including the Klan. Only the racist supporters of that White League complained when the obelisk was removed in 1989, and got the plaque in its place.

And as far as messages conveyed by them, again as noted upthread: --- a statue of a Native American in a headdress kneeling before a westward-facing pioneer --- if you don't get the meaning of that, you need to see a doctor.

Another monument of the Lost Cause Cult was a tribute to the Klan itself -- a plaque on the building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, where the Klan was originally formed in 1865. It was hung there by the UDC mentioned above, in 1917 --- again right in the heart of the Lost Cause propaganda push. And it hung there until the 1990s when the building was sold and the new owner turned the plaque backwards so that it now reads nothing at all, his way of the town "turning its back" on that Klan history.

Again, the only ones who complained about that plaque being turned around were contemporary Klanners who gathered there annually to 'celebrate' their racist assholicity.

Context, dood. Seek it. And take note of the company you might be keeping when you don't.
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It's all about taking history and remaking it. The United States was never great, it was made out of racism, colonialism, any other ism you can think of. It should be dismantled and returned to the blacks and mexicans. That's what they want. Of course blacks, mexicans, native Americans are never actually going to see the spoils of the bones being picked. The left has other plans. The same kind of plans they have everywhere they raised an ugly head.

Lost Cause cleanup began when Nikki Haley took the Stars and Bars down from the state house in South Carolina, so --- so much for your 'the left' fantasies, shoot-for-brains.
if we take down the statues, we'll forget all our history.

look at germany- no statues for any of the really cool dudes from the third reich like hitler, goering and goebbels and nobody in germany remembers ww2.

let's not make the same mistake :thup:
Coming to light that a lot of the statue haters feel like they are being stared down upon with disdain by the statue

Man. Talk about infantile obsession with self morphing into some fantasy land history erasing
I feel the Lincoln Memorial does that. I want it removed. When I was there I felt oppressed by him looking down on me, all huge, sitting on his throne. I was desperate to find a safe space to cry about it.
And your feelings now supplant fact. Social justice is working
I just want to shamelessly point out that I operate a statue and memorials sanctuary, on my farm. Statues and memorials of any kind, size or material makeup are welcomed. Transportation is at the owners cost. If your town regains the desire to reinstall the statue or memorial, you can reclaim it for free, again transportation costs are on you.
I offer ten very secluded acres, surrounded by almost 1200 acres of very secluded land.
Nobody will be offended here, there is nobody to be offended. Statues and memorials may be used as decoys against intruders. Statues of confederate generals on horseback preferred, one one either side of my gate would be outstanding.
I operate the largest statue and memorials sanctuary in my part of the state, and the only one. It would be nice if I actually had a statue or memorial, so hopefully some town council person will see my post. Only 30 miles south of some exit on I40 you never heard of. Free hat!
The left wants to dismantle all of American history and replace it with a narrative proving the country should not exist.
Right whiners want to honor those who did horrible things. They love their Confederate heroes. You know, the ones that declared war on our country. to defend enslaving people. Usually,they are called traitors but we all know, with the election of Trump, how they love traitors.

Hitler is part of history so why not erect statues of him everywhere?

History belongs in museums & historical sites.

Real history belong in our books but it is the Conservatives looking to eliminate the awful shit we did to the Native Americans.
Well maybe we should remove all FDR statues and change the streets named after him, considering he put all the Japanese in interment camps during WWII? But noooo.

Hey, if you can find statues of FDR in public spaces looking down on Japanese citizens to let 'em know who's boss, get back to us.
Wow what a fuckin' dipshit! The most famous FDR statue is in Washington DC and FDR Drive is a well known artery that New Yorkers travel. So are you saying that there are no Japenese Americans that reside in those two cities?!
I just want to shamelessly point out that I operate a statue and memorials sanctuary, on my farm. Statues and memorials of any kind, size or material makeup are welcomed. Transportation is at the owners cost. If your town regains the desire to reinstall the statue or memorial, you can reclaim it for free, again transportation costs are on you.
I offer ten very secluded acres, surrounded by almost 1200 acres of very secluded land.
Nobody will be offended here, there is nobody to be offended. Statues and memorials may be used as decoys against intruders. Statues of confederate generals on horseback preferred, one one either side of my gate would be outstanding.
I operate the largest statue and memorials sanctuary in my part of the state, and the only one. It would be nice if I actually had a statue or memorial, so hopefully some town council person will see my post. Only 30 miles south of some exit on I40 you never heard of. Free hat!
Well, as long as you report any illegal statues that have committed crimes to ICE, so they can arrested and removed from our communities then I'm fine with it.
I just want to shamelessly point out that I operate a statue and memorials sanctuary, on my farm. Statues and memorials of any kind, size or material makeup are welcomed. Transportation is at the owners cost. If your town regains the desire to reinstall the statue or memorial, you can reclaim it for free, again transportation costs are on you.
I offer ten very secluded acres, surrounded by almost 1200 acres of very secluded land.
Nobody will be offended here, there is nobody to be offended. Statues and memorials may be used as decoys against intruders. Statues of confederate generals on horseback preferred, one one either side of my gate would be outstanding.
I operate the largest statue and memorials sanctuary in my part of the state, and the only one. It would be nice if I actually had a statue or memorial, so hopefully some town council person will see my post. Only 30 miles south of some exit on I40 you never heard of. Free hat!

That's nice, but from your description of where you live it wouldn't serve the purpose of a statue, which is to send a message. Obviously when a message is your mission you want that message to reach the biggest possible audience, which is why the Lost Cause ones were all plunked about in town squares, in front of public buildings, major roadway intersections, etc. To maximize their visibility, and therefore their audience.

This is getting back to the distinction refuting the mythology that statues represent "history" and therefore removing them is "removing history". Because of course what they actually represent is a specific take on history, a value judgment thereof. It's kind of hilarious that the same contingent that complains, legitimately, about 'biased commentary rendered as news', then takes the complete opposite position on biased statue commentary rendered as history.

As I like to say, "Having it both ways --- priceless".
Coming to light that a lot of the statue haters feel like they are being stared down upon with disdain by the statue

Man. Talk about infantile obsession with self morphing into some fantasy land history erasing

It shouldn't be "coming to light" --- that was the whole point in the Lost Cause artifacts. Maybe you just weren't paying attention.

Again, it's not the inanimate object of a statue or plaque or other monument that "stares down" at the oppressed --- it's the intent put there by the monument-erectors that put them there in high-traffic PUBLIC spaces, specifically for that purpose. As was noted here:

The first monument that city took down was a tribute to an 1874 coup d'êtat staged by a Klan-like group called the White League. And before it was a plaque it was a large obelisk (35 feet tall) at the foot of Canal Street, i.e. the most prominent spot in the city, festooned with an inscription celebrating how that event "recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state." Meaning that's when the city imposed segregation. And it stood there for almost a hundred years, in the busiest corner of downtown, reminding all, white and black, which one was in charge and which one was despised.

That obelisk, and its inscription, have now been gone for years. Don't remember anybody wailing about "losing our history". But I know a lot of black people in New Orleans who appreciate its disappearance.

The White League was a white supremacist/terrorist/insurgent organization, one of dozens of such groups that coalesced after the Civil War including the Klan. Only the racist supporters of that White League complained when the obelisk was removed in 1989, and got the plaque in its place.

And as far as messages conveyed by them, again as noted upthread: --- a statue of a Native American in a headdress kneeling before a westward-facing pioneer --- if you don't get the meaning of that, you need to see a doctor.

Another monument of the Lost Cause Cult was a tribute to the Klan itself -- a plaque on the building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, where the Klan was originally formed in 1865. It was hung there by the UDC mentioned above, in 1917 --- again right in the heart of the Lost Cause propaganda push. And it hung there until the 1990s when the building was sold and the new owner turned the plaque backwards so that it now reads nothing at all, his way of the town "turning its back" on that Klan history.

Again, the only ones who complained about that plaque being turned around were contemporary Klanners who gathered there annually to 'celebrate' their racist assholicity.

Context, dood. Seek it. And take note of the company you might be keeping when you don't.

Lengthy blather communicating nothing
HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE LIBERAL EYES: This is why PUTIN took over yet american idiots are bringing Communist Russia here this is how these assholes want our Country to be...... better wake up before it's too late dumbasses.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

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