First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is even an ultra-whackazoid website dedicated to trashing her every move. I think it is called "Michelle's Mirror".

To combat this insanity, I want to take second and reflect on who our First Ladies have been and to say quite openly that I, as a Democrat, have liked all of the ones I have encountered live AND those over whom I have read a great deal.

A lot of shit has been thrown around over the costs incurred by First Ladies, but virtually all of them have incurred costs - this is very natural and EXPECTED perk that comes with the Presidency, and Presidents of both parties have made full use of this perk.

Currently, next to our current FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, there are five former First Ladies still living, thank goodness:


Former First Lady Laura Bush (2001-2009), former First Lady Hillary Clinton (1993-2001), Former First Lady Barbara Bush (1989-1993) and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter (1977-1981). Not pictured: Nancy Reagan.

Each one of these ladies is a model of grace and excellence and kindness in her own unique way.

Maybe it would help were people to do less bitching and more reading. Want to know how the title as we know it came into being? Then read here:

First Lady of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a complete listing of the FLOTUSes throughout our nation's history:

List of First Ladies of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Within the wiki is also a pretty good description of what a FLOTUS does:

The First Lady of the United States is the hostess of the White House. The position is traditionally filled by the wife of the president of the United States, but, on occasion, the title has been applied to women who were not presidents’ wives, such as when the president was a bachelor or widower, or when the wife of the president was unable to fulfill the duties of the First Lady herself. The First Lady is not an elected position; it carries no official duties and receives no salary. Nonetheless, she attends many official ceremonies and functions of state either along with or in place of the president. Traditionally, the First Lady does not hold outside employment while occupying the office.[1] She has her own staff, including the White House Social Secretary, the Chief of Staff, the Press Secretary, the Chief Floral Designer, and the Executive Chef. The Office of the First Lady is also in charge of all social and ceremonial events of the White House, and is a branch of the Executive Office of the President.

According to the White House and the National First Ladies' Library, there have been forty-six First Ladies and forty-seven First Ladyships. This discrepancy exists because Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms and is counted chronologically as both the twenty-second and the twenty-fourth president; his wife Frances Folsom Cleveland is also counted twice.

The White House website keeps bios of all of our First Ladies:

The First Ladies | The White House

And here is also a very good website for such:

First Ladies of the United States

There is a lot of GOOD material about our First Ladies from the above links. I would recommend that you begin reading to see what interesting and unique and wonderful individuals they were.

I will start contributing material about each FLOTUS over the course of the year.

But right now, I would like to say some kind (and historically accurate) things about First Ladies within most peoples' living memory.

Being born in 1963, the first FLOTUS I have in memory is Ladybird Johnson, but Jackie Onassis (formerly Kennedy) was still quite on the scene and very beloved.

Jackie Kennedy was a model of charm and grace an genteel-ness. I cannot imagine any person in the world wanting to say something nasty about that woman. Alone, having to bear the grief and loss of her husband, John Kennedy, should be enough to simply honor her and her fine memory.

Ladybird Johnson (Claudia Taylor Johnson) was a great lover of nature and she brought that love of nature with her into both the Vice-President's mansion and then into the White House. She is probably best known for her involvement in Head-Start for Pre-K kids.

Pat Nixon was a former High School teacher and lover of theater. In fact, she and Dick Nixon were cast in the same play and there they met and fell in love with each other. As FLOTUS, Pat Nixon worked tirelessly to get people to do volunteer service. She is also probably best known for inviting tons of people to non-denomination ecumenical church services every Sunday.

Betty Ford is one of my favorite First Ladies. Like Gerald Ford, she was a "lucky accident" for our nation. She was Gerald Ford's guiding hand in many matters. The two truly loved each other right through their last days on earth. She had to undergo breast cancer in 1974, and by going public about her cancer, she embolded a lot of women to get themselves checked out. Who knows how many lives Betty Ford saved by simply being an advocate for preventative medicine. Betty Ford also did our nation a big service by coming out as an ex-First Lady and admitting her own alcoholism - again, breaking a lot of tabus. Who knows how many lives Betty Ford may have saved by having been an advocate for getting treatment for alcoholism. And the Betty Ford clinic is still open today. What an incredible woman she was. I also believe that Betty Ford was the first FLOTUS ever to appear on a TV sitcom (or two). I believe she did a neat cameo either in the Bob Newhart show or the Mary Tyler Moore show - or both.

Rosalyn Carter tends to be forgotten some, mostly because she was a very quiet person. A skilled speaker, but a quiet, genteel person with a love of the fine arts, for which she advocated. Both she and then Second-Lady Joan Mondale were great lovers of the fine arts. I would wager that you cannot find even one mean or sour quote from Rosalyn Carter, who, like her husband, is a born-again Christian (Southern Baptist).

Nancy Reagan was the second divorcee in a row, after Betty Ford, to have married a future President in her second marriage. Those two lovely women together broke the tabu that a First Lady somehow could not be a divorcee. Considered aloof by many people, Nancy was anything but aloof. She was an intensely concentrated person and spent tons of time behind the scenes helping veterans and the homeless. She supported the foster Grandparent Program and wrote a book about it in 1982, the year I graduated from High School. She is probably best known for her "Just say no" to drugs program. I always liked and respected her.

Many saw Barbara Bush as the grandmother whom everyone wanted to have in their family. Barbara Bush advocated strongly for literacy programs. VERY STRONGLY. She was the first FLOTUS to advocate for public awareness about HIV/AIDS. I adore Barbara Bush and hopes she still lives a very long time.

With Hillary Clinton, a lot of "molds" were broken, or perhaps re-introduced. Hillary was on the campaign trail in 1992 for her husband Bill more than any other First Lady in our history. She made the first real attempts at Health Care Reform. Like Nancy Reagan before her, Mrs. Clinton wrote a book: "It takes a Village" (1996), for which she received a Grammy. She was and still is a strong advocate for women's issues. And of course, she is the only FLOTUS in history to go on to become a US Senator, a serious Presidential candidate, a Secretary of State and a likely presidential candidate again. I don't think that any FLOTUS in history has as high a name recognition or public profile like Hillary Clinton.

Laura Bush is one of the most charming FLOTUSes I have ever seen up close. I even got to shake her hand once. A truly nice person. Laura was the key force behind then President Bush's "No Child left behind" program. Laura Bush was a main supporter of women's rights in Afghanistan. She is the first FLOTUS ever to give the President's weekly radio address (November, 2001). Laura Bush is the most travelled FLOTUS in history, having visited all 50 states on behalf on the President and 73 foreign countries. She was on a foreign trip for 212 days out of her husband's 2-term presidency, a lot of it in Africa, having advocated for AIDS prevention and hunger prevention, causes that President Bush himself took up, to his great credit. In spite of all sort of partisan strife from 2001-2009, I found Laura Bush to be a class act. Just as I find the current FLOTUS.

I think that history will smile upon Michelle Obama for her "let's move" program to combat obesity, a real problem in the USA, and worldwide. Really not much more to say about her, she he is often in the news, as most FLOTUSes are during their time in the White House.


It's time for people to stop snarking about and attacking our current FLOTUS. She is doing nothing that other FLOTUSes have not done. She is filling the role of First Lady as we have seen other first ladies do. And I personally find that people who attack her must be serverely lacking in a lot of categories, not the least of which is sanity.
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It's time for people to stop snarking about and attacking our current FLOTUS. She is doing nothing that other FLOTUSes have not done. She is filling the role of First Lady as we have seen other first ladies do. And I personally find that people who attack her must be serverely lacking in a lot of categories, not the least of which is sanity.

Don't be so bossy.

Yesterday we were racist butt hurts for pointing out her lavish spending today we should just keep our insanity checked? Nice. But you're no liberal :lol:
I think Michele Obama is a beautiful woman. I don't think degrading her or making fun of her is appropriate. I cannot stop others from doing it but I won't do it myself. - Jeri

I find that those who denigrate Mrs. Obama are the truly ugly ones. And yes, the same goes for those who denigrate Mrs. Bush...etc.
I have seen a lot of nasty stuff written about First Lady Michelle Obama in the last 6 years, it's pretty damned ugly and stupid, too.

There is even an ultra-whackazoid website dedicated to trashing her every move. I think it is called "Michelle's Mirror".

To combat this insanity, I want to take second and reflect on who our First Ladies have been and to say quite openly that I, as a Democrat, have liked all of the ones I have encountered live AND those over whom I have read a great deal.

A lot of shit has been thrown around over the costs incurred by First Ladies, but virtually all of them have incurred costs - this is very natural and EXPECTED perk that comes with the Presidency, and Presidents of both parties have made full use of this perk.

Currently, next to our current FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, there are four former First Ladies still living, thank goodness:

Former First Lady Laura Bush (2001-2009), former First Lady Hillary Clinton (1993-2001), Former First Lady Barbara Bush (1989-1993) and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter (1977-1981).

Each one of these ladies is a model of grace and excellence and kindness in her own unique way.

Maybe it would help were people to do less bitching and more reading. Want to know how the title as we know it came into being? Then read here:

First Lady of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a complete listing of the FLOTUSes throughout our nation's history:

List of First Ladies of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Within the wiki is also a pretty good description of what a FLOTUS does:

The First Lady of the United States is the hostess of the White House. The position is traditionally filled by the wife of the president of the United States, but, on occasion, the title has been applied to women who were not presidents’ wives, such as when the president was a bachelor or widower, or when the wife of the president was unable to fulfill the duties of the First Lady herself. The First Lady is not an elected position; it carries no official duties and receives no salary. Nonetheless, she attends many official ceremonies and functions of state either along with or in place of the president. Traditionally, the First Lady does not hold outside employment while occupying the office.[1] She has her own staff, including the White House Social Secretary, the Chief of Staff, the Press Secretary, the Chief Floral Designer, and the Executive Chef. The Office of the First Lady is also in charge of all social and ceremonial events of the White House, and is a branch of the Executive Office of the President.

According to the White House and the National First Ladies' Library, there have been forty-six First Ladies and forty-seven First Ladyships. This discrepancy exists because Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms and is counted chronologically as both the twenty-second and the twenty-fourth president; his wife Frances Folsom Cleveland is also counted twice.

The White House website keeps bios of all of our First Ladies:

The First Ladies | The White House

And here is also a very good website for such:

First Ladies of the United States

There is a lot of GOOD material about our First Ladies from the above links. I would recommend that you begin reading to see what interesting and unique and wonderful individuals they were.

I will start contributing material about each FLOTUS over the course of the year.

But right now, I would like to say some kind (and historically accurate) things about First Ladies within most peoples' living memory.

Being born in 1963, the first FLOTUS I have in memory is Ladybird Johnson, but Jackie Onassis (formerly Kennedy) was still quite on the scene and very beloved.

Jackie Kennedy was a model of charm and grace an genteel-ness. I cannot imagine any person in the world wanting to say something nasty about that woman. Alone, having to bear the grief and loss of her husband, John Kennedy, should be enough to simply honor her and her fine memory.

Ladybird Johnson (Claudia Taylor Johnson) was a great lover of nature and she brought that love of nature with her into both the Vice-President's mansion and then into the White House. She is probably best known for her involvement in Head-Start for Pre-K kids.

Pat Nixon was a former High School teacher and lover of theater. In fact, she and Dick Nixon were cast in the same play and there they met and fell in love with each other. As FLOTUS, Pat Nixon worked tirelessly to get people to do volunteer service. She is also probably best known for inviting tons of people to non-denomination ecumenical church services every Sunday.

Betty Ford is one of my favorite First Ladies. Like Gerald Ford, she was a "lucky accident" for our nation. She was Gerald Ford's guiding hand in many matters. The two truly loved each other right through their last days on earth. She had to undergo breast cancer in 1974, and by going public about her cancer, she embolded a lot of women to get themselves checked out. Who knows how many lives Betty Ford saved by simply being an advocate for preventative medicine. Betty Ford also did our nation a big service by coming out as an ex-First Lady and admitting her own alcoholism - again, breaking a lot of tabus. Who knows how many lives Betty Ford may have saved by having been an advocate for getting treatment for alcoholism. And the Betty Ford clinic is still open today. What an incredible woman she was. I also believe that Betty Ford was the first FLOTUS ever to appear on a TV sitcom (or two). I believe she did a neat cameo either in the Bob Newhart show or the Mary Tyler Moore show - or both.

Rosalyn Carter tends to be forgotten some, mostly because she was a very quiet person. A skilled speaker, but a quiet, genteel person with a love of the fine arts, for which she advocated. Both she and then Second-Lady Joan Mondale were great lovers of the fine arts. I would wager that you cannot find even one mean or sour quote from Rosalyn Carter, who, like her husband, is a born-again Christian (Southern Baptist).

Nancy Reagan was the second divorcee in a row, after Betty Ford, to have married a future President in her second marriage. Those two lovely women together broke the tabu that a First Lady somehow could not be a divorcee. Considered aloof by many people, Nancy was anything but aloof. She was an intensely concentrated person and spent tons of time behind the scenes helping veterans and the homeless. She supported the foster Grandparent Program and wrote a book about it in 1982, the year I graduated from High School. She is probably best known for her "Just say no" to drugs program. I always liked and respected her.

Many saw Barbara Bush as the grandmother whom everyone wanted to have in their family. Barbara Bush advocated strongly for literacy programs. VERY STRONGLY. She was the first FLOTUS to advocate for public awareness about HIV/AIDS. I adore Barbara Bush and hopes she still lives a very long time.

With Hillary Clinton, a lot of "molds" were broken, or perhaps re-introduced. Hillary was on the campaign trail in 1992 for her husband Bill more than any other First Lady in our history. She made the first real attempts at Health Care Reform. Like Nancy Reagan before her, Mrs. Clinton wrote a book: "It takes a Village" (1996), for which she received a Grammy. She was and still is a strong advocate for women's issues. And of course, she is the only FLOTUS in history to go on to become a US Senator, a serious Presidential candidate, a Secretary of State and a likely presidential candidate again. I don't think that any FLOTUS in history has as high a name recognition or public profile like Hillary Clinton.

Laura Bush is one of the most charming FLOTUSes I have ever seen up close. I even got to shake her hand once. A truly nice person. Laura was the key force behind then President Bush's "No Child left behind" program. Laura Bush was a main supporter of women's rights in Afghanistan. She is the first FLOTUS ever to give the President's weekly radio address (November, 2001). Laura Bush is the most travelled FLOTUS in history, having visited all 50 states on behalf on the President and 73 foreign countries. She was on a foreign trip for 212 days out of her husband's 2-term presidency, a lot of it in Africa, having advocated for AIDS prevention and hunger prevention, causes that President Bush himself took up, to his great credit. In spite of all sort of partisan strife from 2001-2009, I found Laura Bush to be a class act. Just as I find the current FLOTUS.

I think that history will smile upon Michelle Obama for her "let's move" program to combat obesity, a real problem in the USA, and worldwide. Really not much more to say about her, she he is often in the news, as most FLOTUSes are during their time in the White House.


It's time for people to stop snarking about and attacking our current FLOTUS. She is doing nothing that other FLOTUSes have not done. She is filling the role of First Lady as we have seen other first ladies do. And I personally find that people who attack her must be serverely lacking in a lot of categories, not the least of which is sanity.

@AceRothstein , [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION], [MENTION=45693]American4Americ[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40495]AngelsNDemons[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=39464]antiquity[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35553]aris2chat[/MENTION] , [MENTION=9429]AVG-JOE[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=24076]Avorysuds[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION] , [MENTION=47248]bedowin62[/MENTION] , [MENTION=24619]Bill Angel[/MENTION] , [MENTION=44336]birddog[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=21616]blastoff[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25197]BlindBoo[/MENTION] , [MENTION=44536]BobPlumb[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46834]Bombur[/MENTION] , [MENTION=33449]BreezeWood[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29100]bripat9643[/MENTION] , [MENTION=44706]Bumberclyde[/MENTION] , [MENTION=44680]Camp[/MENTION] , [MENTION=14617]Cecilie1200[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=22617]chikenwing[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46975]Circle_Breaker[/MENTION] , [MENTION=21503]Claudette[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=12120]Coloradomtnman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46316]dannyboys[/MENTION] , [MENTION=30065]dblack[/MENTION] , [MENTION=22981]Defiant1[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39553]depotoo[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36589]DGS49[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11393]DiamondDave[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45679]Diana1180[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] , [MENTION=32913]Disir[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20866]Dutch[/MENTION] , [MENTION=30139]eflatminor[/MENTION] , [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35662]Erand7899[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40418]farmorto4[/MENTION] , [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20411]ForeverYoung436[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] , [MENTION=31362]gallantwarrior[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4791]hjmick[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18867]HUGGY[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42934]hunarcy[/MENTION] , [MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46539]Iceweasel[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45443]Impenitent[/MENTION] , [MENTION=38243]irosie91[/MENTION] , [MENTION=22181]Jarhead[/MENTION] , [MENTION=32813]JimBowie1958[/MENTION] , [MENTION=24535]jknowgood[/MENTION] , [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45702]kjw47[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] , [MENTION=47727]korean[/MENTION] , [MENTION=33282]LeftofLeft[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46773]Len[/MENTION] , [MENTION=32163]Listening[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3254]Little-Acorn[/MENTION] , [MENTION=19381]Lonestar_logic[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39846]longknife[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=46604]longly[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7538]LordBrownTrout[/MENTION] , [MENTION=44252]MACAULAY[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=22889]Matthew[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23819]MikeK[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] , [MENTION=22217]Mustang[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27234]natstew[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16263]nodoginnafight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=31215]Oldstyle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1996]onedomino[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=23262]peach174[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34176]plant[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12394]PoliticalChic[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39618]proudveteran06[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27986]R.D.[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42379]Redfish[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11710]Richard-H[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25033]RoccoR[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=46474]Ronin[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=39688]RosieS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] , [MENTION=37424]Rshermr[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39075]Shaitra[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46796]shart_attack[/MENTION] , @@ShootSpeeders , [MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION] , [MENTION=24208]Spoonman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20452]theDoctorisIn[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36327]TheGreatGatsby[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39852]TheOldSchool[/MENTION] , [MENTION=46391]Theowl32[/MENTION] , [MENTION=2926]Toro[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23905]Trajan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20296]VaYank5150[/MENTION] [MENTION=45104]WelfareQueen[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27324]whitehall[/MENTION] + , [MENTION=21679]william the wie[/MENTION] , [MENTION=14367]YWN666[/MENTION]
, [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] , [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] , [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] [MENTION=20704]Nosmo King[/MENTION] [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] [MENTION=44172]Sweet_Caroline[/MENTION] @NTG [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION] [MENTION=11703]strollingbones[/MENTION] [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION] [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] [MENTION=20285]Intense[/MENTION] [MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] [MENTION=19170]Coyote[/MENTION] [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=20285]Intense[/MENTION] [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] [MENTION=31178]MeBelle60[/MENTION] [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION]

Good post

But there are five former first ladies still living. You forgot Nancy Reagan who was not in that picture
Why were all the other first ladies not condemned for trips, vacations, clothes, programs etc?
It's time for people to stop snarking about and attacking our current FLOTUS. She is doing nothing that other FLOTUSes have not done. She is filling the role of First Lady as we have seen other first ladies do. And I personally find that people who attack her must be serverely lacking in a lot of categories, not the least of which is sanity.

Don't be so bossy.

Yesterday we were racist butt hurts for pointing out her lavish spending today we should just keep our insanity checked? Nice. But you're no liberal :lol:

I'm not being bossy. I am expressing a viewpoint. Are you mentally so weak that you cannot recognize that? Really?
Good post

But there are five former first ladies still living. You forgot Nancy Reagan who was not in that picture

It was a simple oversight. Nancy Reagan was not in that picture due to having been ill on the day it was taken.

I corrected the OP. Thanks for the correction.
It's time for people to stop snarking about and attacking our current FLOTUS. She is doing nothing that other FLOTUSes have not done. She is filling the role of First Lady as we have seen other first ladies do. And I personally find that people who attack her must be serverely lacking in a lot of categories, not the least of which is sanity.

Don't be so bossy.

Yesterday we were racist butt hurts for pointing out her lavish spending today we should just keep our insanity checked? Nice. But you're no liberal :lol:

I'm not being bossy. I am expressing a viewpoint. Are you mentally so weak that you cannot recognize that? Really?

Bolded, tough guy.

We all get your viewpoint. Somewhere in between puppy love and white guilt.
The Sasquatch is one butt-ugly fatass partisan scrunt.

You think this is bad? What the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM put Laura Bush through was horrible. From the terrible car accident she was involved in as a kid, to the attack on her in New Yawk that didn't even make the news (and has since been scrubbed)... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was absolutely horrible to Laura Bush.

But when it's a fatass dimocrap scrunt in office, you want us to lighten up?

Fuck you.

The bitch is fat, ugly, mean, nasty and worthless


You scumbags wanna pay nice? Try it yourselves for once. Then we can talk.

waaaa, leave MaBella Obama alone

she should have free reign to interfere in what we eat, drink, do for exercise, chastised for not buying her hubbies crappy insurance scam, take all the trips as if she's an elected Ambassador of the country, so CHINA here we come

but it's ok to viciously attack women candidates for Vice President in his book I imagine
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But NOT ONE of the listed first ladies EVER SAID THIS!
“For the first time in my adult life,” she said early during the 2008 campaign, “I am proud of my country.”
This was the "first time"?? This remark just cut veterans to the quick. And all americans that sacrificed! First time???
There are so many faux pas she has made that truly for the FIRST time in my adult life I'm ASHAMED of our first lady!!!
Don't be so bossy.

Yesterday we were racist butt hurts for pointing out her lavish spending today we should just keep our insanity checked? Nice. But you're no liberal :lol:

I'm not being bossy. I am expressing a viewpoint. Are you mentally so weak that you cannot recognize that? Really?

Bolded, tough guy.

We all get your viewpoint. Somewhere in between puppy love and white guilt.

The way you describe it is not the way I see it, but your behaviour tells me we will probably not agree on much of anything, anyway.
Hey, leftists: While we are talking about civility, how about showing some for ladies who happen to be Republican.
I wish I could say it would be entertaining to watch some Righties get nasty right here and now, but it's just plain old sad. Really, just plain old sad. Such raw partisan hatred. Wow.
Attacking the first lady as has been so often done in this board is crass.

But then I have come to expect that there is no bottom when it comes to how low today's partisans will go to insult the opposition.

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