First Lady Jill Biden says the diversity of the 'Latinx' community is "as unique as the breakfast tacos in San Antonio."

Pedo Peter's wife and their cult of ultra groomers are extremely racist people.

When white people are replaced, who will the new scape goat be?

Blacks or Hispanics?
Racist white leftist goes on stage to insult Hispanics with a word they can't pronounce in Spanish.

What a bitch.

Comparing people to tacos. So leftoid.

Diverse? Does she include conservative Latinos in that? No! Of course not, they will attempt to do the same to conservative Latinos that they do to conservative blacks, marginalize them, slime them, but good luck with that.
Comparing people to tacos. So leftoid.

Diverse? Does she include conservative Latinos in that? No! Of course not, they will attempt to do the same to conservative Latinos that they do to conservative blacks, marginalize them, slime them, but good luck with that.
Only a white liberal will take an assumed liberty to attempt to change another people's language... that they never asked for.
Oh goody goody for her. She is in the spotlight. She gets to speak to the little people....Meanwhile her senile old husband..."Pedo Peter" is now the puppet being blamed for the planned destruction of our border, our economy and our way of life. She could have left the stage with Pedo Peter and enjoyed their golden years. But noooo she wanted the spotlight,.... so she willfully ruined our nation and humiliated her senile husband Pedo Peter. Seriously Jill? Can she not see this?
Jesus. What when she addresses Asians does she say "asianx are just as diverse as your Chinese buffets".

She boiled them down to tacos? That's quite a bit insulting. At least if I were latin I'd be offput but that comment.

God damn what a pandering bitch. She can't even talk to others and make it sound like she takes them seriously.
These people are such idiots, this is so cringe.

Some one needs to tell her those 3 day old crepes the LatinX chef dug out from back in the fridge, for her and her husband weren't tacos.

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