First Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008

Who from Ukrainian and Russian criminal rulers has send his/her children to fight?
The answer is no one.
Almost anyone of them has dual citizenship of a NATO country, is a billionaire and laughing about Russian/Ukrainian naive idiots.
It looks like Germany is the Number 1 country who helps in eradication of Slavic Peoples.
A thousand year old enemy


Russia is directly on the way into a third world war. So do what the whole world expects you to do: Leave the Ukraine - and also Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and end this stupid, senseless and criminal war.

The Germans

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Russia is directly on the way into a third world war. So do what the whole world expects you to do: Leave the Ukraine - and also Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and end this stupid, senseless and criminal war.

The Germans

Next time the peace doves make regime change at Russia´s borders, they know what the consequences are. Screw them and you.

Russia is directly on the way into a third world war. So do what the whole world expects you to do: Leave the Ukraine - and also Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and end this stupid, senseless and criminal war.

The Germans

We should be talking peace and not war.
We should be talking peace and not war.

What do you need to wipe out Putin and his criminal gang? ... Ballott papers, bullet proved? ... A crucifix, a stake, a hammer and garlic? ... A gun with a silver bullet? ...

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Russia is directly on the way into a third world war. So do what the whole world expects you to do: Leave the Ukraine - and also Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and end this stupid, senseless and criminal war.

The Germans

Sorry, Einstein. Intelligent people remember Operation Paper Clip and the CIA's puppet now in the WH, as well as it's presence in Ukraine for the last 70 years.
This funky CIA-coke-addicted Ukraine president knows very well that the nazi swastika was first noticed during the Ice Age at Mezin, Ukraine, where the river actually creates that symbol on the surface of the earth. duh

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