First Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

Whatever happened to diplomacy?

Diplomacy needs listening ears. The currently totally unreasonable Russian government is listening to no one. "PUTIN! STOP THIS WAR!!!" - ¿and now? - How is he acting now? Still trying to murder innocent people in masses because he thinks he is god allmighty on his own while the KGB-patriarch of Moscow is praying to him?
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Sorry, Einstein. Intelligent people remember Operation Paper Clip and the CIA's puppet now in the WH, as well as it's presence in Ukraine for the last 70 years.

You know my good old friend Albert? Nice. But your use of the word "intelligent" is anything else than intelligent. No one attacked Russia but Russia attacked the world. The world very clear told Russia what to do but Russia not stops this war of aggression against the Ukraine. And Russia also conquers Belarus. This all has to stop! Now! Immediatelly! "Russians go home" into your biggest country of the world where nearly no people live who could all live together there in peace and wealth. Many countries have much bigger problems than the nuclear power Russia who made herselve now to the biggest problem of the whole world in the beginning of the third millenium - what hopefully not will be the last millenium with the last living human species.
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So? Why am I a warmonger?

:lol: You told me you are a Nazi in the third generation of Nazis who all never learned anything what made any sense. An equivalent to you is a man like Kim Jong-un - the North Korean tyrant. You are proud on not any reason to have to be proud.

But if you have a good idea to bring peace to the Ukraine then tell it. Now! Here! And do not waste anyones time with bullshit in this context. Russia has to go home.
The Ukrainian Finance Ministry has calculated the country will remain in debt servitude for at least 35 years after the war. This covers only the substance of the loans the country has received. The interest will be paid for by EU taxpayers.
The only salvation is to surrender to Russia.

Russia is directly on the way into a third world war. So do what the whole world expects you to do: Leave the Ukraine - and also Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and end this stupid, senseless and criminal war.

The Germans

LOL, you're funny as always
Neither Putin nor Biden nor Zelensky decide anything, they're flunkies of NWO, satanic freemasons, neocons, Schwab, Rothschild and the Project Khazaria 2.0.
They must involve in the idiotic butchering as more Russians/Ukrainians as possible and clean territorials for resettlement of Israelis to 'liberated' Khazaria.
Why Israelis want to leave Israel?
Because Muslims claim so-called Ashkenazi Jews are the fake ones, all of them are Turks converted to Judaism in the 8th century and have not rights to posses Palestine, the country given to Abraham's descendants only
The new Intifada is coming, so Zionists looking for new places to live
This is the background of the war, only this can explain why run by satanists and zionists the West so fervently supports 'Ukraine'
All areas of former Khazaria must be free of Ukrainians or Russians for resettlement of Israelis




:lol: You told me you are a Nazi in the third generation of Nazis who all never learned anything what made any sense. An equivalent to you is a man like Kim Jong-un - the North Korean tyrant. You are proud on not any reason to have to be proud.

But if you have a good idea to bring peace to the Ukraine then tell it. Now! Here! And do not waste anyones time with bullshit in this context. Russia has to go home.
Even if you would have a point in "Russia has to go home", reality doesn´t support your demand.

Slowly, reality has gained ground also in our governments:
The Call to Arms is almost irresistible to most young men.
Yes. Then the young men who fight learn that war is Hell.

It is, however, very profitable for the military-industrial complex and the Deep State loves the games involved in war.

Of course we might end up in an all out nuclear war.

If so, nobody wins. Nobody.
Even if you would have a point in "Russia has to go home", reality doesn´t support your demand.

Slowly, reality has gained ground also in our governments:

Sorry, But why should I - nor anyone else - discuss with an anti-German like you only because he is a Nazi?
LOL, you're funny as always
Neither Putin nor Biden nor Zelensky decide anything, they're flunkies of NWO, satanic freemasons, neocons, Schwab, Rothschild and the Project Khazaria 2.0.
They must involve in the idiotic butchering as more Russians/Ukrainians as possible and clean territorials for resettlement of Israelis to 'liberated' Khazaria.
Why Israelis want to leave Israel?
Because Muslims claim so-called Ashkenazi Jews are the fake ones, all of them are Turks converted to Judaism in the 8th century and have not rights to posses Palestine, the country given to Abraham's descendants only
The new Intifada is coming, so Zionists looking for new places to live
This is the background of the war, only this can explain why run by satanists and zionists the West so fervently supports 'Ukraine'
All areas of former Khazaria must be free of Ukrainians or Russians for resettlement of Israelis





I guess this means you agree with the world community that Russia will have to leave the Ukraine with all of their soldiers. So when will the last Russian soldier leave the Ukraine direction Russia instead to have to be executed direction underworld from Ukrainians and/or other Europeans as a war criminal?
The Ukrainian Finance Ministry has calculated the country will remain in debt servitude for at least 35 years after the war. This covers only the substance of the loans the country has received. The interest will be paid for by EU taxpayers.
The only salvation is to surrender to Russia.

Like the Prussians, the Silesians, the Bohemians and many others who do not exist any longer?

I guess this means you agree with the world community that Russia will have to leave the Ukraine with all of their soldiers. So when will the last Russian soldier leave the Ukraine direction Russia instead to have to be executed direction underworld from Ukrainians and/or other Europeans as a war criminal?

Do you mind the run by satanist West as 'the world community' (s.below)
Russia shall completely go to China and India and have nothing in common with any European country including Ukraine ( all its former parts shall be given back )
Why Russia shall give parts of Ukraine back?
It shall invest Russian money in Russia and not by enemies like Ukrainians
Russia after Putin shall minimize relations with the West to Zero and stop all exports/import to and from it.
And a big wall at Russian border shall be erected

It will be no peace until satanists Biden, Zelensky and Putin eliminate completely Russiasn and Ukrainians in areas of the former Khazaria

Weather fine in your psychiatric hospital or are raining all walls around you tears?
Yes. Then the young men who fight learn that war is Hell.

It is, however, very profitable for the military-industrial complex and the Deep State loves the games involved in war.

Of course we might end up in an all out nuclear war.

If so, nobody wins. Nobody.
An all out nuclear war (between major nuclear powers) is extremely unlikely, since the leadership of those countries would be facing imminent destruction. However, the use of small nuclear weapons on a battlefield may be expected when used against a non-nuclear country who is perceived to pose a grave threat to the nuclear power. Does anyone doubt that North Korea would use them to defend itself against an attack by South Korea, or that Sadaam would have used them against Iran?
However, the use of small nuclear weapons on a battlefield may be expected when used against a non-nuclear country who is perceived to pose a grave threat to the nuclear power.
The nuclear weapon state that does this loses their nukes as a deterrent. In any future conflicts against another nuclear weapon state, everyone knows they will not hesitate to use nukes if they are losing.

That means you have to nuke them first.

The loss of the nuclear deterrent is why no P5 nation has ever chosen to go nuclear rather than taking the defeat in the smaller war.

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