First Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

The loss of the nuclear deterrent is why no P5 nation has ever chosen to go nuclear rather than taking the defeat in the smaller war.
I'm not sure that applies to a direct threat to their homeland from a non-nuclear power. If Ukrainian troops were to encroach on Russian soil, I don't doubt that Russia would use all means at her disposal to repel them. Mass casualties are not viewed the same way they are in the West.
I'm not sure that applies to a direct threat to their homeland from a non-nuclear power. If Ukrainian troops were to encroach on Russian soil, I don't doubt that Russia would use all means at her disposal to repel them. Mass casualties are not viewed the same way they are in the West.
Well you be sure to let me know when the Ukrainian troops are 100 miles from Moscow...

Russia's sabre rattling is for the masses, even Xi told Putin to put a sock in it.
An all out nuclear war (between major nuclear powers) is extremely unlikely, since the leadership of those countries would be facing imminent destruction. However, the use of small nuclear weapons on a battlefield may be expected when used against a non-nuclear country who is perceived to pose a grave threat to the nuclear power. Does anyone doubt that North Korea would use them to defend itself against an attack by South Korea, or that Sadaam would have used them against Iran?
Rumors are Putin is ill and may not be mentally stable.

MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) works best with mentally healthy people in charge.

So what will happen if Putin drops a nuke on the Ukraine?

The day will come and you will understand the sense :)

What a senseless supernonsense to say so. There is nothing to understand in case of you and your indoctrinated ideas, undear brainwashed brainwasher.

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Some former left wing Soviet idiots (the police counted 13,000 people - some had Russian flags) must not let it be to ruin their anyway never existing reputation.

To remember Erich Mielke - the master of fear - torturer and murderer: "I love all people".

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That's Germany? Damn - in which country do I live?

If someone should speak German: Even the most Germans will not understand the joke "damit's viel leichter wird" and "damit's vielleichter wird".

damit's viel leichter wird => so that it become much easier
damit's vielleicht wird => so that it may become
damit's vielleichter wird => so that it becomes much possibler
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+1, This what they want ...

Indeed Angela Merkel is an exception. The most who learned Russia in school in the former GDR did learn it in a way that they had not been able to speak Russian fluently and had not been able to read and to understand normal Russian textes. To learn Russian was never motivating. What to do with this language? English, Italian, French and Spanish - or even Chinese - are for sure much more interesting today. And you would be astonished about how many Germans know Latin. The Romans are also our direct ancestors.

And somehow I have the feeling this Mr. Gerashchenko is a funny man. He has absolutelly nothing to say in Russia but seems to think he's a kind of Putin II and an unchosen king of Germany and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation in the same person. Did he visit a school? Or is this obsolete for the new fake-Soviets who make their money "political" in the corrupted Russian kleptocracy?

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