First oath keeper pleads guilty to sedition

Are you literate?
Yep, he was guilty, plead guilty and is cooperating to send more traitor s to jail for better terms. Are you so fucking stupid you don't understand. Either the system works or it doesn't. Which is it? If you say the system doesn't work then you support emptying the prison s right!
Yep, he was guilty, plead guilty and is cooperating to send more traitor s to jail for better terms. Are you so fucking stupid you don't understand. Either the system works or it doesn't. Which is it? If you say the system doesn't work then you support emptying the prison s right!

The cult is in denial.

Another win for the good guys.
The courts, as well as the scum that plead guilty seem to disagree with you.
Yeah. Lefties disagree too. Obviously, they're full of shit.

Hey - I don't want to hear WORD ONE about Jan 6 till all the leftist BLM and AntiFa scum are rotting in jail.

Those fucktards didn't threaten politicians, they threatened CHILDREN.

And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass about politicians. But I care a lot about children.

I am not interested IN THE LEAST in Jan 6, and I'll do everything I can to disrupt their idiotic kangaroo court and make the committee's life miserable.

FUCK those retarded assholes. They aided and abeted domestic terrorists ALL SUMMER LONG, and when the anger finally arrives on their doorstep the little pussies run like the worthless cowards they are.
So... it only took 14 months, 700+ arrests, and the total weight of the U.S. government to finally make the charge "stick" to ONE person. Hopefully, someday you or someone you care about will get the chance to see how all of that kind of weight works against YOUR rights as a citizen. Troll...

If you really want to see examples of actual rebellion against DC... try cheating again this November.
Head cracking will occur before rebellion.
See how easy this shit is. You can't produce evidence of any so called organized ANTIFA, because it doesn't exist.
More denial from the shit for brains left.

Not surprised.

They deny they're teaching CRT, deny they're grooming kids, deny that AntiFa exists ...

Lefties are really fucking stupid. There's no other way to say it.
Okay Martybegan, time is up. Folks, Martybegan failed to show us the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism. That means we proved he is a liar once again. See you loser.
Stupid worthless leftie. ^^^

They're all this way.

Full of shit. Brown matter between the ears.
No sedition?? Numbnuts, they have a conviction on seditious conspiracy. So yes, sedition.
They do NOT have a conviction.

They have a plea deal.

Can't you fucking morons stop lying for EVEN ONE MICROSECOND?
Many Americans view these people as "political prisoners". The justice system that they are facing appears to be extremely harsh, and very secretive Let's be honest.. these people are getting reamed. Simple as that. Some Americans may rally the cry "They deserved to get reamed". However I hope that most Americans can see that "reaming" our fellow Americans is something that is best avoided.

It's time the leftist scum had a good reaming.

These fucking asswipes are MUCH WORSE than any of the commies from the 50's.

Hey - you get more of what you tolerate.
Yep, he was guilty, plead guilty and is cooperating to send more traitor s to jail for better terms. Are you so fucking stupid you don't understand. Either the system works or it doesn't. Which is it? If you say the system doesn't work then you support emptying the prison s right!
What a moron you are.

The Soviets did the same thing.

Of course, you wouldn't know that, because lefties don't do history. (They just do CNN).

Another win for the good guys.
You will find out all about those good guys very soon.
You will find out all about those good guys very soon.
Wow, I feel so much safer, a year in jail with no bail and two of that terribly powerful cadre have accepted plea deals. The US has gotten so weak that two unarmed protestors demand this attention while BLM/Antifa rioter burn loot and murder for a year and no action whatsoever. SMFH.

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