Fiscal conservatism now? Or it'll be shoved down our throats later.

1. It can be done. The Transaction Tax works in Europe.

Show me where it works in Europe.

2. Nope. Remove the cap, add means testing.

It's already skewed to the low-end.

3. No money no service.

Awesome! They'll all go to the emergency room.

More natural money in the economy is best for the economy and growth. The borrowed money that goes into the economy is where the trouble starts.

We should drastically cut spending on things don't directly pertain to at least 30% of the American people.
Tax some of the things listed so far. Like remittances to foreign countries.

Taxing TF out of the American people ain't going to work, because the value of the USD is already in the shitter. The more money the government gets, the less that money is going to go into the economy. "We the people" are the economy. We're the ones that make it better, after the government screws it up.

Conservatives want to fix the budget and deficit problem. Not wage war on those who spend their money.

Wage war on poverty. Not poor people.
of course they can.

it is part of the solution.

what we need are real, meaningful spending cuts

For the most part, taxes attack those who spend money and keep the economy going. Tax increases should only occur as a last resort.
When every single unnecessary dime of spending is cut, taxes and fee's laid on dollars that leave the country, then we can assess how much and where to tax the people. If a tax increase that's going to be big enough to actually reduce the national debt, but severely hurt the buying power of the currency and the people, then it's not a solution.

The point is to get more natural dollars into the hands of the consumers & less to the government from the consumers.
Cutting off their unlimited credit card (Federal Reserve) needs to happen also. In fact, it should be first and foremost. No more debt ceiling increases after the bills get paid.
For the most part, taxes attack those who spend money and keep the economy going.

Do they?

We pay a shit ton in taxes as the wife and I get well paid and have very little to deduct. If I paid 6 grand or 10 grand less I would have more money in my retirement account and savings account, but I am not sure I would change my spending habits.
Do they?

We pay a shit ton in taxes as the wife and I get well paid and have very little to deduct. If I paid 6 grand or 10 grand less I would have more money in my retirement account and savings account, but I am not sure I would change my spending habits.
the world doesnt revolve around just you,,

with more money are you more apt to take a longer vacation??
what about going the extra mile next time you remoldel your house??

use to be a time when most households had a handyman on standby or for a little work each week to help keep the house in order,,
and business just paying a teenager to just keep the place swept up,,

all those jobs are hurt when the people dont have a little extra,,
Yep. And the powers that be are stealing the china and the silverware on their way out.

and the people that keep voting them back into office are telling them it is fine for them to do so
I could still balance the Budget with a surplus if the DC clowns passed spending cuts and raised taxes, but we both know they won't.

Here is my suggested plan of action:

1. Raise all income tax rates and add a 4% Fed sales tax. (gain $800b)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains $150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr, see link below, pays for wall & CBP)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, add a co-pay for Medicaid (google "fix Medicare")
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by ~$1Tb a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $34T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2019 levels, $4.4T a year, not $7T a year.

These are the Budgets I found in wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.4T = $3.1T deficit
2019 $4.4T - $3.4Y = $1.0T deficit

We know where 2024's Budget will be. Biden and the Senate whores made a deal...
No mention of sending 50 million brown parasites home to Mexico or reducing the size and scope of Father Government?
Just make our best citizens pick up a bigger tab?
Do they?

We pay a shit ton in taxes as the wife and I get well paid and have very little to deduct. If I paid 6 grand or 10 grand less I would have more money in my retirement account and savings account, but I am not sure I would change my spending habits.

I was referring to the consumer. Not necessarily when they spend money.
From George Washington to Joe BIden only ONCE has the US government had a balanced budget and no debt. The second term of Andrew Jackson. There have bee surpluses off and on over the years, but only one time no debt and balanced budgets.

True enough. But before the 70's and especially the 80's, they always seem to keep things in check. They made baby steps.
Since the 80's, those baby steps turned into Michael Jordan leaps.
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.

We're way past that point. It's an inevitability at this point.

I could still balance the Budget with a surplus if the DC clowns passed spending cuts and raised taxes, but we both know they won't.

Here is my suggested plan of action:

1. Raise all income tax rates and add a 4% Fed sales tax. (gain $800b)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains $150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr, see link below, pays for wall & CBP)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, add a co-pay for Medicaid (google "fix Medicare")
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by ~$1Tb a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $34T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2019 levels, $4.4T a year, not $7T a year.

These are the Budgets I found in wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.4T = $3.1T deficit
2019 $4.4T - $3.4Y = $1.0T deficit

We know where 2024's Budget will be. Biden and the Senate whores made a deal...

you do know that i can choose not to pay the tax by simply not buying the product?

employee wages are also passed to the customers. maybe corporations should issue blank pay checks om order to become lore competative

adding a fractional; percent to financial instrument sales we can pay the debt and provide education and health care for all.

if you are under any delusions about the possibility of balancing the budget i'd recommend the testimony of fed chairman greenspan when demanding a tax cut in 2001. or the testimony of greenspan and treasury secretary/goldman sachs guy paulson. in 2008 testimony.

paying down the debt means that holders of us bonds and other debt will lose their safe investments. a few well placed campaign contributions should make their case to the majority.

Fiscal conservatism now? Or it'll be shoved down our throats later.​

A complete meltdown will happen before fiscal responsibility will ever take place.

and the people that keep voting them back into office are telling them it is fine for them to do so
I’ve said it, said it, and said it some more…SADLY, true Conservatism and or fiscal responsibility can’t be sold to new America and its new ‘type’ of citizen…Democrats have manufactured a bottom feeding, begging under-class that has too much voting power.
We’re too ignorant to the Constitution and our founding principles and values, we’re too brown, we’re too foreign, too immoral, too indecent, too dependent, too needy and too desperate.
New Americans can’t give 2-fucks about debt and deficits…their shitty lives aren’t impacted by either and you fiscal hawks can’t figure out how to articulate to them that it does or can affect them.
Let Conservatism and fiscal responsibility die…your generation, my fathers generation fucking killed it....GOOD FUCKING JOB!!
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
LOL. You do realize that the way out of a recession is for the government to spend more money, don't you? I imagine that holds doubly true for a depression. A downturn just gives the government a reason to spend even more money.

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