Five factors that will bring Trump down.....

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Again, you need to pay real attention to the fact that Trump lost the popular vote last time. So "I hate Trump" did work then and it can work now. Let him keep fucking with these little chldren and it will not matter. And if you think that's not going to be used against him, think again. I could understand all the crap you right wing idiots are talking if Trumps approval ratings were over 50 percent but it's not and never has been. The majority of the people do not approve of he job he is doing. But you guys think he is winning. Trump gets 4 years so just because he wakes up as president every day doesn't mean you guys are winning. If we had a parliament, we'd be looking at a no confidence vote and a change of government.

Still giving out advice ?

Thought you would have learned by now.

Learned what? You guys are losing. That is a fact.

We have the WH

We have the senate.

We have the house.

We have the SCOTUS.

We are soooooooooooo losing.

And you can't get shit done. You're losing.

We are finally trying illegala for being the criminals they are.

Next question.

You're putting infants in detention centers. You're losing.

When is your trial since you are an illegal immigrant?

Still giving out advice ?

Thought you would have learned by now.

Learned what? You guys are losing. That is a fact.

We have the WH

We have the senate.

We have the house.

We have the SCOTUS.

We are soooooooooooo losing.

And you can't get shit done. You're losing.

We are finally trying illegala for being the criminals they are.

Next question.

You're putting infants in detention centers. You're losing.

When is your trial since you are an illegal immigrant?

Who says there are any infants involved?

Furthermore, these "detention centers" are prisons like the ones Obama put detainies in. They are closer to being groups homes. The kids are given 4 healthy meals a day, educated, watch TV, play and do everything a normal American kid would do at home. They aren't concentration camps, you fucking douchebag.
Trump and his (Goebbels-wanna-be) Miller, have just handed to Dems. the biggest weapon to take over ALL of congress next year.

But, there are several other factors that will erode the slim majority that git Trump into the oval office...............

First, as alluded to above, the first major mistake is this ridiculous border policy which, I would readily admit, MSM is relentlessly hammering the WH.

Second, is the never-too-far-behind Mueller probe that spin as right wingers will, has proven that the Trump administration is a pit of lying vipers.

Third, is the love affair that Trump seem to have with every damned despot that Trump is trying to emulate.

Fourth, is a combination of the dud of the tax scam AND the tariffs that even a first year economics student could surmise are downright awful.......The tariffs alone will shift back the slim majority that Trump was able to garner from such states like MI, WI and PA.

Fifth, is Trump's penchant for lying......Even when there is absolutely NO reason to spew a lie, Trump manages to come up with some "alternate fact" that ONLY his loyal cult could swallow.

This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Trump’s ‘administration’ has been an unmitigated disaster for America; he truly deserves to be voted out of office.
It is so naive and silly of you to think that will change anything. You need to grow up.

Well, you're "correct".....NOTHING will ever change the minds of that 1/3 of poorly educated Trump cult members......

View attachment 199707
You need to flip that, if you wish it to be accurate.

You silly anti-trumpers have been predicting his demise what? a hundred times now, yet he is still there.

Do you really want Pence that bad? I don’t think you have thought this through.

The ruling class loves you dupes.
Don't forget the stock market. Ever since trump policies have been really taking effect it's been the shits.

Now that is just stupid.
It's way below it's high and dropping.

That is the stock market.

It certainly does not rate the description you gave it.
We are down below when the year started. That isn't good, most people want to make money. I guess you aren't a good investor...

You guess ?

You must be a left winger. Taking a few scant statments and drawing hard conclusions.

Keep it up.

I've made money this year. Not as much as last year when I made a lot of money in the market.
Yes, you made more last year, before trump policies took effect. Go figure.
Man you been saying that since 2016. We are still waiting.

do you understand how time works, sonny?

Do you understand who is your POTUS cuppy cakes?


i've lived through a bunch of them

he's about the worst

Based upon what?

his stupidity, rash behavior and inability to come close to telling the truth about anything

i know you love him, but no one ever mistook you for einstein, did they?

Does The Hag give you woods tulip?
Man you been saying that since 2016. We are still waiting.

do you understand how time works, sonny?

Do you understand who is your POTUS cuppy cakes?


i've lived through a bunch of them

he's about the worst

Bush the dumber is still the worst...

Couldn't beat him either.

2 terms
Our country sure paid for that.
Do you understand who is your POTUS cuppy cakes?


i've lived through a bunch of them

he's about the worst

Based upon what?

his stupidity, rash behavior and inability to come close to telling the truth about anything

i know you love him, but no one ever mistook you for einstein, did they?

Call him what you like.....but he won and you lost.

He isn't Einstein......what does that make you ?

But you lost just like everyone else but Trump. You are too stupid understand that.

No Clinton Hag was a victory for everybody

i've lived through a bunch of them

he's about the worst

Based upon what?

his stupidity, rash behavior and inability to come close to telling the truth about anything

i know you love him, but no one ever mistook you for einstein, did they?

Call him what you like.....but he won and you lost.

He isn't Einstein......what does that make you ?

But you lost just like everyone else but Trump. You are too stupid understand that.

Keep repeating it.....maybe you'll convince yourself.

My life is fine.

Niel Gorsuch is on the SCOTUS.

How did I lose again ?

Maybe paying less taxes?
Do you understand who is your POTUS cuppy cakes?


i've lived through a bunch of them

he's about the worst

Based upon what?

his stupidity, rash behavior and inability to come close to telling the truth about anything

i know you love him, but no one ever mistook you for einstein, did they?

Call him what you like.....but he won and you lost.

He isn't Einstein......what does that make you ?

i didn't run for anything shitforbrains, so how did i lose?

Your endless butthurt
Based upon what?

his stupidity, rash behavior and inability to come close to telling the truth about anything

i know you love him, but no one ever mistook you for einstein, did they?

Call him what you like.....but he won and you lost.

He isn't Einstein......what does that make you ?

But you lost just like everyone else but Trump. You are too stupid understand that.

Keep repeating it.....maybe you'll convince yourself.

My life is fine.

Niel Gorsuch is on the SCOTUS.

How did I lose again ?

Maybe paying less taxes?

Keep talking. You're losing but you think you are not.
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