Five minutes of hate on NPR radio “Tribal News”

But we're not a modern country, and it's getting worse with the immigration of third world hordes and the breakdown of morals of the citizenry.
This country was "founded" upon an immoral foundation by illegal hordes of immigrants from Europe.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
You pulled up your skirt in the first assumption. You need to bone up on the NPR. It receives LESS THAN 1% of its funding from the federal government which is zillion% less than Tesla. The closest connection it has is really to state governments since about half the stations are owned by colleges and universities.

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How many far left wingers actually read through the entire original post. How many of them are able to comprehend English?
The "far lefties" like Dore and Greenwald are not the problem; it's the Hillary/Biden Complex and their corruption that has ALWAYS been the problem. Lefties can be useful in getting issues discussed, but no way would I trust one with a Government $. Not that they're thieves or anything; they just are CLUELESS in getting value for money.

We were a great success because it was easy to kill all the Indians and we have the best natural resources of any country in the world easily and we have a defensive moat made up of the two biggest oceans in the world so we have that English style geographical advantage which is golden.... You can't just go West anymore, we are a mature country now and it is time to join the civilized world with a living wage health care daycare help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations Like every other modern country, and taxing the rich for crying out loud. We also have to throw Murdoch out of the country the lying anti American scum...

Youre still ignoring the fact decades ago almost everyone made enough to live on if they worked for it and were responsible. People could take a vacation every year. They could buy a new car every 5 or 6 years. America produced a lot more. We were more independent and so on.

You also seems to base our success on things that technically should never have changed because they are geological in nature yet were now going backwards. So if location is the only reason we were successful then why as soon as we start ditching our vales, standards, and morals, filling up the country with illegals do we lose our edge?

All of your arguments are thin at best and do not address the root cause of our issues. And your fixes are just plain vacious because your answers are just "pay people more, give them vacations, make college cheap" and then you walk away. Just saying "people need more money" alone is dumb. Ok you give Starbucks employee a living wage and now bread costs 14 dollars a loaf, so that big raise now means nothing because everyone else's wages need to rise accordingly.
I can see that the far left wing never has any solutions. All they ever do is complain. Complaining and more complaining. How about bring for some solutions. Be proud of where you come from. Be respectful to other people. This idea that BLM wants is for all white people to hate themselves and feel bad for Black people. That’s a disgrace to the great honorable history of Africa.

the fact is that the African, the Indian in the European built their own societies. This was a beautiful thing. But the far left Democrats want to say something else and their neoconservative Ally’s want to say “ the white man oppressed.”





You for know what I’m talking about. These damn politicians trying to divide us. We won’t let it happen.
Hilarious. Biden is 3 years into the most substantive legislative agenda passed in decades addressing America's needs while the right wing is talking about CRT, trans Americans, Disney, Hunter Biden, rooting on Russia, and talking about anything that doesnt help America. It is a party of hate and division. The democrats have a big tent of lots of interests that agree on one thing. The conservatives in this country are dangerous. Id go as far to say that all they want is to establish a white nationalist theocracy but I know some of the conservatives are just uniformed (stupid?) not fascist racists.

I hope you are betting on Bidenomics with your savings by being in the stock market. He's really got the engine running with full employment, falling inflation, and rising GDP.
Really, Indians make my smokes and I buy them from a thriving Indian smoke shop. Says right on the pack, "Crafted on the territory of the Seneca Nation of Indians".

My statement was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Most tribes are doing well here in Wisconsin.
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The past is what caused recent events. A belief maintained by whites like you for generations is the problem. But if you want to forget the past, stop celebrating July 4th and create a new constitution.
Celebrating something good that happened is a good thing. Wallowing in the dark past isn't.
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This country was "founded" upon an immoral foundation by illegal hordes of immigrants from Europe.
America was founded on the birthright promise that God gave to Joseph's son Manasseh and fulfilled by his descendants. And just as Joseph's brothers flocked to Egypt in Joseph's day, their descendants flocked to America in our day.
America was founded on the birthright promise that God gave to Joseph's son Manasseh and fulfilled by his descendants. And just as Joseph's brothers flocked to Egypt in Joseph's day, their descendants flocked to America in our day.
No it wasn't. That's a bunch of Christian Identity bs.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
The Indian boarding schools were a by self righteous "Christians".
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NPR is in Part funded by the US government. They are to be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this one’s great program.

NPR used to be this amazing thing where you got to hear from all Americans now it is a far left wing rag and it is rightfully labeled as state propaganda by Twitter. They are to be ashamed of themselves. God bless all the people who work at NPR in the 1980s and 1990s.

Let’s make NPR great again
Only place you get the details, the full story from all sides of the situation in most cases. There are zero perfect people or perfect information.
The really sad thing going on now is propaganda pros just make up any lie throw it against the wall and then push anything that sticks.
But we're not a modern country, and it's getting worse with the immigration of third world hordes and the breakdown of morals of the citizenry.
Of course we are a modern country, the GOP has not been that bad the last 40 years quite. The people coming in are from Venezuela Nicaragua and Cuba. Great job GOP with the sanctions and the lack of aid. Time to tax the rich again and invest in America and Latin America again and mainly climate control this is out of hand. GOP figure out there is man made global warming yet for Christ sake?
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Only place you get the details, the full story from all sides of the situation in most cases. There are zero perfect people or perfect information.
The really sad thing going on now is propaganda pros just make up any lie throw it against the wall and then push anything that sticks.
Murdoch and internet nutjobs...
She did speak truth in Florida.
Not about slavery. She attacked a curriculum on black history written by black scholars. Not too bright. Of course, her purpose was to belittle Governor DeSantis, but she chose the wrong subject to attack.
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No it wasn't. That's a bunch of Christian Identity bs.
The promise was unconditional and predates Christianity by thousands of years but provided the freedom of religion needed for the gospel to freely preached, so there is a relationship.
Of course we are a modern country, the GOP has not been that bad the last 40 years quite. The people coming in are from Venezuela Nicaragua and Cuba. Great job GOP with the sanctions and the lack of aid. Time to tax the rich again and invest in America and Latin America again and mainly climate control this is out of hand. GOP figure out there is man made global warming yet for Christ sake?
We are technically modern only. Human metrics has us in the third world; intelligence, crime, disease, poverty.

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