Five States Win $839 Million Obamacare Lawsuit

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Killing the oboma legacy... and so many stupid people still don't get it even when thrown in their faces!


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading a five-state coalition that on Thursday won an $839 million judgment against the federal government in an Obamacare lawsuit, a massive blow to the Obama administration’s namesake legislation.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA, better known as Obamacare) requires medical providers to pay a Health Insurance Provider Fee (HIPF). Even though the ACA exempts states from paying that fee when providing health care, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the Obama era created a regulation requiring states to pay the fee anyway, a fee that is styled as a tax on the states.

Paxton sued in federal court, joined by Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas, and Louisiana. The five states’ lawsuit argues that this tax/fee is illegal under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) because the ACA clearly exempts states from this payment and also that even if the statute did allow it, such taxes would violate the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution when imposed on sovereign states.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
like a lot of things--it looked good on paper, but was dumbshit in reality
The US did not defend the suit.
So Trump cost the taxpayers close to a billion dollars

"Last week, as the result of another Paxton lawsuit targeting the health care law, the federal government was ordered to repay the state of Texas nearly $305 million in taxes imposed on state Medicaid programs. Five other states also recouped money, for a total of $839 million, Paxton's office said."

Race for Texas attorney general heats up over Ken Paxton's lawsuit to overturn Obamacare | 2018 Elections | Dallas News
Taxpayers in those states were wrongly required to pay fees that the ACA specifically exempted them from...they were REIMBURSED their own tax dollars.
Where is the blow to Obamacare?

Feds have to pay back some collections from states for a total of under a
Obamacare can't stay afloat if it's constantly costing the gov't money.

This was 5 states. What if the other 45 sue for the same reason? How much money would the gov't have to pay back?
Is that because Trump refused to defend?

You got a link to that? The judge ruled the maobama rule taxing States was prohibited in the law. Just one more illegal action by the mulatto messiahs regime struck down by the courts, with many more to come. LMAO Seeing stupid commiecrats being thumped by the courts keeps me smiling.

Obamacare can't stay afloat if it's constantly costing the gov't money.

This was 5 states. What if the other 45 sue for the same reason? How much money would the gov't have to pay back?
Yes it can

We just need to return the funding and provisions removed by Republicans
Obamacare can't stay afloat if it's constantly costing the gov't money.

This was 5 states. What if the other 45 sue for the same reason? How much money would the gov't have to pay back?
Yes it can

We just need to return the funding and provisions removed by Republicans

By "funding and provisions" do you mean the tax penalty on people who don't buy insurance from government sponsored vendors?

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