Five years of President Obama

obama wasnt going to return unspent Stimulus funds to the Treasury ( let alone the PEOPLE)

the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled Sanford HAD to take the money

libs are uninformed dolts
the idiotic left says repubs not passing Dems "jobs bills" means they arent serious about jobs.

but Democrat "jobs bills" dont create jobs; especially not ones that last

where are the 7 milllion jobs obama claims to have created in spite of republican "obstruction"?
where are the stimulus jobs? do they still exist?
why are left-wing nutjobs asking republicans to create jobs Dems claim to have already created?

idiots and hypocrites

The Stimulus met all the numbers.

It saved a great deal of State and City jobs..and created jobs through construction projects.

Even Christie, who kiboshed the train tunnel, kept the money and used it to repair the Pulaski Skyway.
Port Authority's billion-dollar projects could lead to conflict or cooperation for Govs. Christie, Cuomo |

Ain't that grand? It's like stealing...Republican Style!
isnt the Left saying "government" has been reduced under obama?

well despite the fact that the lying; idiotic Left implies that obama reduced the size of the FEDERAL government; which isnt true; it has been state governments that have shrunk; DESPITE STIMULUS FUNDS.
Repubs at the State level predicted this; and it CAME TRUE. the Stimulus funds came with strings attached; which amounted to un-funded mandates (COSTS) on states

why do left-wingers come here an tell half a story?

idiots and hypocrites
the idiotic left says repubs not passing Dems "jobs bills" means they arent serious about jobs.

but Democrat "jobs bills" dont create jobs; especially not ones that last

where are the 7 milllion jobs obama claims to have created in spite of republican "obstruction"?
where are the stimulus jobs? do they still exist?
why are left-wing nutjobs asking republicans to create jobs Dems claim to have already created?

idiots and hypocrites

The Stimulus met all the numbers.

It saved a great deal of State and City jobs..and created jobs through construction projects.

Even Christie, who kiboshed the train tunnel, kept the money and used it to repair the Pulaski Skyway.
Port Authority's billion-dollar projects could lead to conflict or cooperation for Govs. Christie, Cuomo |

Ain't that grand? It's like stealing...Republican Style!

"met all numbers"

it did no such thing leftard. obama said passage of his Stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8%.

it actually went over 10%

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Yeah, the almost TRILLION DOLLARS Obama stole from us he called a STIMULAS...for jobs just wasn't enough for you....tsk tsk that's when the people TOOK THE HOUSE away from but you need to face it someday

Who's us? Steppie?

I paid 40K in taxes last year.

I'd rather that be spent on fixing roads, investing in education and helping people than building a 400 billion dollar fighter jet that has no one to fight.

But them are the breaks.

And it seems your Republican heroes, like Jindal, Sanford and um..who's that third guy..oh yeah, Rockin' Rick Perry took to stimulus the keep their taxes low.

Your boys are really a bunch of clueless hypocrites.

Texas balanced budget with stimulus money from Washington - Jan. 23, 2011
About-Face: More States Accept Stimulus Funds : NPR

who builds fighter jets leftard?

Americans do; and the money they make would go toward roads and education

people who's own states are in fiscal ruin shouldnt be pointing out the alleged cluelessness of others

idiots and hypocrites

My state isn't in Fiscal ruin.

In fact, my state PAYS for the dumbfucks in the South.

And a fighter jet that costs so much and has no use?

Is a pretty paperweight..and not much more.

Trashing 400 billion for it isn't fiscally conservative.

It's criminal.
the idiotic left says repubs not passing Dems "jobs bills" means they arent serious about jobs.

but Democrat "jobs bills" dont create jobs; especially not ones that last

where are the 7 milllion jobs obama claims to have created in spite of republican "obstruction"?
where are the stimulus jobs? do they still exist?
why are left-wing nutjobs asking republicans to create jobs Dems claim to have already created?

idiots and hypocrites

The Stimulus met all the numbers.

It saved a great deal of State and City jobs..and created jobs through construction projects.

Even Christie, who kiboshed the train tunnel, kept the money and used it to repair the Pulaski Skyway.
Port Authority's billion-dollar projects could lead to conflict or cooperation for Govs. Christie, Cuomo |

Ain't that grand? It's like stealing...Republican Style!

"met all numbers"

it did no such thing leftard. obama said passage of his Stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8%.

it actually went over 10%

libs are losers who lie to themselves

You have a problem with history..don't ya?

The Stimulus wasn't even implemented when UE shot up to 10%.

Facts are inconvenient, aren't they?

Who's us? Steppie?

I paid 40K in taxes last year.

I'd rather that be spent on fixing roads, investing in education and helping people than building a 400 billion dollar fighter jet that has no one to fight.

But them are the breaks.

And it seems your Republican heroes, like Jindal, Sanford and um..who's that third guy..oh yeah, Rockin' Rick Perry took to stimulus the keep their taxes low.

Your boys are really a bunch of clueless hypocrites.

Texas balanced budget with stimulus money from Washington - Jan. 23, 2011
About-Face: More States Accept Stimulus Funds : NPR

who builds fighter jets leftard?

Americans do; and the money they make would go toward roads and education

people who's own states are in fiscal ruin shouldnt be pointing out the alleged cluelessness of others

idiots and hypocrites

My state isn't in Fiscal ruin.

In fact, my state PAYS for the dumbfucks in the South.

And a fighter jet that costs so much and has no use?

Is a pretty paperweight..and not much more.

Trashing 400 billion for it isn't fiscally conservative.

It's criminal.


another idiotic talking point that was debunked long ago

is this stupidity the best you got?
well we need a lecture on fiscal sanity from left-wing nutjobs that first insisted welfare, food stamps and unemployment "save or crete jobs". when increased unemployment and welfare didnt solve welfare and unemployment like the mindless morons implied it would; the left took to bragging how good it is for people to not have to work

idiots and hypocrites
the whole state if Illinois; obama's base; will probably need a bailout over a $100 billion dollar pension fund whole

idiots and hypocrites
well we need a lecture on fiscal sanity from left-wing nutjobs that first insisted welfare, food stamps and unemployment "save or crete jobs". when increased unemployment and welfare didnt solve welfare and unemployment like the mindless morons implied it would; the left took to bragging how good it is for people to not have to work

idiots and hypocrites

and that OScamCare is wonderful because it clears up, job lock

What's scary is so many people believe their propaganda and regurgitate it on us
The Stimulus met all the numbers.

It saved a great deal of State and City jobs..and created jobs through construction projects.

Even Christie, who kiboshed the train tunnel, kept the money and used it to repair the Pulaski Skyway.
Port Authority's billion-dollar projects could lead to conflict or cooperation for Govs. Christie, Cuomo |

Ain't that grand? It's like stealing...Republican Style!

"met all numbers"

it did no such thing leftard. obama said passage of his Stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8%.

it actually went over 10%

libs are losers who lie to themselves

You have a problem with history..don't ya?

The Stimulus wasn't even implemented when UE shot up to 10%.

Facts are inconvenient, aren't they?


no YOU have a problem with history leftard. obama said that
Yeah... 5 years of Obama and what has he done about those evil 1% ers flying around in corporate jets to Vegas and all.

He hoodwinked his cult followers



And exactly what has the GOP done to reverse that trend?

Tried to kill ObamaCare, like 40 times?

Tried to pass Anti Abortion bills?

Named everything after Ronald Reagan?

I mean..what?

The pubs didn't put one of their own in the Oval Office.

Obama campaigned against this very result and HE has done nothing to change it. But that didn't stop the LIV's from voting for him.... twice.... darn racist.


He did ALOT to try and change it.

He held dinners for Republicans, who didn't show up.
Had given them invites for talks, which they didn't show up too.
Played golf with the few that would play golf with him.
Offered them a plethora of spending cuts in the "Grand Bargain" and they walked away.

And this is AFTER McConnell stated that the mission of the Republican party was to make Obama a one term President.

2 wars.
Financial Collapse.

And Republicans have one thing they want done. The removal of the President.

There was no one to deal with. The GOP is the party of no. As in no compromise, my way or the highway.

That's a pretty damaging mindset in the type of government we have.
Labor participation at an almost 40 year low.

More people on food stamps that ever.

1 million fewer people working than the day your dear leader took office.

Slowest economic recovery since the great depression.

More people on disability than ever.

I'm sure I could think of some more, but you get my drift.
And yet there are record corporate profits not trickling down. Of course those are completely unrelated, right? Record corporate profits and a record number of full-time employees on food stamps because of low wages and no benefits?

Completely unrelated......

Nobody wants to spend any money because they dont know what obammy will do next. I know I'm only taking one vacation this year due to uncertainties.
"met all numbers"

it did no such thing leftard. obama said passage of his Stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8%.

it actually went over 10%

libs are losers who lie to themselves

You have a problem with history..don't ya?

The Stimulus wasn't even implemented when UE shot up to 10%.

Facts are inconvenient, aren't they?


no YOU have a problem with history leftard. obama said that

Name calling all you got?

Here's the other neat thing about Bush. He didn't give him the correct numbers concerning how bad things were.

Seems in addition to lying about the rationale for attack Iraq, he lied about the economy too.
unemployment peaked in 2010 at over 10%. yes leftard the obama stimulus was already passed and being spent

nobody made obama say it

why dont you go cry?
You have a problem with history..don't ya?

The Stimulus wasn't even implemented when UE shot up to 10%.

Facts are inconvenient, aren't they?


no YOU have a problem with history leftard. obama said that

Name calling all you got?

Here's the other neat thing about Bush. He didn't give him the correct numbers concerning how bad things were.

Seems in addition to lying about the rationale for attack Iraq, he lied about the economy too.

obama said it; that passage of his Stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8.5%.

but it did; and you start talking about Bush

why shouldnt you be called names?
You have a problem with history..don't ya?

The Stimulus wasn't even implemented when UE shot up to 10%.

Facts are inconvenient, aren't they?


no YOU have a problem with history leftard. obama said that

Name calling all you got?

Here's the other neat thing about Bush. He didn't give him the correct numbers concerning how bad things were.

Seems in addition to lying about the rationale for attack Iraq, he lied about the economy too.


i seem to recall you were going to prove some lies and impeach somebody

hows that going genius?
I think, personally, that if we just leave dimocrap scum alone, they will inevitably end up destroying themselves. They really are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Just look at these figures..... From a POS-TUS that is supposed to be on THEIR side... :cuckoo:


That's the bottom quintile, folks. 95% dimocraps.

Look at what the lying-cocksucker-in-chief has done for his constituents.

Maybe a new plan is in order.... Leave them alone. They're so incredibly stupid, they'll kill themselves. We won't have to do it for them.

Unfortunately, that ain't how Conservatives and other Patriots role. We'll have to go in and bail them out (as usual) when they do start starving.

Do you really have to prove how fucking stupid you are, every day? We now believe you. You are stupid.

Now you think that a President, any President, controls the private sectors wages.

Fucking idiot.

I bet if the private sector wages went up you would give credit to obammy.
Yeah you would....
libs arent lying about the economy; they actually believe unemployment and food stamps "save or create jobs"

and RECORD welfare and food stamps is "forward progress"

idiots and hypocrites

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