FL Covid Case Count Surpasses New York

And in other news thousands more people caught a cold.

Those numbers are based on statistics on COVID-19 gathered before April 29th.
Global average 84 deaths per million. Sweden 564 deaths per million. Be Politically Correct & open schools & the country like Sweden. We need to kill more, damage more lungs & create more chronic disease because our healthcare cost are too low!

Specifically, what is your point?

Sarcasm does not translate well from the written word. Hemmingway was superb at it but I have yet to come across a Hemmingway on any of the message boards I visit.

The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.
Yet the NY death toll is 10 times higher than Florida

Sssshhhhh!!! The left is busy pretending that all Covid infections are automatically fatal, and it confuses things when you bring up facts.

Well, that's a pretty lame reason for letting Coumo off the hook for being in charge of a state that had the greatest number of deaths (36,000), a great many of them were seniors that the nursing homes were forced to take in Covid positive patients. Now if it were Trump or a republican governor who did that, they'd be designing the guillotine for the their executions by now. It's amazing how Democrats completely ignore the horror show that occured in NY under Coumo. In fact the Left is actually praising him and considering him a candidate for 2024. Yeah sure they have low numbers now, after most of the state got the virus and some areas have almost heard immunity!
They sure paid a heavy price...About a forth of the deaths in US are in the state of NY.

150,000 dead on your blob’s watch.

Blaming any specific person here in America for a virus attack launched by Communist China is plain ignorant. Thre is no other word to describe those who make that mistake.

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Jeffrey Lord

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

From The New York Times on March 13: “As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.”

From The New York Times on March 16: “Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.”

From The Washington Post, March 19: “In the worst-case scenario, America is on a trajectory toward 1.1 million deaths.”

From MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, March 24: If Americans go to Easter services: “If that happened on Easter Sunday, just 19 days from now, then in May, you’d have millions of dead people all over the country. Millions,” O’Donnell said on his MSNBC show. “If you have packed churches all over the country, including California, on Easter Sunday, by May there could be a million dead people in California.”

From Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama’s former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “Currently experts expect over one million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.”

From infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm to podcaster Joe Rogan the week of March 12: “We conservatively estimate that this could require 48 million hospitalizations, 96 million cases actually occurring, over 480,000 deaths that can occur over the next three to seven months…”

From CNN: “On State of the Union, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Brianna Keilar that in a worst-case scenario millions of people in the US could die from the coronavirus.”

From Yahoo: "At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.”

In other words? By this point, there were estimates aplenty in the media that there would be anywhere from almost a half million to 1.5 million to 2.2 million dead Americans. But mysteriously in all the stories about the 100,000 dead Americans there is no mention - zero - of earlier media predictions that there would be ten or twenty times that number of deaths.

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die

But now it is lung damage.

Kinda like when Obama said you could keep your doctor and your plan....but they knocked off a lot of plans.....

When they got pushback, their response (which you had not heard up to that point) was "they were junk plans".

What a fucking deflection.

And now lung damage is the new Junk Plan.
And in other news thousands more people caught a cold.

Those numbers are based on statistics on COVID-19 gathered before April 29th.

Maybe they should have kept their mouths shut.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.
Yet the NY death toll is 10 times higher than Florida

Sssshhhhh!!! The left is busy pretending that all Covid infections are automatically fatal, and it confuses things when you bring up facts.
"Peaceful" protesters I mean rioters I mean terrorists I mean arsonists in Portland, Seattle, NY, Chicago, D.C. (all Democrat run cities) and their cheerleaders in the media and Democratic party: "Covid who?!"
You suck at math. NY had 6X deaths, but Give it time Retard. Florida death rate is currently higher than NY.
Florida is the third most populous state, but eight in terms of COVID deaths. And yet morons like Chris Mathews, and Chris Wallace, only want to focus on the numbers of people who tested positive, as a way to bash Trump and DeSantis for supposedly failing to address the virus.
Last edited:

You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link to a site proving your allegation that officials are demanding that children with chronic asthma or other diseases attend public school.
It's just assumed, therefore it must be factual.... so says the lib'tards.

Lying, making up false rumors, spouting speculative assumptions and forming conspiracy theories, and presenting them all as if they were facts, is what the freaking Democrats, leftists and Trump-haters do.
I dont believe any of the numbers. For either infections or deaths.
Its all a bunch of bullshit.
You have state officials admitting someone could die from a heart attack but its a covid death. You have officials from all over the country reporting numbers are false.
A county in TN supposedly had 698. The mayor ran the numbers and they had 9. NINE.

Your post has been rated bullshit.

Which BTW matches the rating of our current one term president.
Yeah, a known, proven liar is a good source for calling out bullshit..
Go lay an egg, chickenhead

trump by the count of the Washington Post has over 20,000 lies told while in office. Are you referring to him...

What county in TN was that again....
But the Washington Post has over 30,000 lies that they have told while the President has held office.....

Can you provide documentation like the Post has.
The have no facts or documentation, just opinion on how they can try to harm Trump
"Peaceful" protesters I mean rioters I mean terrorists I mean arsonists in Portland, Seattle, NY, Chicago, D.C. (all Democrat run cities) and their cheerleaders in the media and Democratic party: "Covid who?!"
George, who?????
His videos are pretty prevalent on porn sites, Mr. Floyd was quite a movie star, I have to say.
You suck at math. NY had 6X deaths, but Give it time Retard. Florida death rate is currently higher than NY.
Florida is the third most populous state, but eight in terms of COVID deaths. And yet morons like Chris Mathews only want to focus on the numbers of people who tested positive, as a way to bash Trump and DeSantis for supposedly failing to address the virus.
I thought Mathews retired. Where did you see him?
I dont believe any of the numbers. For either infections or deaths.
Its all a bunch of bullshit.
You have state officials admitting someone could die from a heart attack but its a covid death. You have officials from all over the country reporting numbers are false.
A county in TN supposedly had 698. The mayor ran the numbers and they had 9. NINE.

Your post has been rated bullshit.

Which BTW matches the rating of our current one term president.
Yeah, a known, proven liar is a good source for calling out bullshit..
Go lay an egg, chickenhead

trump by the count of the Washington Post has over 20,000 lies told while in office. Are you referring to him...

What county in TN was that again....
Here faggot

So, where are the majors numbers in all this?

Where is the 9.

You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link to a site proving your allegation that officials are demanding that children with chronic asthma or other diseases attend public school.
It's just assumed, therefore it must be factual.... so says the lib'tards.

Lying, making up false rumors, spouting speculative assumptions and forming conspiracy theories, and presenting them all as if they were facts, is what the freaking Democrats, leftists and Trump-haters do.
And running highly improbable “worst case” as Most Likely
But now it is lung damage.

Kinda like when Obama said you could keep your doctor and your plan....but they knocked off a lot of plans.....

When they got pushback, their response (which you had not heard up to that point) was "they were junk plans".

What a fucking deflection.

And now lung damage is the new Junk Plan.

Yeah, somehow they "know" what the long-term effects are, even though it hasn't been around long enough for any long-term effects. And it's just a coincidence that all the scare stories about "permanent lung damage", etc. turned up just in time to block out any news about death rates plummeting.
The Unmasked and the Worthless have infected more people in Florida than were infected in NYC.

Lets hope the death toll doesn't catch up as well.

The virus is serious business and you really need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.
Yet the NY death toll is 10 times higher than Florida

Sssshhhhh!!! The left is busy pretending that all Covid infections are automatically fatal, and it confuses things when you bring up facts.
"Peaceful" protesters I mean rioters I mean terrorists I mean arsonists in Portland, Seattle, NY, Chicago, D.C. (all Democrat run cities) and their cheerleaders in the media and Democratic party: "Covid who?!"

True, but they still get their panties in an uproar when we don't take their "OMG!!! THE RONA!!!" demands about everything else seriously.
But now it is lung damage.

Kinda like when Obama said you could keep your doctor and your plan....but they knocked off a lot of plans.....

When they got pushback, their response (which you had not heard up to that point) was "they were junk plans".

What a fucking deflection.

And now lung damage is the new Junk Plan.

Yeah, somehow they "know" what the long-term effects are, even though it hasn't been around long enough for any long-term effects. And it's just a coincidence that all the scare stories about "permanent lung damage", etc. turned up just in time to block out any news about death rates plummeting.

Classic Saul Alinksy bullshit deflection.

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