Flash!: Media Fellates Obama In Print Last days of Campaign


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The media's cup of Obama love definitely doth overfloweth. The numbers demonstrating what everybody suspected are in showing the leftMedia showered their love on Barry overwhelmingly during the last week of the campaign.
Four dead in Benghazi! Whatever are you talking about? That block Candy threw at Mitt protecting Barry should have given you a clue. David Brock is obviously beaming. The old propagandameister, Joe Goebbels, never had it so good.]

"In the final week of the 2012 presidential campaign, Barack Obama enjoyed his most positive run of news coverage in months, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. Only during the week of his nominating convention was the treatment in the press more favorable.

Much of that surge in positive coverage, the data suggest, was tied to Obama’s strategic position, including improving opinion polls and electoral math, rather than directly to positive assessments of Obama’s response to Superstorm Sandy. The storm, however, appeared to reduce the amount of attention focused on Mitt Romney and may well have influenced public attitudes about the president."

Pew: Obama Enjoyed “Surge” Of Positive MSM News Coverage During Final Week Of Campaign… | Weasel Zippers

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