Flashback: Woopie Goldberg Says McCain Will Bring Back Slavery

Why would anyone want to enslave negroes?
I mean they already are slaves to the Democrats. I think most “white nationalists” would rather free them and send them back to Africa where they belong.
Woopie is a king racist and a complete waste of 02

Why would anyone want to enslave negroes?
I mean they already are slaves to the Democrats. I think most “white nationalists” would rather free them and send them back to Africa where they belong.
Taking a break from stormfront?
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return

Vintage. Whether it is Bush, McCain, Romney or Trump, liberals will always try and paint you as a racist, homophob and anti-woman. Countless women come forward saying Bill Clinton grabbed groped or even raped then and the Left either trashes them as lying whores or is sure that it is consensual. Trump fantasizes about grabbing a woman and they are all over him as anti-woman.

Point being - liberals are full of double standards and very quick to smear at all costs whether true, half- true, or lies. The love-hate-love for McCain is a good example. If you voted for Obama because his views were more in line with yours vs McCain but still liked McCain, that’s fine. If you had to smear McCain to support Obama and are now praising McCain, you are full of shit.
McCain lives rent free in your head. You wish your blob had his accomplishments.

God Speed Senator. Mission accomplished
I don’t recall any senator’s death and funeral getting the kind of DNCMSM attention Crazy Johnny has received. Not even Fat Teddy got this much press, when he bit the dust.

Johnny was a war hero, but a terribly corrupt and warmongering senator. I don’t venerate such people, but the DNCMSM does so naturally you do too.
So soon we forget...

Meanwhile, in the real world...


Susan Glasser of the New Yorker calls John McCain’s funeral “the biggest resistance meeting yet.” I think Glasser is right, but is this a good thing?

Glasser certainly thinks so. She seems ecstatic about it.

McCain probably would have thought so too. He was a world class grudge holder. McCain was also capable of forgiveness, but that capacity ran in only one direction — left.

It’s rich, though, that Meghan McCain, Barack Obama and others attempted to wax eloquent about the good old days of bipartisanship, civility, and respect, as exemplified by John McCain, while trying to stick it to the President of the United States during a funeral.

I’n not a fan of Donald Trump the man, but I’ll say this for him: When he sticks the knife in, he doesn’t pretend to be the guardian of civility and related virtues.

Obama’s speech was a particularly pedestrian affair. The only surprise — and maybe it shouldn’t have been — was his poor grammar. One would hope that the smartest man in any room and the possessor of degrees from Columbia and Harvard could avoid saying this: “After all, what better way to get a last laugh than to make George and I say nice things about him to a national audience?”?

Meghan McCain’s big line was: “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great.” It brought applause from the mourner-resisters — a rarity, if not a first, at a funeral at the National Cathedral, according to Glasser.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...

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