FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

No one gives a damn what your president is called, Obama, Trump, Hillary, Bush or Ali G. You can run your little game show over there but the rest of the world (tries) to see you as a nation- not a person.

When we need Sweden's opinion we'll beat it out of them.
Fair enough, but you do not really believe he misspoke yesterday do you?

I've maintained all along that Trumps mouth gets ahead of his brain. He often rambles and says stupid shit but if it has no impact on my life and the economy keeps on keeping on I don't give a rat's ass if he says Pinocchio was an honest child & believes it.

Tank the economy or cause irreparable damage internationally and I will turn on him like a wicked stepmother on crack.

Thus far the vast majority of my take away from his mistakes are butthurt people and wound up trolls on a mission


What the hell?
”He” doesn’t say anything.

The US foreign policy can’t be more clear. Or unclear. There is no “he”, it’s your f-ing president.

What you are saying is that America sometimes speaks before it thinks, that America is like an average person - sometimes up, sometimes down, witty, funny, grumpy, tired, needs to take a shit or what the hell a person needs to do once in a while.

“Oh, we didn’t manage to get there in time because America felt I was time for a morning wank, sorry for your loss”

Get a grip will you?

If you're gonna do a morning wank, you need to get a grip.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake

Oh, but Democrats have a standard of perfection, you know, like they always applied to Obama ...


OMG, I crack myself up ...
Some liberal lies and starts a thread about Trump kneeling and bowing before Putin, news at...well never. :auiqs.jpg:

That's what he did and this is what I said.

But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

I don't see a question mark at the end of your thread title. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
No one gives a damn what your president is called, Obama, Trump, Hillary, Bush or Ali G. You can run your little game show over there but the rest of the world (tries) to see you as a nation- not a person.
You MUST be new to politics lol

No one cares? The world heaped praise on Obama & Hillary everytime they went abroad.
A Republican president is condemned and mocked everytime he goes abroad.

No, it's not because he's a Republican president, he's mocked because he has no sense of ethics or morality, as well as says stupid stuff on a regular basis.

If he wasn't acting like an ass, he wouldn't be mocked.
You must stand proudly for the anthem but it's fine to take a knee and bow to Putin

Clearly he mis-bowed. He thought Putin was a North Korean military officer.

It's the old bone spur acting up. Wreaks havoc with the vision thing.
Except he never bowed to Putin.

You people live in fantasy land.
No one gives a damn what your president is called, Obama, Trump, Hillary, Bush or Ali G. You can run your little game show over there but the rest of the world (tries) to see you as a nation- not a person.
You MUST be new to politics lol

No one cares? The world heaped praise on Obama & Hillary everytime they went abroad.
A Republican president is condemned and mocked everytime he goes abroad.
Oh....that's it, isn't it. Jealousy.
An astute observation of liberals and progressives around the world acting like buffoons
The entire planet is calling Putin’s Poodle a buffoon today. That and how dangerous he has made the world by failing to stand up to Putin.

I still think Trumps way is a lot better than the alternative. George W Bush took the hard line with Saddam Hussein. The result - Bush lied, people died. I would hate to see the country go down that road again. A lot of the same people criticizing Trump today were all for invading Iraq. When will anyone be held accountable for all the death and destruction that followed.
This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey

Russian sanctions are still in place, still selling antitank weapons to Ukraine, trying to get Britain to cancel pipeline, trying to push oil prices lower, US and NATO beefing up and missiles still in Poland. One slip of the thong doesn't negate any of that. Yeah, such a lackey. LMAO


Trump had nothing to do with the sanctions. Sorry bud, but the people wanted Trump to say something to address the indictments that proved how Russia interfered in our election and Trump took Putins side.
View attachment 205562 The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit
I declared the media traitors years ago.
We declaredyou an idiot the first time you posted.
Of course you hate the free press. They hold fat boi accountable and do the job the GOP Congress is supposed to do.
No they don't. They lie. They print what they're told.
As usual you have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s an HBO series of the inner workings of the NYT and it clearly shows how many layers of Fact checks and sources they need to go through before putting it in print.
We both know you’re not much of a thinker but you should watch the series and learn something for a change.
This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey

The failures of the US intelligence agencies and FBI have nothing to do with “siding with Putin”. President Trump stated the facts about their failures.

But it is hilarious to listen to BLM cop-killing cheerleaders and national anthem kneelers lecture us on patriotism and how great the FBI is.

Please. FBI is shady!

What’s your view ? You think fbi is dirty , but local rube filled PD is not ?

Yes when the FBI has political appointees that do the bidding of a corrupt regime.
No one gives a damn what your president is called, Obama, Trump, Hillary, Bush or Ali G. You can run your little game show over there but the rest of the world (tries) to see you as a nation- not a person.
You MUST be new to politics lol

No one cares? The world heaped praise on Obama & Hillary everytime they went abroad.
A Republican president is condemned and mocked everytime he goes abroad.

Actually, you are correct - I only answered you because I sense you’re not very partisan.

The rest of the world is too damn focused on that too. We’re no better.
I am partisan but I am first grounded in reality. No party is perfect and these days it can be hard to tell them apart

Yeah, I get it. But your domestic policy is one thing. Your president still can’t say things on top of his head - that means he says it on top of your (personal) head. Know what I mean?

People (other countries) get cautious. Is US formally aligned to Russia? Are centuries of alliances dead now?

This regards planning, decisions, that stretches for decades. Far beyond the span of a presidency.
This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey

Russian sanctions are still in place, still selling antitank weapons to Ukraine, trying to get Britain to cancel pipeline, trying to push oil prices lower, US and NATO beefing up and missiles still in Poland. One slip of the thong doesn't negate any of that. Yeah, such a lackey. LMAO


Trump has no problem verbally dumping on the leaders of our euro allies . But he was all sunshine wh Putin? That ain’t strange ?
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Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake

Oh, but Democrats have a standard of perfection, you know, like they always applied to Obama ...


OMG, I crack myself up ...
Fair but do you want to be judged by their standards? I certainly don't.
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake

Oh, but Democrats have a standard of perfection, you know, like they always applied to Obama ...


OMG, I crack myself up ...

Obama: The cops acted stupidly, oh wait, they didn't? Hey try to schedule a beer summit with that cop okay. Where? In one of the 57 states I don't care.
Some liberal lies and starts a thread about Trump kneeling and bowing before Putin, news at...well never. :auiqs.jpg:

That's what he did and this is what I said.

But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

I don't see a question mark at the end of your thread title. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

It wasn't a question.
This is the president who made a big stink about football players taking a knee before the anthem. Oh how that was disrespecting the service of those who fought for freedom. But yesterday our President may have well taken a knee and bowed to Putin while throwing Americans who work to keep our country free under the bus.

Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey
Maybe the president is exactly as compromised as he looks.

By Michelle Goldberg

No matter how low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday, it was hard not to be staggered by the American president’s slavish and toadying performance.

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence service for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The same day, Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America’s vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. “I’m here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,” he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.

But standing beside Putin in Helsinki on Monday, Trump sided with the Russian president against American intelligence agencies while spewing lies and conspiracy theories. “He just said it’s not Russia,” he said of Putin’s denials. “I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Continuing in a free-associative fugue, he asked, “What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the D.N.C.?” referring to a debunked right-wing claim about a former Democratic I.T. staffer. “What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone, just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily.”

Perhaps the most sinister part of the news conference was Trump’s seeming openness to a deal in which F.B.I. investigators could question people in Russia in exchange for letting Russians question Putin critics in America. Putin referred specifically to associates of his arch-nemesis Bill Browder, a businessman (and British citizen) who has succeeded in getting seven countries, including the United States, to pass laws punishing Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption. (The Russians who met with members of the Trump campaign at Trump Tower in June 2016 wanted to discuss this law, the Magnitsky Act.)

Opinion | Trump Shows the World He’s Putin’s Lackey

The failures of the US intelligence agencies and FBI have nothing to do with “siding with Putin”. President Trump stated the facts about their failures.

But it is hilarious to listen to BLM cop-killing cheerleaders and national anthem kneelers lecture us on patriotism and how great the FBI is.

Please. FBI is shady!

What’s your view ? You think fbi is dirty , but local rube filled PD is not ?

Yes when the FBI has political appointees that do the bidding of a corrupt regime.

These are Trump appointees.
It was eerie in today’s damage control meeting that when fat boi said he agreed with the intelligence agencies the lights went out.
It was like all the former president’s spirits were making a commentary of just how much a fraud this president is.
View attachment 205562 The world is responding today to the embarrassing Helsinki disaster of Trump’s.

Newspapers around the world have reacted to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performances at the Helsinki summit, and are united in their assessment of which world leader came out on top.

In the US, several papers went in hard on Trump. The New York Daily News accused the president of treason. Its front page featured an illustration of Trump holding hands with a bare-chested Putin and shooting Uncle Sam in the head with a gun in the other hand.

The Washington Post’s headline is: “Trump touts Putin’s ‘powerful’ denial”. The paper says Trump handed the Russian president“an unalloyed diplomatic triumph” during their summit as he refused to support the “collective conclusion” of the US intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York Post ran with the headline: “See no evil”.

'Putin's poodle': newspapers declare Trump a traitor after Helsinki summit
I declared the media traitors years ago.
We declaredyou an idiot the first time you posted.
Of course you hate the free press. They hold fat boi accountable and do the job the GOP Congress is supposed to do.
No they don't. They lie. They print what they're told.
As usual you have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s an HBO series of the inner workings of the NYT and it clearly shows how many layers of Fact checks and sources they need to go through before putting it in print.
We both know you’re not much of a thinker but you should watch the series and learn something for a change.
HBO and the New York times are both leftist traitor media hacks. Nothing but lies. Why would I watch that horseshit?
Stop acting like a helicopter parent who needs to protect their baby.
No president has ever been perfect and every action they take or statement they make does not require you to come running to their defense.

Trump stepped in it and today is trying to right his mistake.
You should do the same. You don't have to argue with every leftist nitwit. All you accomplished is fueling the argument.

Let Trump own his mistakes for fucks sake
“Sort of a double negative”: Trump says he didn’t mean to deny Russian election meddling

Here's the link you should have included, and it's hysterical. Double negative....lol....the man should just shut up. I'm still giggling. When the article said his statement left reporters "mystified," they meant it. How this clears up anything in that long embarrassing car wreck of a statement yesterday in his presser, I don't really understand.
Well, a good laugh is always welcome.

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