Florida COVID cases going wild!

My girls sister went out there for a bachelorette party. Everybody in her house came back with COViD
Yep that is what all women do, have a bachelorette party and then go immediately to get covid tested.
Had trump taken it seriously we wouldn’t be where we are now.
What an ignorant claim-----the US did much better than most other countries. Trump did the right thing--stop the infected from coming over. And he did this with the MURDERING dems like Cuomo purposely spreading the disease to the elderly in nursing homes trying to kill them off for political points and money.
I was on I-75 Sunday. Congestive traffic all the way from the Georgia border. Most of the vehicles had out of state tags.

We are being infected by all these shitheads from "upnorth".
I was on I-75 Sunday. Congestive traffic all the way from the Georgia border. Most of the vehicles had out of state tags.

We are being infected by all these shitheads from "upnorth".

Hey now, cut us a break. Imagine Easter in MI wearing your snowpants and winter boots

Better yet, don't. hahahaha
Stupidest narrative y’all have come up with yet.
A quite astute narrative for Catholic-CIA puppet JoeXi and his sleep-up to traffic untested genuflectors into Florida to miscegenate with Cubans, because the CIA knows that romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries (JoeXi’s wife does not like Trump’s wife).
You should never compare the disease to the treatment. NEWS FLASH: if the treatment even remotely approaches the danger of the disease, IT'S A FAILED TREATMENT unless the disease will SURELY kill you, as in terminal cancer and chemotherapy.

I am comparing treatment v. treatment
I can easily compare when you say stuff like the disease is safer than the vaccine
I will be in Florida in less than two weeks. The Realtor says everything is open, but the county is a high infection rate county. We will roll the dice and take our chances.

If you're going for a vacation, your best choice is to not go.

I needed to get away.

I went to Hawaii.

I highly recommend Hawaii for a vacation. It's much safer than Florida.
With incompetent governors like desantis, Biden really has to fight uphill. Ronnie is only worried about his political career. He is even overriding local authorities that want to reinstate masks mandates. He is a miniature former guy.....as incompetent as he was.

The people of Florida are up the creek without a paddle.
The economy is doing just fine thanks to Joe Biden. 6.5% growth rate, unemployment at 5.9%, down from 15% under the twice impeached, one term loser.

What we're talking about here is the failure of DeSantis, who is as brain dead, as the twice impeached, one term loser. And now with the most cases of Covid to prove it.

What's fortunate in this sordid tale of ignorance, is Millenials, and Gen Z voters are going to bury the Republican party over the next 20 years, and that has already started.
Actually Biden's incompetence is going to put Republicans back in power.
The death rate hardly changed since March, you are being dishonest here and he has nothing to do with the Delta variant either.

Hardly any change in the states death rate for the last 5 months in Florida, despite three large new cases spikes since March:


Your partisan viewpoint is making you stupid.
What has changed is the vast majority of deaths are people who are unvaccinated.

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