Florida COVID cases going wild!

Sweet ?? The M vaccine has not weaken in its 9 months

The Pfizer vaccine has; probably the other two to follow. Boosters rolling out in the UK to older people. Boosters are of course an acknowledgment that the vaccines are weakening.
If the vaccines didn't suck I would get them. Even though my body hates vaccines.

But, they do suck. So....
All viruses will mutate and render most vaccines less effective

For "leaky" vaccines, sure. Do not blame people if they don't want to take leaky vaccines with a host of side effects whose manufacturers have legal immunity


Read that again
Yes but I don’t think it has weaken enough to warrant a booster unless you’re in bad health

Boosters are rolling out in the UK and Israel now and soon. They had Delta first.

Natural immunity is proving to be very durable and long-lasting, much MUCH more so than the vaccines. Can you get infected twice, yes it happens. But rarely among people who actually had symptomatic infections. Again as we have known FOREVER: you're not sick if you're not sick.

I'm going to repeat that:

You're not sick. If you're not sick.

Imagine that!
How is it being proven? I just spoke to a client yesterday who told me they had a low symptom case of Covid a few months ago and after they recovered they got an antigen test and their system didn’t have any. I’d bet the same happened to Rahm. And if you don’t the the PGA tour didn’t double and triple check the double and triple check the you're high. That move cost the man close to $2 million dollars. Then two months later he is yanked from the Olympics as the worlds number one ranked player. That doesn’t happen with a $5 test you get at the local Walgreens
For "leaky" vaccines, sure. Do not blame people if they don't want to take leaky vaccines with a host of side effects whose manufacturers have legal immunity


Read that again
Are you worried about catching Covid? Do you think it was made in a Wuhan lab?
How is it being proven? I just spoke to a client yesterday who told me they had a low symptom case of Covid a few months ago and after they recovered they got an antigen test and their system didn’t have any. I’d bet the same happened to Rahm. And if you don’t the the PGA tour didn’t double and triple check the double and triple check the you're high. That move cost the man close to $2 million dollars. Then two months later he is yanked from the Olympics as the worlds number one ranked player. That doesn’t happen with a $5 test you get at the local Walgreens

ETA: one has to resort to the Israeli media because ours is not a media, but just a mouthpiece for our terribly crooked gov. This is all playing out in front of us and they still can't be bothered to tell the truth
Are you worried about catching Covid? Do you think it was made in a Wuhan lab?

Statistically, not at all, no. In case things take a wrong turn, I have early treatment on hand. Early treatment MUCH safer than vaccines. Isn't it strange that the gov hasn't unleashed those? It's almost as if the entire gov is owned by the pharmaceutical companies.
Statistically, not at all, no. In case things take a wrong turn, I have early treatment on hand. Early treatment MUCH safer than vaccines. Isn't it strange that the gov hasn't unleashed those? It's almost as if the entire gov is owned by the pharmaceutical companies.
Why is early treatment safer than vaccines? Does Covid have a better death rate than vaccines now?!
Why is early treatment safer than vaccines? Does Covid have a better death rate than vaccines now?!

You should never compare the disease to the treatment. NEWS FLASH: if the treatment even remotely approaches the danger of the disease, IT'S A FAILED TREATMENT unless the disease will SURELY kill you, as in terminal cancer and chemotherapy.

I am comparing treatment v. treatment

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