Florida COVID cases going wild!

Lesh YOU are the liar and proved it ...C19 is overblown--JUST like the other ''issues'' in the news everyday...my god = that's what the MSM does - to make $$$$!!! they lie/sensationalize/etc
You`re still calling it a media hoax which makes you one of the dumbest people that post here and the competition is stiff. Do you think the wildfire reporting is overblown too? FOX news has been scaring the crap out of their racist viewers 24/7 with tall tales about millions of Covid carrying immigrants just walking across the border and they`ve been doing it since trump LOST. What else do they have?
I think this statement unwittingly demonstrates how degenerate and anti-American the left wrong is.

Patriotic American citizens, peacefully and legitimately exercising their First Amendment right of freedom of assembly, are “biker trash”, and yet this piece of shit cannot bring itself to condemn the hordes of criminal trash illegally invading our nation across our southern border.

They`ll lie about bringing in Covid from Mexico while giving a pass to the 700,000 unmasked biker trash in Sturgis this weekend. Hmmm.
We like to call it Free Florida! Crossing those state lines then becomes more Gulag like depending on which ones. It is always fun when a Prog call others names while he is sitting at the diner table taking food from the plate of the person sitting next to him and putting it on his own plate.
Exactly.... There is no hiding from the virus in the stupid ways that people come up with to hide from it. It's all ludicrous.

Remember, the viruses being studied in the Wuhan lab, and how those lab technicians wore astronaut suits with oxygen attached trying to not be infected during studying, but we can take grandma's curtain's down off of the window (wrap them around our face), and magic happens ???? ROTFLMBO.

The only way to fight viruses is through vaccinations for the elderly in the form of a flu type vaccination or pneumonia shot.
Perhaps the more genius Chinese commie method was to allow (and possibly assist) dispersal amongst their own, as a cleansing operation (Russian zachistka), escape into non-communist countries of the natural virus being a plus. Chinese commies are not complaining about the virus in the U.S.
Could be. Trust nothing today. It's a shame, but it's the way everyone or most people feel now.
Fine. You want to give Trump credit for it?

Great, get the shot
Might not need it, so why would a person just get a shot ? Most survive COVID-19, and they are surviving the variants. Almost everyone has returned to normal living, and yes the virus is still amongst us all, but we aren't going backwards anymore, so it best to keep studying these viruses in order to effectively treat the patient's with them.

Also preventives should be created as a weapon to insulate the individuals at risk from these viruses. It's still the elderly at the most risk from any flu virus, where as the younger population will survive without an issue.

It's mighty strange that we have an administration targeting through it's rehtoric (the red state's, red state's governor's, various groups, and others), as if the virus is somehow political, and therefore will attack those area's more so than any other. Hmmmmmm.
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I think this statement unwittingly demonstrates how degenerate and anti-American the left wrong is.

Patriotic American citizens, peacefully and legitimately exercising their First Amendment right of freedom of assembly, are “biker trash”, and yet this piece of shit cannot bring itself to condemn the hordes of criminal trash illegally invading our nation across our southern border.

"criminal trash illegally invading our nation" LMAO.
Are they bringing tanks and flame throwers? How many divisions of invaders are coming? I`m not afraid of mothers and their 3 year olds in diapers. It may be time for you to man up.
So..no flattening the curve here eh? It's one thing to loosen up in a rural state..quite another to do so in an urban setting.
Ahh well..life is good..in Twin Falls Idaho~

More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic, underscoring the perils of limiting public health measures as the Delta variant rips through the state.
This week, 227 virus deaths were being reported each day in Florida, on average, as of Tuesday, a record for the state and by far the most in the United States right now. The average for new known cases reached 23,314 a day on the weekend, 30 percent higher than the state’s previous peak in January, according to a New York Times database. Across the country, new deaths have climbed to more than 1,000 a day, on average.
And hospitalizations in Florida have almost tripled in the past month, according to federal data, stretching many hospitals to the breaking point. The surge prompted the mayor of Orlando to ask residents to conserve water in order to limit the strain on the city’s supply of liquid oxygen, which is needed both to purify drinking water and to treat Covid-19 patients.
So..no flattening the curve here eh? It's one thing to loosen up in a rural state..quite another to do so in an urban setting.
Ahh well..life is good..in Twin Falls Idaho~

More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic, underscoring the perils of limiting public health measures as the Delta variant rips through the state.
This week, 227 virus deaths were being reported each day in Florida, on average, as of Tuesday, a record for the state and by far the most in the United States right now. The average for new known cases reached 23,314 a day on the weekend, 30 percent higher than the state’s previous peak in January, according to a New York Times database. Across the country, new deaths have climbed to more than 1,000 a day, on average.
And hospitalizations in Florida have almost tripled in the past month, according to federal data, stretching many hospitals to the breaking point. The surge prompted the mayor of Orlando to ask residents to conserve water in order to limit the strain on the city’s supply of liquid oxygen, which is needed both to purify drinking water and to treat Covid-19 patients.
You can thank Ron DeSantis for killing his own people. He's a Republican governor. No one is surprised.
Thanks for starting the millionth thread on this.
I'm really relieved now.
They simply can't believe that someone would support Americans being given a CHOICE of how to react to this virus. They seem to equate government MANDATES with "good public policy". I'll say it the millionth time - NOT ONE Floridian or Texan is being denied a vaccine or the legal right to wear a mask, ANYWHERE they choose.
Close the border.

So..no flattening the curve here eh? It's one thing to loosen up in a rural state..quite another to do so in an urban setting.
Ahh well..life is good..in Twin Falls Idaho~

More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic, underscoring the perils of limiting public health measures as the Delta variant rips through the state.
This week, 227 virus deaths were being reported each day in Florida, on average, as of Tuesday, a record for the state and by far the most in the United States right now. The average for new known cases reached 23,314 a day on the weekend, 30 percent higher than the state’s previous peak in January, according to a New York Times database. Across the country, new deaths have climbed to more than 1,000 a day, on average.
And hospitalizations in Florida have almost tripled in the past month, according to federal data, stretching many hospitals to the breaking point. The surge prompted the mayor of Orlando to ask residents to conserve water in order to limit the strain on the city’s supply of liquid oxygen, which is needed both to purify drinking water and to treat Covid-19 patients.
DeSantis is giving the trump Nazis in his state what they want.

Florida is filled with the same vulnerable segment of society that NY governor Cuomo managed to eliminate with his Ex. Order that killed about 10,000 nursing home residents. Is that the freaking plan? Thanks to Biden/democrat policies, the Tampa area is home to almost a million illegal aliens that never saw a doctor in their entire sorry lives mixed up with senior citizens.
You can thank Ron DeSantis for killing his own people. He's a Republican governor. No one is surprised.
Meanwhile, Whitmer, Newsome, Cuomo, and the lot have behaved like good little fascists by locking people down and forcing them to be injected with an experimental treatment disguised as a vaccine. And most of their sycophantic voters LOVE IT! You people shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself Americans.

Keep living on your knees. Your demi-gods will eventually begin to demand things that even YOU want to refuse but by then, the chains will be unbreakable and hopefully, your children and grandchildren spit on you and your grave for it.
Florida is filled with the same vulnerable segment of society that NY governor Cuomo managed to eliminate with his Ex. Order that killed about 10,000 nursing home residents. Is that the freaking plan? Thanks to Biden/democrat policies, the Tampa area is home to almost a million illegal aliens that never saw a doctor in their entire sorry lives mixed up with senior citizens.
Not exactly..the total population of illegals in Florida is about a million--estimates put the number in Tampa area at about 75,000. Most have seen doctors.

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