Florida GOP Lawmakers Discuss Repealing Disney's Self-Governing Rights

That is the name of the game to Repubs, controlling everyone while claiming to support a less intrusive form of governance.
and being vindictive about it...looks like Republican snowflakes can't handle free speech.
Florida Republican lawmakers have met to discuss the repeal of Disney World's self-governing arrangement following the company's criticism of the state's new Parental Rights in Education law.

Disney World was given control over operations such as law enforcement and fire protection in an arrangement that was created to attract the theme park to the state in 1967.

"Yesterday was the 2nd meeting in a week w/fellow legislators to discuss a repeal of the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Disney to act as its own government," State Rep. Spencer Roach, R-Lee County, tweeted Wednesday morning. "If Disney wants to embrace woke ideology, it seems fitting that they should be regulated by Orange County."

Florida GOP Lawmakers Discuss Repealing Disney's Self-Governing Rights

Seems reasonable....It's not 1967 anymore.
I don't approve of Florida removing Disney's self-governing rights.

I believe Florida should, instead, grant EVERYONE self-governing rights.

You mean because they refuse to follow ToS? Is Disney doing that?
Yet radical posts by others were permitted.....of the 'approved' political persuasion.

Disney joined the lefts lie.
So Republicans want to increase regulations and take matters out of the hands of private business.

When private business usurps constitutional protections against 'certain' people over others, yes.
I don't approve of Florida removing Disney's self-governing rights.

I believe Florida should, instead, grant EVERYONE self-governing rights.


The so called "self governing" rights really isn't all that spectacular. Basically, the land around Disney World composes the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which is has a county equivalent legal status similar to how some large cities in some states operate as county equivalent jurisdictions. The RCID has a government composed of a five member board of supervisors, elected by the land owners within the district--basically their own version of a county council. Everything that a county government would normally do, the board of supervisors can do for the district. The district contracts certified police officers from surrounding areas to provide law enforcement, maintains a fire department, and sets is own building codes.

So really, the average joe has the ability to do all of this already, through the normal mechanism of voting for the county government you see fit, who will do all the un-sexy work of running a county.
When private business usurps constitutional protections against 'certain' people over others, yes.
Hmmm…so, in reality, that means when people who’s ideas you agree with violate the TOS, there shouldn’t be consequences.

There has never been any actual evidence that rightwingers are “unfairly picked upon” in social media because of their conservative viewpoints. It’s all part of the giant rightwing victimization theology we’ve been subject to.
Hmmm…so, in reality, that means when people who’s ideas you agree with violate the TOS, there shouldn’t be consequences.

There has never been any actual evidence that rightwingers are “unfairly picked upon” in social media because of their conservative viewpoints. It’s all part of the giant rightwing victimization theology we’ve been subject to.

Does baseball deserve what it gets? How about the NFL?

Nobody should have a special deal, isn't that pandering to the rich?

Personally, I never knew Disney had a special deal, but I do know that special deals are not very good unless they have a sunset clause. Does Disney have a sunset clause in their special deal? And if so, when does it end?

Sounds to me like big tech company's. They get to decide what should/should not be posted. We see how that worked out---------->they decided the Hunter laptop was Russian mis-information and banned everyone from even talking about it, closing down accounts. Now, even the MSM is saying it was a wrong take.

Dizzy DISNEY will survive. But, they deserve the backlash they are going to get.

Florida should rescind their special deal. Why not? In any other case, the Left would be screaming for it to happen, since they are so rich.

Is the Left suggesting that RICH corporations should get/keep special deals, as long as they spout whatever the Left wants?

Say it isn't so! Remove subsidies and protections from all of them, including green energy, and watch the Left cry like stuck pigs. If they can not control you, they are screwed!
Hmmm…so, in reality, that means when people who’s ideas you agree with violate the TOS, there shouldn’t be consequences.

There has never been any actual evidence that rightwingers are “unfairly picked upon” in social media because of their conservative viewpoints. It’s all part of the giant rightwing victimization theology we’ve been subject to.

By the way Coyote, do you have an electric vehicle you drive daily? If you do, good for you! If not, why not-)
Florida Republican lawmakers have met to discuss the repeal of Disney World's self-governing arrangement following the company's criticism of the state's new Parental Rights in Education law.

Disney World was given control over operations such as law enforcement and fire protection in an arrangement that was created to attract the theme park to the state in 1967.

"Yesterday was the 2nd meeting in a week w/fellow legislators to discuss a repeal of the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Disney to act as its own government," State Rep. Spencer Roach, R-Lee County, tweeted Wednesday morning. "If Disney wants to embrace woke ideology, it seems fitting that they should be regulated by Orange County."

Florida GOP Lawmakers Discuss Repealing Disney's Self-Governing Rights

Seems reasonable....It's not 1967 anymore.

Disney ain't the same company now that they were then, so I can't think of a reason why the law should remain the same.
Me thinks the state GOP has opened a can of worms.

A 2019 study found Disney dominates the Central Florida tourism industry, according to Oxford Economics, and produced: $75.2 billion annual economic impact for Central Florida. 463,000 jobs. $5.8 billion in additional state tax revenue.

Me thinks if Disney ever pulled out of Florida the GOP would be in a shit load of trouble in Florida. It won't ever happen but just for the hell of it would like to see it.

Me thinks Disney contributes a shit load of money to the state GOP.

And? Disney's not going to pull out of Florida, and anyone gabbling about it is a dimwit.

They have no leverage to threaten anything, and certainly not in "outrage" at being expected to follow the same laws everyone else does.
Disney ain't the same company now that they were then, so I can't think of a reason why the law should remain the same.
Except for the golden tax eggs it shits I don't know of any native-born Floridian that likes what The Mouse has done there.....From what I understand they just do as they please.
and being vindictive about it...looks like Republican snowflakes can't handle free speech.

. . . says the avatar of the Party of Cancel Culture and "disagreement is misinformation!"

We'll get right on giving a crap about meeting your approval. Any moment now, I'm sure.
Can’t afford one.

Well, at least you are honest.

See, that is the problem. The average price of an electric vehicle is 60,000 bucks, and then depending upon where you live, it is between 2000 and up to have a charging station in your garage. Biden says it saves you 80 bucks on up a month, I suppose depending upon how far you have to drive, and I am sure that is after deducting the cost to charge it.

But, what they don't tell you is---------------->they forgot road taxes, lol. See, right now, not many states have a road tax on electric vehicles; basically you get to drive for free on the roads in most places. How long do you think that will last? And if it did, who would finance the roads?

Just so you know, TODAY it was reported that in Missouri, gas prices are averaged in the state to 3.61, or maybe it was 3.71 cents a gallon. In California, they are almost 6 bucks, fully a 2 dollar difference. Ever wonder how that could be?

You should look into it. I seen an expose why it is that way, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you, lol. Tis better if you learn the answer yourself, instead of hearing it from someone who you don't want to believe to start with! As with everything in life, education and history are key! You may not appreciate what you discover, but at least you will be informed.

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