Florida high school students stage second amendment support walkout

I'm trying to stay moderate on this. Iceberg is not making it easy.
banning the next feature as you discover it is not moderate. it's very liberal and very gun grabbing.

you don't make it easy when you say things like "weapon of choice" and can't / won't back it up. so don't act like this is all on me for why we're having difficulty talking over this. i'm open to your views that you back up and show support for. i'm not open to "weapon of choice" when i know better.
You've convinced me, then. Ban 'em all.
so - you can't back up your statement you call fact that the AR15 is the weapon of choice?
What was used in San Bernardino? Pulse? Vegas? Parkland?
Answer me.

Pistol/Pistol+AR variant/AR variant with 10-round mag.
and that 10 round mag jammed.
i'm open to your views

No you're not. You're not open to shit. You're not open to anything that might result in you losing your guns. So fuck you, you're not open to anything and stop pretending as if you are.
I'm trying to stay moderate on this. Iceberg is not making it easy.
banning the next feature as you discover it is not moderate. it's very liberal and very gun grabbing.

you don't make it easy when you say things like "weapon of choice" and can't / won't back it up. so don't act like this is all on me for why we're having difficulty talking over this. i'm open to your views that you back up and show support for. i'm not open to "weapon of choice" when i know better.
You've convinced me, then. Ban 'em all.
so - you can't back up your statement you call fact that the AR15 is the weapon of choice?
What was used in San Bernardino? Pulse? Vegas? Parkland?
Answer me.
so now we are cherry picking?

all i said was the handgun was used in many more shootings than the AR so you pick AR shootings and NOT the handgun ones.

then you wonder why this is so fucking difficult to talk about with you.
No, I'm not cherry picking. Those are the last four I remember. If there were others -- oh yeah the church shooting. Sorry. What gun did he use?
So help me out here and answer the question.
every single "illegal hammer" starts off as a legally purchased hammer by a "responsible hammer owner".

When a hammer can kill 58 people in a minute, then I'll be the first one to call for hammer control.

Until then, you've made the world's shittiest argument, and the world's weakest point.
I wish you wouldn't write such things. I wish you knew more about what the issue is and instead of wanting to limit my rights when I have done nothing wrong

1. Just because you've done nothing wrong so far, doesn't mean you won't later on; and there's no way to tell if you will.

2. Your gun ownership isn't a "need", but a "want".

3. By merely taking a gun into your home, you are adding to the supply of guns from which criminals steal.

you really were devoted to dealing with everyone's rights and our safety in a meaningful way. But, in answer to your question, I did read your post.

There is no such thing as "gun safety" because guns are inherently unsafe; their function is unsafe, their design is unsafe. They're unsafe to use, unsafe to store, and unsafe to own. Their sole function, maiming and killing, are inherently unsafe functions. The sole reason you want a gun is because you want it, not that you need it, not that you're entitled to it, just that you want it.

The 2nd Amendment says we are entitled to it, now go suck your thumb in the corner, Russian shill.
banning the next feature as you discover it is not moderate. it's very liberal and very gun grabbing.

you don't make it easy when you say things like "weapon of choice" and can't / won't back it up. so don't act like this is all on me for why we're having difficulty talking over this. i'm open to your views that you back up and show support for. i'm not open to "weapon of choice" when i know better.
You've convinced me, then. Ban 'em all.
so - you can't back up your statement you call fact that the AR15 is the weapon of choice?
What was used in San Bernardino? Pulse? Vegas? Parkland?
Answer me.
so now we are cherry picking?

all i said was the handgun was used in many more shootings than the AR so you pick AR shootings and NOT the handgun ones.

then you wonder why this is so fucking difficult to talk about with you.
No, I'm not cherry picking. Those are the last four I remember. If there were others -- oh yeah the church shooting. Sorry. What gun did he use?
So help me out here and answer the question.
look at the link i've provided several times that shows handguns about 2x higher than the AR as the "weapon of choice".

you say time and time again the AR is the weapon of choice then show me studies that say it is the most used, or how else to you back that statement up?
Which is kinda crazy, but it is after all, your logic, not mine.

Actually it is entirely your logic, not mine. What you've done is plagiarize something I wrote, changed a couple words, and spit it back out to me as defense of your position. Which isn't applying my logic to anything, it's just a lazy way for you to avoid accountability for your horrendous argument in favor of gun ownership.

So try again, sad sack.
i'm open to your views

No you're not. You're not open to shit. You're not open to anything that might result in you losing your guns. So fuck you, you're not open to anything and stop pretending as if you are.

I'm open to you personally trying to come take my guns. :)
that won't end well.

and pretty sure derpdick is just as "not open" to anything that would result in people being able to keep their guns so that's just damn funny right there.
You're still just making up your shit as you go

I haven't made anything up. All guns start off as legally purchased by "responsible gun owners". Then they bring those guns into their homes and cars, which are burglarized of guns. Then the burglarized guns end up in the hands of criminals where they are used in other crimes. But all guns start off in the hands of "responsible gun owners" before a criminal touches them.

You haven't provided a single link. Which you can't do that because you're just spouting proceeds from your ass
Why are you powerless if you still have your guns except for the AR-type rifles?

Because it's not just the AR-type rifles that are being targeted, as you should know. Sachs: Ban semiautomatic assault weapons and save lives - CNN
Well, apparently there were about 200 types of guns banned the last time. People seemed to get along just fine, though. Based on what Iceberg has said, I guess it shouldn't surprise me.

200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
i'm open to your views

No you're not. You're not open to shit. You're not open to anything that might result in you losing your guns. So fuck you, you're not open to anything and stop pretending as if you are.

I'm open to you personally trying to come take my guns. :)
that won't end well.

and pretty sure derpdick is just as "not open" to anything that would result in people being able to keep their guns so that's just damn funny right there.

Indeed not.
Because it's not just the AR-type rifles that are being targeted, as you should know. Sachs: Ban semiautomatic assault weapons and save lives - CNN
Well, apparently there were about 200 types of guns banned the last time. People seemed to get along just fine, though. Based on what Iceberg has said, I guess it shouldn't surprise me.

200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
You've convinced me, then. Ban 'em all.
so - you can't back up your statement you call fact that the AR15 is the weapon of choice?
What was used in San Bernardino? Pulse? Vegas? Parkland?
Answer me.
so now we are cherry picking?

all i said was the handgun was used in many more shootings than the AR so you pick AR shootings and NOT the handgun ones.

then you wonder why this is so fucking difficult to talk about with you.
No, I'm not cherry picking. Those are the last four I remember. If there were others -- oh yeah the church shooting. Sorry. What gun did he use?
So help me out here and answer the question.
look at the link i've provided several times that shows handguns about 2x higher than the AR as the "weapon of choice".

you say time and time again the AR is the weapon of choice then show me studies that say it is the most used, or how else to you back that statement up?
I just asked you about the five most spectacular of our senseless mass shootings. What was the rifle used? If there were other senseless mass shootings that made national news and I missed them, please advise.
Well, apparently there were about 200 types of guns banned the last time. People seemed to get along just fine, though. Based on what Iceberg has said, I guess it shouldn't surprise me.

200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
I'm comparing DURING the ban and AFTER the ban. What is wrong with that?
Well, apparently there were about 200 types of guns banned the last time. People seemed to get along just fine, though. Based on what Iceberg has said, I guess it shouldn't surprise me.

200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
I hate to tell you this, but I'm afraid you're the one getting emo here. LOL
How is someone out on a remote farm in Wyoming supposed to keep a pack of wolves out of their henhouse?


What do you do when there's a Diamondback or 8 foot gator in your back yard? How about a bear or cat trying to get into your house? Pack of wild dogs?

Fucking Derps!
so - you can't back up your statement you call fact that the AR15 is the weapon of choice?
What was used in San Bernardino? Pulse? Vegas? Parkland?
Answer me.
so now we are cherry picking?

all i said was the handgun was used in many more shootings than the AR so you pick AR shootings and NOT the handgun ones.

then you wonder why this is so fucking difficult to talk about with you.
No, I'm not cherry picking. Those are the last four I remember. If there were others -- oh yeah the church shooting. Sorry. What gun did he use?
So help me out here and answer the question.
look at the link i've provided several times that shows handguns about 2x higher than the AR as the "weapon of choice".

you say time and time again the AR is the weapon of choice then show me studies that say it is the most used, or how else to you back that statement up?
I just asked you about the five most spectacular of our senseless mass shootings. What was the rifle used? If there were other senseless mass shootings that made national news and I missed them, please advise.
no. you ignore the facts i have given you in that the semi automatic pistol is used twice as much as the AR15 and you've yet to respond to the link i've provided three times now yet you expect me to keep chasing your myths you won't provide a source to.

where do you get that the AR is the weapon of choice? admit out of your ass and we can move on.
200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
I hate to tell you this, but I'm afraid you're the one getting emo here. LOL
says the woman who won't provide a single source yet says you're relying on facts. :)
200 types of rifles banned and it didn't change the crime rate at all.
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
I'm comparing DURING the ban and AFTER the ban. What is wrong with that?
show me studies you're using.

what's wrong with you doing that?

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