Florida high school students stage second amendment support walkout

there *are* things we can and should do in order to better review just who is buying these guns but we're not going to get to this step if the left keeps ignoring what we can do and going straight for banning guns.

No there aren't. The only way we can do that is if we had some kind of Minority Report-type pre-cog situation. There's no telling if and/or when a "responsible gun owner" will act irresponsibly. So since it's a risk not worth taking, you can just find something else with which to defend yourself...something that isn't stolen from 234,000 people every year where only 86% of the time, it's reported to cops.
IMO, its not fair to compare then and now, as far as the "ban" goes
Society has changed 20 fold. But i dont expect the gun grabbing pinkos to consider anything besides their emotion and knee jerk reactions.
there *are* things we can and should do in order to better review just who is buying these guns but we're not going to get to this step if the left keeps ignoring what we can do and going straight for banning guns.

No there aren't. The only way we can do that is if we had some kind of Minority Report-type pre-cog situation. There's no telling if and/or when a "responsible gun owner" will act irresponsibly. So since it's a risk not worth taking, you can just find something else with which to defend yourself...something that isn't stolen from 234,000 people every year where only 86% of the time, it's reported to cops.
fuck off.
My freedoms does NOT let murderous folk own guns.

Yes it does. Because all criminals get their guns from "responsible gun owners". No gun starts off as an "illegal gun"...every gun that ends up in the hands of criminals was first purchased legally from a retailer. Then the "responsible gun owner" made the choice to bring that gun into their homes, where they're stolen. 234,000 guns are stolen from homes and cars every year...only 86% of those are even reported to the cops.

That's not "responsible gun ownership". That's not "responsible" anything.

That is THEIR freedom and can be adjudicated away from them if they are truly murderous. When you want to limit my freedom because of something someone else might do, you are trying to leave me powerless when a criminal will just ignore the law." I realize you're trying, but the lipstick does not change the pig into a horse.

If you are a responsible gun owner, then you get lumped in with all gun owners since you made the choice to be a gun owner. Making that choice means you bear responsibility for the people who have also made that choice. So every single "responsible gun owner" whose guns are lost or stolen, or who sell their guns to shady characters because they need the money, falls squarely on your head.

And if a gun is the only thing that makes you feel like you have power, then you need to go see a shrink because you're mentally unbalanced and disturbed and thus, shouldn't own a gun.
there *are* things we can and should do in order to better review just who is buying these guns but we're not going to get to this step if the left keeps ignoring what we can do and going straight for banning guns.

No there aren't. The only way we can do that is if we had some kind of Minority Report-type pre-cog situation. There's no telling if and/or when a "responsible gun owner" will act irresponsibly. So since it's a risk not worth taking, you can just find something else with which to defend yourself...something that isn't stolen from 234,000 people every year where only 86% of the time, it's reported to cops.

Oh it is a risk worth taking, pinko faggot. It's been working for 240 years plus. With Freedom comes risks, to deny people access to guns makes them defenseless, why don't you go ahead and admit that's your goal? When I was in High School, you were allowed 2 guns in your vehicle. Either a Rifle and a shotgun, or a rifle and a .22.
every single "illegal hammer" starts off as a legally purchased hammer by a "responsible hammer owner".

When a hammer can kill 58 people in a minute, then I'll be the first one to call for hammer control.

Until then, you've made the world's shittiest argument, and the world's weakest point.

So only guns that can kill 58 in a minute would be regulated by your law? I guess we would need to test the guns. You gonna volunteer as one of the test dummies, cuz, there ain't many legal guns that can do that son.
My freedoms does NOT let murderous folk own guns.

Yes it does. Because all criminals get their guns from "responsible gun owners". No gun starts off as an "illegal gun"...every gun that ends up in the hands of criminals was first purchased legally from a retailer. Then the "responsible gun owner" made the choice to bring that gun into their homes, where they're stolen. 234,000 guns are stolen from homes and cars every year...only 86% of those are even reported to the cops.

That's not "responsible gun ownership". That's not "responsible" anything.

That is THEIR freedom and can be adjudicated away from them if they are truly murderous. When you want to limit my freedom because of something someone else might do, you are trying to leave me powerless when a criminal will just ignore the law." I realize you're trying, but the lipstick does not change the pig into a horse.

If you are a responsible gun owner, then you get lumped in with all gun owners since you made the choice to be a gun owner. Making that choice means you bear responsibility for the people who have also made that choice. So every single "responsible gun owner" whose guns are lost or stolen, or who sell their guns to shady characters because they need the money, falls squarely on your head.

And if a gun is the only thing that makes you feel like you have power, then you need to go see a shrink because you're mentally unbalanced and disturbed and thus, shouldn't own a gun.

That doesn't mean you're an American, law-abiding gun owner either, faggot, guns get smuggled into the US all the time. The last president was smuggling full-auto AKs to Mexican Cartels, what's up with that? Another reason why he should swing from a rope.
I'm trying to stay moderate on this. Iceberg is not making it easy.
banning the next feature as you discover it is not moderate. it's very liberal and very gun grabbing.

you don't make it easy when you say things like "weapon of choice" and can't / won't back it up. so don't act like this is all on me for why we're having difficulty talking over this. i'm open to your views that you back up and show support for. i'm not open to "weapon of choice" when i know better.
You've convinced me, then. Ban 'em all.

And there you go...supporting the ban I've seen you promote again and again.
There is no other logical choice, when presented as Iceberg so carefully has.
I would prefer to leave folks' hunting guns and hand guns for self protection alone. And a shotgun for the critters. But he insists they're all just as deadly and as popular for killing folks.
Look, I get it that mass shootings like Parkland and Vegas and Pulse and San Bernardino are an infinitesimal amount of the gun deaths in this country but they are so awful. If you look at the gun of choice in the large mass shootings that have happened in the past year, they used AR's or a variant. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE FOR--killing masses of people fast.

And in those country's that have enacted the very laws you want, they still occur. So, you abrogate the Rights of tens of millions of people for what?:eusa_think:
You want to give us a list of folks who contribute to the NRA?
Why is it any less acceptable for a gun control group to have big $ support when it is perfectly alright with you for the NRA to have it and use it to influence legislation. Well, you're finally going to have a little pushback, is all.

The NRA isn't working to undermine anyone else's rights or take away their property.

Sorry, Pete, but things have gone too far. Gun owners have got to realize that their freedoms are allowing murderous folk to own guns, too. It has to be dealt with; we can't ignore it any longer. The 2nd is not going to go away, but the way I see it, I have rights too, and so do the kids who have to walk to school each morning in certain neighborhoods of Chicago. Why is our safety so completely unimportant?
Chicago? Since when did liberals start carrying about that?
You want to give us a list of folks who contribute to the NRA?
Why is it any less acceptable for a gun control group to have big $ support when it is perfectly alright with you for the NRA to have it and use it to influence legislation. Well, you're finally going to have a little pushback, is all.

The NRA isn't working to undermine anyone else's rights or take away their property.

Sorry, Pete, but things have gone too far. Gun owners have got to realize that their freedoms are allowing murderous folk to own guns, too. It has to be dealt with; we can't ignore it any longer. The 2nd is not going to go away, but the way I see it, I have rights too, and so do the kids who have to walk to school each morning in certain neighborhoods of Chicago. Why is our safety so completely unimportant?
Chicago? Since when did liberals start carrying about that?View attachment 186126


I'm open to you personally trying to come take my guns. :)

Why would I do that? Clearly, you want to have an excuse to shoot someone because you're mentally unbalanced.

You're probably the last person who should be allowed to own guns because of that.
How is someone out on a remote farm in Wyoming supposed to keep a pack of wolves out of their henhouse?


What do you do when there's a Diamondback or 8 foot gator in your back yard? How about a bear or cat trying to get into your house? Pack of wild dogs?

Fucking Derps!
Use the shotgun?
I'm open to you personally trying to come take my guns. :)

Why would I do that? Clearly, you want to have an excuse to shoot someone because you're mentally unbalanced.

You're probably the last person who should be allowed to own guns because of that.

See, Derp thinks someone else will do his dirty work for him. Talk about entitlement????:bigboy:
and pretty sure derpdick is just as "not open" to anything that would result in people being able to keep their guns so that's just damn funny right there.

You're damn right. I am not open to anything that would allow you mentally deranged people, who want an excuse to shoot and kill but are too chickenshit or unfit to serve in the military, to own guns.

If a gun is the only thing you can use to defend yourself, then you're just inherently a weak person.

Tell me something, is it "responsible gun ownership" to use a gun half-drunk or half-asleep?
How is someone out on a remote farm in Wyoming supposed to keep a pack of wolves out of their henhouse?


What do you do when there's a Diamondback or 8 foot gator in your back yard? How about a bear or cat trying to get into your house? Pack of wild dogs?

Fucking Derps!
Use the shotgun?

If the school shooter would have used one, likely more would have died. BUT THEY'RE OK TO KEEP LEGAL!

You simply cannot, no matter how fucking hard you try, make this shit up folks!
Mass shootings sure soared after the ban expired. It held the lid on while it lasted.
quote your source please.

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? - FactCheck.org
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?

these studies refute your "facts".
I don't remember saying they doubled. According to my calculations, they tripled, and that is simply going by the numbers of mass shootings and fatalities during the ban and the number of mass shootings and fatalities in the ten years since the ban.
I wasn't trying to compare the current numbers to what happened BEFORE the ban.
then what the holy hell would you compare it to? during the ban? after the ban? even then the studies do not conclude much of anything based off fact.

you're just being hugely emo in all this and getting frustrated cause your emotions don't line up with facts and do the child like FINE BAN THEM ALL route cause it's easier than admitting you simply do not know.
I hate to tell you this, but I'm afraid you're the one getting emo here. LOL
says the woman who won't provide a single source yet says you're relying on facts. :)
Do you PROMISE me you'll stop this shit if I go to the trouble of finding those sites again and link them for you?

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