FLORIDA : if biden wins, it's all over for trump

Trump is down only 9pts in Miami-Dade with 84% in. That's devastating for the dems if that holds. In 2016, Trump lost Dade by 29pts.
That is DEM MECCA for Florida.........that's real bad for them...........Hope that holds.
florida might be earlier results, east coast ?
Florida is partially on CST also. The results will be later.

In 2000, they called Florida for Gore, and had to recant because they forgot the Republican panhandle results where he got very few votes. Bush took the state.
Nope. The supreme court gave it to him. He "took" nothing.
It has been proven that the three deep blue SE counties are corrupted. And the supervisor of elections who was a Prog in 2000 approved of the ballots in one of the counties that thousands of votes were disputed. She helped to destroy any chance for Gore. Thousands of people did not vote in the panhandle. A political Repub woman became involved and the State Supreme court became involved. Either way I believe Bush won the state by tens of thousands of votes if not more. W. disappointed me with the TSA, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. Progs did nothing to get rid of any of it. And they expanded it. And they will tighten the grip more when in power.
florida might be earlier results, east coast ?

I was reading that the Democrats in early voting had a lead of 180,000 and that in the first 3 hours of voting today the Republicans had narrowed that lead down to 6,000. In Miami-Dade the Cuban-Americans are for Trump, the Puerto Ricans are for Biden, hopefully the Florida Panhandle will all come out and vote and hopefully the Cuban-Americans and the Florida Panhandle can negate the elderly vote who have all been frightened into voting for Biden because of the Wuhan Virus.

The MSM were all in for saying Rick Scott and Ron De Santis were not going to win until they both won.
Miami/Dade is still leaning Biden, but he’s not up near enough to win Florida. As of 7:30, it’s only a 8 point lead or so in a heavily Dem area. Means Cuban-Americans are breaking for Trump. If Miami/Dade stays a single digit margin, Trump takes Florida with the panhandle vote.
florida might be earlier results, east coast ?

I was reading that the Democrats in early voting had a lead of 180,000 and that in the first 3 hours of voting today the Republicans had narrowed that lead down to 6,000. In Miami-Dade the Cuban-Americans are for Trump, the Puerto Ricans are for Biden, hopefully the Florida Panhandle will all come out and vote and hopefully the Cuban-Americans and the Florida Panhandle can negate the elderly vote who have all been frightened into voting for Biden because of the Wuhan Virus.

The MSM were all in for saying Rick Scott and Ron De Santis were not going to win until they both won.
Miami/Dade is still leaning Biden, but he’s not up near enough to win Florida. As of 7:30, it’s only a 8 point lead or so in a heavily Dem area. Means Cuban-Americans are breaking for Trump. If Miami/Dade stays a single digit margin, Trump takes Florida with the panhandle vote.
Agreed, unless maybe the suburbs go really hard for Biden
florida might be earlier results, east coast ?
Florida is partially on CST also. The results will be later.

In 2000, they called Florida for Gore, and had to recant because they forgot the Republican panhandle results where he got very few votes. Bush took the state.
Nope. The supreme court gave it to him. He "took" nothing.
It has been proven that the three deep blue SE counties are corrupted. And the supervisor of elections who was a Prog in 2000 approved of the ballots in one of the counties that thousands of votes were disputed. She helped to destroy any chance for Gore. Thousands of people did not vote in the panhandle. A political Repub woman became involved and the State Supreme court became involved. Either way I believe Bush won the state by tens of thousands of votes if not more. W. disappointed me with the TSA, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. Progs did nothing to get rid of any of it. And they expanded it. And they will tighten the grip more when in power.
From a notably right leaning source:
Yawn.............Trump supporters work for a living.........especially in the pan handle..............they will drive back the communist after work..........lol

Same shit ........same nonsense as last election...............NO USE TO VOTE ....you have already lost.


And in the pandhandle--------the polls stay open an extra hour.
florida might be earlier results, east coast ?
Florida is partially on CST also. The results will be later.

In 2000, they called Florida for Gore, and had to recant because they forgot the Republican panhandle results where he got very few votes. Bush took the state.
Nope. The supreme court gave it to him. He "took" nothing.
It has been proven that the three deep blue SE counties are corrupted. And the supervisor of elections who was a Prog in 2000 approved of the ballots in one of the counties that thousands of votes were disputed. She helped to destroy any chance for Gore. Thousands of people did not vote in the panhandle. A political Repub woman became involved and the State Supreme court became involved. Either way I believe Bush won the state by tens of thousands of votes if not more. W. disappointed me with the TSA, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. Progs did nothing to get rid of any of it. And they expanded it. And they will tighten the grip more when in power.
From a notably right leaning source:
Why I do not believe it is because i believe that Progs steal elections. Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee for the highest office in the land. He did not need Florida. He wins his home state and he is president. Why did he lose his home state? No one ever answers that. He was Senator from there. What do the people there know about him that we do not? Florida just ended up in the crosshairs. And there is no connection of Trump from New York and Gore from Tennessee.
Trump won Florida handily. Hell he even did good in Broward County which is die hard Dem territory. The Cubans came out to vote and voted for Trump.
Trump won Florida handily. Hell he even did good in Broward County which is die hard Dem territory. The Cubans came out to vote and voted for Trump.

The Cuban people appreciate the high amount of machismo that El Trump has for a gringo. Also, the fact that Trump lives in the tremendous state of Florida.

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