Florida Judge Whacks Trump Lawyers With $1 Million In Sanctions For Misuse Of The Courts

Trust me. You can liquidate whatever you want. You can garnish my wages. I don't have $350,000.
They will do that, to get as close to the settlement amount as possible.
If you don't believe me then you will when I come into court waving a white flag with no lawyer. If you sue me, you are not getting anything.
That's a bold prediction when you have no say in the matter.
Just like saying "The judge can't put me in jail".
You certainly won't make enough to recoup the cost of your lawyer.
Sue you for posting ignorant stuff on the internet? LOL

It wouldn't be the dumbest lawsuit ever. I guarantee your lawyer could turn our little exchange here into a 500 page incident report. It is obvious you have never been on either side of a lawsuit. I hope I am never proven right and you remain untouched by the legal process. That way you can keep your fantasies.
It wouldn't be the dumbest lawsuit ever. I guarantee your lawyer could turn our little exchange here into a 500 page incident report. It is obvious you have never been on either side of a lawsuit. I hope I am never proven right and you remain untouched by the legal process. That way you can keep your fantasies.

Your ignorance here has nothing to do with me.
Your ignorance here has nothing to do with me.

Calling me ignorant doesn't make me ignorant unless you are using a magical spell from your coloring book to speak things into existence. If you have one of those then enjoy it. Don't worry about me.
Enough that I will make more than 1.4 million in less than a decade.

Hell, my 27 year old will make more than a million in less than 5 years at the rate she is being paid right now.

I don't make all that much. That's like $140,000 per year. I don't make that much.

Maybe people should be suing you instead of suing me.
Probably why they work such a shitty job, so they do not have to pay out.

Talk about cutting off a nose to spite the face.

If you work a lousy job, as I showed, you still have to pay. It may take a long time but you are still paying.
The judge can put me in jail. How does that help you get money? Wouldn't that actually hinder your ability to get money?
"Just like saying "The judge can't put me in jail".
That was an example, but it could happen.
The courts don't need your permission to liquidate your assets or seize your bank accounts, WHILE, you sit in jail.
If you work a lousy job, as I showed, you still have to pay. It may take a long time but you are still paying.

Grab a calculator. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. How long does it take to get $350,000 from someone with no assets and $15,080 per year in income?
I do not do things that lead to law suits. I like my money

Smart thinking

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