Florida lawmakers propose military service as alternative to jail time


No one should look towards Stalin for advice ... :thup:

However ... A combat ready military unit has three major concerns ... Efficiency, Lethality and Operational Success.
Any other garbage one may want to add, is like adding 40 more pounds to the troop's gear ...
And does little more than slow them down and make them an easier target.

If you want a meals on wheels or humanitarian effort ... Pick up the phone and call a NGO.
Keep your troops well trained, equipped and ready to fight and kill the enemy.

The military may not be able to completely transform someone who has found difficulties with the law ...
Into a social butterfly that spends their paycheck on season symphony tickets ...
But with proper training, consistent tasks and rewards, and the ability to excel in something they are prone to, and are good at ...
They can become a benefit as soldier.


Pure mental health may add up to more than 40 pounds more gear!
Pure mental health may add up to more than 40 pounds more gear!

That's what the training is for.

The first thing they do is "Bust the Block Out of You" ... Kind of a reference to taking a person out of their element or neighborhood.
They tear you down, mentally and physically, then start building you back up again as a soldier.
It's not perfect, and those that cannot manage, wash out.

Of course, it's probably entirely different with all the sissy millennials they have to work with nowadays.

That's an interesting proposition. It's better than just leaving them free to terrorize the country. But I don't really think they will be easy to utilize because of their inability to follow instructions-rules-orders. Maybe use them as cannon fodder.
Getting their attention would actually be relatively easy in Marine Corp basic. Just give the Drills the freedom they used to have to BEAT THE SHIT out of recalcitrant recruits. They were headed to prison anyway so if they won't get with the program, they just go to Leavenworth or Portsmouth instead. I'd imagine that experience might just cure their need for acting out as a criminal. Most gangbangers seem to begin as kids looking for structure in life.

Back in the 30s, we had a thing called the Civilian Conservation Corp

Young men between 18-25 could join and they'd be sent around the country to help build new public facilities like parks or management areas and they got paid a nominal amount. My step-dad went from south Alabama to the area around Crater-lake in Oregon. He said they were paid 10 bucks a week, IIRC, and they got 2 dollars and the rest was sent home to needy parents with the other kids. As WWII began to approach, many of these young men who were already disciplined into a cohesive group that knew how to follow orders, just transitioned into the military service.
I think the ONLY countries that do NOT do this are ones without military forces and the USA.
All other countries, you have to serve some time in a government or military service position once you are out of school.
Every Israeli above the age of 18 is serving or has served in the IDF. National service would be the salvation of this country and that's part of the reason our political class in DC won't willingly go there. Bringing up a whole new, vital generation of patriots who love this nation is NOT something the Left wants. Far from it.
I've got the PERFECT use for the most violent criminals!!!!!


You've got a problem with a Karen or Kyle?
Call KarensNoMore! You get a bloodthirsty killing machine delivered to you within minutes!
Trained to mangle, shred, and obliterate any Karen thats infesting your neighborhood, plane, store, or anywhere you are driving!!

it's a good idea, folks!

Yeah, right! It is too bad military regulations prevent criminals from joining the military.

We had the problem in Vietnam when judges said "Guilty. You go join the military or you will be locked up.

It was proposed by a libtard Democrat who likely never served in the military.

The US Army will not take felons of any description and those convicted of domestic violence are also banned from the military.
It is not a bad idea, it used to be somewhat the norm.

But now it is illegal, if it is found out someone got off from a jail sentence to join the military they are disqualified for life. When I was on recruiting duty I got a couple people off of pending charges by putting them in the Corps, but always had to make sure that was nowhere in the court or police documents.

We are not talking about violent felons or anything like that.

Your ass should have been fired and your ass sent to the fleet in a heartbeat!
It is not a bad idea, it used to be somewhat the norm.

But now it is illegal, if it is found out someone got off from a jail sentence to join the military they are disqualified for life. When I was on recruiting duty I got a couple people off of pending charges by putting them in the Corps, but always had to make sure that was nowhere in the court or police documents.

We are not talking about violent felons or anything like that.

I wouldn't of even thought about doing something like that. My career was more important than putting up a number.

Why don't we have all kids right out of high school / at age 18 go into the military or military style service...all go to boot camp. They would not all have to serve in a 'fighting' capacity but could learn a trade, serve their local/state communities cleaning up / restoring buildings/ parks / roads, learn a trade....learn some discipline, (self-)respect, etc...serve minimum 2...or 4...years....
Only 30% of high school students are currently eligible.

The minimum term of enlistment in the Army is 4 years. I talked to a recruit just tonight who wanted to know how long an Army school was after 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training. The answer was 49 weeks. That would take care of the first year of an enlistment.
I wouldn't of even thought about doing something like that. My career was more important than putting up a number.

I was a Navy Recruiting Enlisted Programs Officer in the late 80s. If one of my recruiters had done that, he would find himself back in the fleet at a lower paygrade as quick as I could get them there. I sent two recruiters back to the fleet for violations and everyone knew I meant business.
NOT convicts, people that have been charged with certain crimes.
That's been an option for first-time offenders for a long time.

The fact is it's an automatic disqualifier for military service. You might want to stop running your mouth about things you know nothing about.


Every military can use some infantry, and nothing says they won't be good at it.

I've always told folks there are some gun-ho soldiers in the military that you can hand a weapon, point them in the right direction ...
and tell them to go fuck some shit up.

You might not want to invite them to Christmas dinner with your family and friends, but they make good soldiers ... :thup:

gun-ho? :abgg2q.jpg:

BTW, your post is stupid.
My experience with that is a lot longer than that but I did find this from the Army.

The Army's Recruiting Regulation, 601-210, paragraph 4-8b: Any "applicant who, as a condition for any civil conviction or adverse disposition or any other reason through a civil or criminal court, is ordered or subjected to a sentence that implies or imposes enlistment into the Armed Forces of the United States is not eligible for enlistment."
That was enacted in 2018.

Actually it was part of AR 601-210 when I was a recruiter 82-87.


No one should look towards Stalin for advice ... :thup:

However ... A combat ready military unit has three major concerns ... Efficiency, Lethality and Operational Success.
Any other garbage one may want to add, is like adding 40 more pounds to the troop's gear ...
And does little more than slow them down and make them an easier target.

If you want a meals on wheels or humanitarian effort ... Pick up the phone and call a NGO.
Keep your troops well trained, equipped and ready to fight and kill the enemy.

The military may not be able to completely transform someone who has found difficulties with the law ...
Into a social butterfly that spends their paycheck on season symphony tickets ...
But with proper training, consistent tasks and rewards, and the ability to excel in something they are prone to, and are good at ...
They can become a benefit as soldier.

You do realize that the whole idea is illegal. Right?

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