Florida Republican Governor Accused of Deceiving Public About COVID Deaths

You libs have much bigger problems, the majority of deaths are in Dem run cities.

Again, for you people who have a hard time with facts, the incoming flights carrying passengers with COVID from Europe and China came into JFK, Newark, LaGuardia, LAX, San Franciso. Now do a little geography checking, asshat.

5 seconds after he gets his head out of trumps fat ass he's lost - even with a map

Do you deny that its Dem run cities with the most infected and DEAD? Dem run cities, Dem run nursing homes, Dem run states you see the pattern here.

No, there's no pattern there, Sparky.
If redneck areas of the country were where international air passengers fly to, then stoopid states like Kentucky and Alabama would be Ground Zero, not NYC or Chicago or LA.
Getting it yet?

Half of Kentucky is Dem stupid.
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too, told me about this about 3 weeks ago, that Florida was hiding their COVID deaths.

This article is from Tampa Bay Times a month ago:

Florida’s count of coronavirus deaths is missing some cases
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too,
Just remember this when a liberal starts story telling.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

Trump lies about his experiences on a regular basis. He definitely fits the definition of a sociopath.
You libs have much bigger problems, the majority of deaths are in Dem run cities.

Again, for you people who have a hard time with facts, the incoming flights carrying passengers with COVID from Europe and China came into JFK, Newark, LaGuardia, LAX, San Franciso. Now do a little geography checking, asshat.

5 seconds after he gets his head out of trumps fat ass he's lost - even with a map

Do you deny that its Dem run cities with the most infected and DEAD? Dem run cities, Dem run nursing homes, Dem run states you see the pattern here.
33,000 dead in NY alone, and who is the Governator there? Cuomo the killer clown? The dumbass who provides retirement homes with Wuhan Virus help? It used to amaze me how stupid the liberal are, but after being amazed for 3 years (which was 30 years ago) i just shake my head sadly knowing that public education is why many are stupid..
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too, told me about this about 3 weeks ago, that Florida was hiding their COVID deaths.

This article is from Tampa Bay Times a month ago:

Florida’s count of coronavirus deaths is missing some cases
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too,
Just remember this when a liberal starts story telling.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

Trump lies about his experiences on a regular basis. He definitely fits the definition of a sociopath.
I noticed you didnt say anything about the moronic Demoncrap Candidate. Any reason why you avoid him like ...well...the plague?
You libs have much bigger problems, the majority of deaths are in Dem run cities.

Again, for you people who have a hard time with facts, the incoming flights carrying passengers with COVID from Europe and China came into JFK, Newark, LaGuardia, LAX, San Franciso. Now do a little geography checking, asshat.

Why didn't Dem governors shut down the airports and lock down? Why were Dem leaders still telling people in NY to keep riding the subways and the virus was not a big deal in Feb? Why are Dem leaders so incompetent, will they be charged with a crime for getting thousands killed?

Why? Simple, because we didn't know much about the virus at the time, and Trump was telling everyone he had the situation under control, that it would go from 15 cases to zero quickly, that it would go away like a miracle. We, as well as those in Congress were listening to Trump because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Sadly, he didn't, and as we learned more about the virus, we learned how dangerous and contagious it was, and that was when governors and mayors decided to start shutting things down. Sorry, but Trump downplaying this virus early on, caused others to follow his lead and downplay it as well.

There are consequences for crappy leadership, and Trump is learning about it now.
What a fucking bunch of shit, you lying asswipe. Nancy Pelosi from San Fransicko, was in China Town, touting that the Chinese Virus wasnt bad so stay out an play hard. Everyday, i pray an drunken illegal will T-bone people like you...
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too, told me about this about 3 weeks ago, that Florida was hiding their COVID deaths.

This article is from Tampa Bay Times a month ago:

Florida’s count of coronavirus deaths is missing some cases
A friend of mine, she's a Republican, too,
Just remember this when a liberal starts story telling.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

Trump lies about his experiences on a regular basis. He definitely fits the definition of a sociopath.
I noticed you didnt say anything about the moronic Demoncrap Candidate. Any reason why you avoid him like ...well...the plague?

Actually, it was because you just mentioned liberals, and said to remember that when they started to tell stories. I simply read what you had posted, and noticed that the definition fits Trump to a "T". He lies constantly about things he really doesn't need to lie about, because he thinks it makes him look better.

Remember Trump and his "truthful hyperbole"?

Trump has been a master of the art of exaggeration for decades, as he famously explained in his 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal."
"People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular," he wrote. "I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion."
A search of Trump's Twitter feed turns up more than 1,200 mentions of the words "biggest," ''best" and "smartest."

And.....................fwiw...............the words "truthful" and "hyperbole" don't belong in the same sentence. Here are the definitions.................

[ trooth-fuhl ]

1. telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
2. conforming to truth: a truthful statement.
3. corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.

[ hahy-pur-buh-lee ]

noun Rhetoric.
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
You libs have much bigger problems, the majority of deaths are in Dem run cities.

Again, for you people who have a hard time with facts, the incoming flights carrying passengers with COVID from Europe and China came into JFK, Newark, LaGuardia, LAX, San Franciso. Now do a little geography checking, asshat.

Why didn't Dem governors shut down the airports and lock down? Why were Dem leaders still telling people in NY to keep riding the subways and the virus was not a big deal in Feb? Why are Dem leaders so incompetent, will they be charged with a crime for getting thousands killed?

Why? Simple, because we didn't know much about the virus at the time, and Trump was telling everyone he had the situation under control, that it would go from 15 cases to zero quickly, that it would go away like a miracle. We, as well as those in Congress were listening to Trump because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Sadly, he didn't, and as we learned more about the virus, we learned how dangerous and contagious it was, and that was when governors and mayors decided to start shutting things down. Sorry, but Trump downplaying this virus early on, caused others to follow his lead and downplay it as well.

There are consequences for crappy leadership, and Trump is learning about it now.
What a fucking bunch of shit, you lying asswipe. Nancy Pelosi from San Fransicko, was in China Town, touting that the Chinese Virus wasnt bad so stay out an play hard. Everyday, i pray an drunken illegal will T-bone people like you...

Again, she said that back in Feb when Trump was downplaying the impact the virus would have on the US. She was simply following what Trump had been saying.
You libs have much bigger problems, the majority of deaths are in Dem run cities.

Again, for you people who have a hard time with facts, the incoming flights carrying passengers with COVID from Europe and China came into JFK, Newark, LaGuardia, LAX, San Franciso. Now do a little geography checking, asshat.

Why didn't Dem governors shut down the airports and lock down? Why were Dem leaders still telling people in NY to keep riding the subways and the virus was not a big deal in Feb? Why are Dem leaders so incompetent, will they be charged with a crime for getting thousands killed?

Why? Simple, because we didn't know much about the virus at the time, and Trump was telling everyone he had the situation under control, that it would go from 15 cases to zero quickly, that it would go away like a miracle. We, as well as those in Congress were listening to Trump because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Sadly, he didn't, and as we learned more about the virus, we learned how dangerous and contagious it was, and that was when governors and mayors decided to start shutting things down. Sorry, but Trump downplaying this virus early on, caused others to follow his lead and downplay it as well.

There are consequences for crappy leadership, and Trump is learning about it now.
What a fucking bunch of shit, you lying asswipe. Nancy Pelosi from San Fransicko, was in China Town, touting that the Chinese Virus wasnt bad so stay out an play hard. Everyday, i pray an drunken illegal will T-bone people like you...

Dems count on the liberal news media to keep that quiet and blame everything on president Trump, it's propaganda not the news.
Again, she said that back in Feb when Trump was downplaying the impact the virus would have on the US. She was simply following what Trump had been saying.

Wrong, she was calling Trump a racist for shutting down travel from China. That was the whole point of her Chinatown media stunt.
Been looking for this one ever since he order counyt heath departments to quit releasing their daily data.

You know, I'm glad that the people who make decisions like that up here in the TX panhandle aren't trying to cover stuff up. At 5:00 every evening on the local news, they report which counties have new cases, which have had people die from the virus, as well as how many have currently recovered.

I hope they don't decide to go with the b.s. method FL is using.
Gotta hang with the panhandle! :cool:

You know, the majority of cases here in the panhandle has been because of people getting infected at meat packing plants. I think that the percentage of virus cases that we have that came from the various plants up here is around 45 percent from the packing plants. The rest is from community transmission.
Sounds good. Didn't actually know you guys had meat packing plants. We just visit your beach rental homes regularly, bring our money, have a good relaxing time, and go back where we are supposed to like good tourists with our Salt Life decals, sun tans, T-Shirts and photos. :cool:

Apparently, you don't know where the TX panhandle is, because if you did, you wouldn't have said anything about beach houses. There is ZERO ocean, and only a couple of lakes up here. Matter of fact, when I transferred to Amarillo to run the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy, people around here would see me in uniform and then ask what in the hell was a sailor doing up here in Amarillo, because the nearest ocean and beach is over 700 miles away.
Oops. From beginning of thread, thought we were talking about Florida and Disantis, so was actually commenting on Florida Pan Handle. Pretty sure you guys pack a lot of beef in Texas. Have not been in your state much, mostly land and take-off or drive interstate between New Mexico and home. Knew Hood Texas was infamous for it's safety standards and range layout back in the day, but that's a different branch of the Military. MEPS up here is Memphis, but assume they process recruits that at some time make it to Millington Naval Air Station.

Was stationed at NAS Millington, back when it was NATTC Millington TN ('86 to 89). Worked at the NATTC PSD, and lived up just across the border of Tipton County in a little trailer park just off the highway.

My favorite thing to do when I was stationed there was to piss off the base police. At the time, I was seriously into riding bicycles and could hit 48 mph on the flats. Base speed limit was 25 to 30 mph, and I would routinely blow past the cops at 35 plus when I knew they were shooting radar. Fun part was, that while I had a computer that told me how fast I was going, it was quickly removeable and could be hidden in my palm. The cops would ask if I knew how fast I was going and I would say no, so they would just give me a warning.

I knew exactly how fast I was going.
MPs can be a pain in the butt. Got a ticket on Knox (home away from home) for 1 mile over in a 25 MPH zone. Back then you actually had to actually show up in front of a Federal Magistrate, not send in the fine. Talk about making a Federal case out of traffic ticket! School arranged to pick me up in a chopper to minimize my time out of the field problem. Fine was not that high. Can you imagine what it cost to get me out of the field and back?
That article is so full of holes it isn’t funny.
The article isn't, but the info the governor put out is.

"Acting under intense pressure from a coalition of Florida news organizations and open-government advocates, the state Wednesday evening released a list of every Florida fatality documented by a medical examiner resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

The information was so riddled with holes, however, that it sparked as many questions as answers.

Missing from the data set were the names of those who have perished from COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus infections, the probable cause of death (there can be multiple factors) and the circumstances of the person’s demise."
You understand that the post is not based on news but rather opinion on the editorial page. The issue seems to be centered around the fact that certain news outlets demand the names of the virus victims to be released without individual family consent in violation of current law.
Been looking for this one ever since he order counyt heath departments to quit releasing their daily data.

You know, I'm glad that the people who make decisions like that up here in the TX panhandle aren't trying to cover stuff up. At 5:00 every evening on the local news, they report which counties have new cases, which have had people die from the virus, as well as how many have currently recovered.

I hope they don't decide to go with the b.s. method FL is using.
Gotta hang with the panhandle! :cool:

You know, the majority of cases here in the panhandle has been because of people getting infected at meat packing plants. I think that the percentage of virus cases that we have that came from the various plants up here is around 45 percent from the packing plants. The rest is from community transmission.
Sounds good. Didn't actually know you guys had meat packing plants. We just visit your beach rental homes regularly, bring our money, have a good relaxing time, and go back where we are supposed to like good tourists with our Salt Life decals, sun tans, T-Shirts and photos. :cool:

Apparently, you don't know where the TX panhandle is, because if you did, you wouldn't have said anything about beach houses. There is ZERO ocean, and only a couple of lakes up here. Matter of fact, when I transferred to Amarillo to run the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy, people around here would see me in uniform and then ask what in the hell was a sailor doing up here in Amarillo, because the nearest ocean and beach is over 700 miles away.
Oops. From beginning of thread, thought we were talking about Florida and Disantis, so was actually commenting on Florida Pan Handle. Pretty sure you guys pack a lot of beef in Texas. Have not been in your state much, mostly land and take-off or drive interstate between New Mexico and home. Knew Hood Texas was infamous for it's safety standards and range layout back in the day, but that's a different branch of the Military. MEPS up here is Memphis, but assume they process recruits that at some time make it to Millington Naval Air Station.

Was stationed at NAS Millington, back when it was NATTC Millington TN ('86 to 89). Worked at the NATTC PSD, and lived up just across the border of Tipton County in a little trailer park just off the highway.

My favorite thing to do when I was stationed there was to piss off the base police. At the time, I was seriously into riding bicycles and could hit 48 mph on the flats. Base speed limit was 25 to 30 mph, and I would routinely blow past the cops at 35 plus when I knew they were shooting radar. Fun part was, that while I had a computer that told me how fast I was going, it was quickly removeable and could be hidden in my palm. The cops would ask if I knew how fast I was going and I would say no, so they would just give me a warning.

I knew exactly how fast I was going.
MPs can be a pain in the butt. Got a ticket on Knox (home away from home) for 1 mile over in a 25 MPH zone. Back then you actually had to actually show up in front of a Federal Magistrate, not send in the fine. Talk about making a Federal case out of traffic ticket! School arranged to pick me up in a chopper to minimize my time out of the field problem. Fine was not that high. Can you imagine what it cost to get me out of the field and back?

You gotta be kidding................they flew you from the field to the base to take care of the ticket, and then back out into the field? JP5 ain't that cheap, meaning that was an expensive taxi. Not only was there the question of fuel, but wear and tear on the bird, as well as having to pay the 2 pilots to fly the damn thing.

Me? I've ridden in a helo from Crete to Sicily to catch a flight out for emergency leave. Was a really cool trip and I enjoyed that one. The C-130 that I caught out of Sigonella? Nice up until we hit the Canary Islands, because we picked up a couple of other passengers who were females. Me and the other guy got kicked out of the cockpit area, and had to make do in the hold. Talk about a freezing flight. Them damn things have zero insulation in the cargo hold.
You understand that the post is not based on news but rather opinion on the editorial page.
No it isn't. It's based on incomplete, deceptive info put out by the governor's office. Holy shit, can't you folks get anything right?

"The head of the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, which governs the state’s 21 medical examiners, has insisted the information — including the names — is subject to disclosure under the state’s public records law. The administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis, which oversees state health regulators, has warned the examiners to keep the information secret.

“The Department of Health is telling the medical examiners it cannot release this information that the medical examiners have been releasing on a regular basis,” said Barbara Petersen, president emeritus of the First Amendment Foundation, an open-government watchdog in Tallahassee.

“For whatever reason, our governor is trying to hide information — first about nursing homes, and now from medical examiners. They are trying to paint a rosy picture by refusing to provide us accurate information that allows us to make informed decisions about the health and safety of our families,” Petersen said."
Trump Lackey Ron deSantis is covering up the actual number of deaths from COVID.
Wow...................Republicans got all pissy about China not reporting accurately, and now they are doing the same thing they got pissed at China for.
You effin liberals don't realize how important the open beaches and restaurants are to the economy of Florida. Of course you liberal socialists would like to see the capitalists in Florida suffer.
Been looking for this one ever since he order counyt heath departments to quit releasing their daily data.

You know, I'm glad that the people who make decisions like that up here in the TX panhandle aren't trying to cover stuff up. At 5:00 every evening on the local news, they report which counties have new cases, which have had people die from the virus, as well as how many have currently recovered.

I hope they don't decide to go with the b.s. method FL is using.
Gotta hang with the panhandle! :cool:

You know, the majority of cases here in the panhandle has been because of people getting infected at meat packing plants. I think that the percentage of virus cases that we have that came from the various plants up here is around 45 percent from the packing plants. The rest is from community transmission.
Sounds good. Didn't actually know you guys had meat packing plants. We just visit your beach rental homes regularly, bring our money, have a good relaxing time, and go back where we are supposed to like good tourists with our Salt Life decals, sun tans, T-Shirts and photos. :cool:

Apparently, you don't know where the TX panhandle is, because if you did, you wouldn't have said anything about beach houses. There is ZERO ocean, and only a couple of lakes up here. Matter of fact, when I transferred to Amarillo to run the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy, people around here would see me in uniform and then ask what in the hell was a sailor doing up here in Amarillo, because the nearest ocean and beach is over 700 miles away.
Oops. From beginning of thread, thought we were talking about Florida and Disantis, so was actually commenting on Florida Pan Handle. Pretty sure you guys pack a lot of beef in Texas. Have not been in your state much, mostly land and take-off or drive interstate between New Mexico and home. Knew Hood Texas was infamous for it's safety standards and range layout back in the day, but that's a different branch of the Military. MEPS up here is Memphis, but assume they process recruits that at some time make it to Millington Naval Air Station.

Was stationed at NAS Millington, back when it was NATTC Millington TN ('86 to 89). Worked at the NATTC PSD, and lived up just across the border of Tipton County in a little trailer park just off the highway.

My favorite thing to do when I was stationed there was to piss off the base police. At the time, I was seriously into riding bicycles and could hit 48 mph on the flats. Base speed limit was 25 to 30 mph, and I would routinely blow past the cops at 35 plus when I knew they were shooting radar. Fun part was, that while I had a computer that told me how fast I was going, it was quickly removeable and could be hidden in my palm. The cops would ask if I knew how fast I was going and I would say no, so they would just give me a warning.

I knew exactly how fast I was going.
MPs can be a pain in the butt. Got a ticket on Knox (home away from home) for 1 mile over in a 25 MPH zone. Back then you actually had to actually show up in front of a Federal Magistrate, not send in the fine. Talk about making a Federal case out of traffic ticket! School arranged to pick me up in a chopper to minimize my time out of the field problem. Fine was not that high. Can you imagine what it cost to get me out of the field and back?

You gotta be kidding................they flew you from the field to the base to take care of the ticket, and then back out into the field? JP5 ain't that cheap, meaning that was an expensive taxi. Not only was there the question of fuel, but wear and tear on the bird, as well as having to pay the 2 pilots to fly the damn thing.

Me? I've ridden in a helo from Crete to Sicily to catch a flight out for emergency leave. Was a really cool trip and I enjoyed that one. The C-130 that I caught out of Sigonella? Nice up until we hit the Canary Islands, because we picked up a couple of other passengers who were females. Me and the other guy got kicked out of the cockpit area, and had to make do in the hold. Talk about a freezing flight. Them damn things have zero insulation in the cargo hold.
Yeay, the C-130 freeze as off sounds familiar. Actually after paying ticket, had to report back to the school to show I had taken care of it. CQ delivered my to the the LogPac for evening run for a ride back out in a deuce n a half. But at least the Sergeant made the Spec 4s ride in the back, so I got to sit up front with the heater. Being a 1LT aide to a 1 star, will only get you so far. My roomy was a CPT from California and aide to a 2 Star. They stuck us together and treated us like were were somebody. We turned nothing down, but tried not to embarrass ourselves or our bosses.
You understand that the post is not based on news but rather opinion on the editorial page.
No it isn't. It's based on incomplete, deceptive info put out by the governor's office. Holy shit, can't you folks get anything right?

"The head of the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, which governs the state’s 21 medical examiners, has insisted the information — including the names — is subject to disclosure under the state’s public records law. The administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis, which oversees state health regulators, has warned the examiners to keep the information secret.

“The Department of Health is telling the medical examiners it cannot release this information that the medical examiners have been releasing on a regular basis,” said Barbara Petersen, president emeritus of the First Amendment Foundation, an open-government watchdog in Tallahassee.

“For whatever reason, our governor is trying to hide information — first about nursing homes, and now from medical examiners. They are trying to paint a rosy picture by refusing to provide us accurate information that allows us to make informed decisions about the health and safety of our families,” Petersen said."
"The head of the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, which governs the state’s 21 medical examiners,
When has it been that some non elected officials suddenly govern, while it is the job of the Governor of the state that makes the decisions. Boy you are some retarded folk...
You understand that the post is not based on news but rather opinion on the editorial page.
No it isn't. It's based on incomplete, deceptive info put out by the governor's office. Holy shit, can't you folks get anything right?

"The head of the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, which governs the state’s 21 medical examiners, has insisted the information — including the names — is subject to disclosure under the state’s public records law. The administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis, which oversees state health regulators, has warned the examiners to keep the information secret.

“The Department of Health is telling the medical examiners it cannot release this information that the medical examiners have been releasing on a regular basis,” said Barbara Petersen, president emeritus of the First Amendment Foundation, an open-government watchdog in Tallahassee.

“For whatever reason, our governor is trying to hide information — first about nursing homes, and now from medical examiners. They are trying to paint a rosy picture by refusing to provide us accurate information that allows us to make informed decisions about the health and safety of our families,” Petersen said."
Instead of trying to silence the head of the Florida Medical Examiners, DeSantis needs to see somebody compitent with the Florida Medical Head Examiners.

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