Florida Republican Governor Accused of Deceiving Public About COVID Deaths

Trump Lackey Ron deSantis is covering up the actual number of deaths from COVID.

Stop hiding true COVID-19 stats, Gov. DeSantis. Our lives are still at risk

FDLE releases list of COVID-19 deaths. Top medical examiner calls it a sham.
Do y’all read you’re own articles. This is saying that he “refuses” to release victims full info including their names. Ever hear of a thing called HIPPA? Doctor patient confidentiality? Their proof that he’s hiding info is that he won’t release the names of victims...even though he’s legally obliged not to do so. This article is a clear set up, a fake gotcha question.

This would be like if some women accused a ceo of a company of sexual harassment. They settled it out of court with an NDA and a payoff. Then a reporter asks how she was sexually harassed, she declines to answer because of the NDA...and the reporter goes AHA! She didn’t answer my question because she’s hiding something.
Been looking for this one ever since he order counyt heath departments to quit releasing their daily data.

You know, I'm glad that the people who make decisions like that up here in the TX panhandle aren't trying to cover stuff up. At 5:00 every evening on the local news, they report which counties have new cases, which have had people die from the virus, as well as how many have currently recovered.

I hope they don't decide to go with the b.s. method FL is using.
Gotta hang with the panhandle! :cool:

You know, the majority of cases here in the panhandle has been because of people getting infected at meat packing plants. I think that the percentage of virus cases that we have that came from the various plants up here is around 45 percent from the packing plants. The rest is from community transmission.
Most cases are patients in nursing homes. How does that make the case for the shutdown look good?
You understand that the post is not based on news but rather opinion on the editorial page.
No it isn't. It's based on incomplete, deceptive info put out by the governor's office. Holy shit, can't you folks get anything right?

"The head of the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, which governs the state’s 21 medical examiners, has insisted the information — including the names — is subject to disclosure under the state’s public records law. The administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis, which oversees state health regulators, has warned the examiners to keep the information secret.

“The Department of Health is telling the medical examiners it cannot release this information that the medical examiners have been releasing on a regular basis,” said Barbara Petersen, president emeritus of the First Amendment Foundation, an open-government watchdog in Tallahassee.

“For whatever reason, our governor is trying to hide information — first about nursing homes, and now from medical examiners. They are trying to paint a rosy picture by refusing to provide us accurate information that allows us to make informed decisions about the health and safety of our families,” Petersen said."
Words like "accused" are suggestive of a cover up but when you use your intellect instead of your emotions it seems that the Governor of Florida was "accused" by three women and a guy who worked for the Miami Herald. It's not news, it's opinion. You almost gotta scratch your head when liberal activists accuse the republican governor of Florida while credible evidence suggests that the democrat the governor of New York might be responsible for about 3,500 deaths among elderly patients in NY nursing homes when he issued an edict that nursing homes must admit the Grim Reaper.

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