Florida to Shipping Companies: Forget California, We’ll Unload Your Ships

Unload a lot of passengers with cranes do they?
Lesh, honey, Miami and Tampa (I live on the west coast of Florida) get in people all the time. I know Miami is a BIG BIG shipment hub as well as they have unpaid container auctions and I love my auctions....pretty sure that Tampa is as well. Cranes arent the issue honey. The major issue in taking in the big freight ships is actually the depth of the water...the same deep depths needed for the passenger ships.
Why is it that every time I see Pete Buttigieg on T.V., he reminds me of Alfred E. Newman....

It's your kink I guess. The rest of us don't need to know about it.
How's the Panama Canal prepared to accept the increased traffic?
I never said anything about the panama Canal----it is more economical for ships that are going to California to go to Florida verses sitting in wait in California for months...I don't know what point you are trying to make about the Canal as it doesn't matter unless it is again blocked or something that I don't know about. I know that HOme Depot made arrangements to have their merchandise removed from ship at sea and then used other ships to ship to other ports. Think we are going to be seeing a bunch of this.
The dems and their ignorant policies are always causing these environmental issues.....the illegals and their polution, the california fires, the overpopulation, now these stupid pay to not work idiots leading to the oil spill.
Lesh, honey, Miami and Tampa (I live on the west coast of Florida) get in people all the time. I know Miami is a BIG BIG shipment hub as well as they have unpaid container auctions and I love my auctions....pretty sure that Tampa is as well. Cranes arent the issue honey. The major issue in taking in the big freight ships is actually the depth of the water...the same deep depths needed for the passenger ships.
Cranes are the issue?

You don’t have a clue

Cheney depth is just the first hurdle.

Again. Jacksonville is the only port I’m Florida with the infrastructure to handle this.

And no it’s not California trucks refs that are causing it or Georgia wouldn’t be having the same issues… and they are
Cranes are the issue?
You don’t have a clue
Neither do you
Again. Jacksonville is the only port I’m Florida with the infrastructure to handle this.
This is a lie. The three major FL ports, comboned, cannot handle the traffic.
And no it’s not California trucks refs that are causing it or Georgia wouldn’t be having the same issues… and they are
The vast majority of Asiatic freight come into the US through LA/LB - which is where the majority of the issue is.
The other WC ports have similar issues but do not move anyhere near as much freight - and so have a lesser effect.
You must really believe President Joe Biden is the most powerful person in the world. He is solely able to gridlock trade, raise the price of gas, and magically keep the Trump Pandemic on going along with raising the prices of goods and services.
Why’d Brandon call a meeting with all the shipping magnates then and declare victory by saying he told them to fix the supply problem? Like they never thought of that.
Neither do you

This is a lie. The three major FL ports, comboned, cannot handle the traffic.

The vast majority of Asiatic freight come into the US through LA/LB - which is where the majority of the issue is.
The other WC ports have similar issues but do not move anyhere near as much freight - and so have a lesser effect.
What's your idiotic point retard and who are you arguing with?

Your moron buddies AND DeathSantis think Florida is THE fix.
What's your idiotic point retard and who are you arguing with?
Your moron buddies AND DeathSantis think Florida is THE fix.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact you lied about Jacksonville - but you did,.
No shit sherlock, that's been on the news for days. The fact that you can't discern S. CA. with the SF Bay Area is pure ignorance, and you tried to spin your foolishness is typical of your dishonesty.
Not true. While you were sleeping, the Panama Canal locks were widened and lengthened.

Golly gee whiz.
I suppose you MUST be smarter than the people they pay millions of dollars per year to manage this type of traffic.

The MAX size for a ship in the canal is 120k DWT
As of 2010 there were over 9,500 ships in operation exceeding that capacity.

You really should concede the fact that these people know more about their operations than you.
And Florida doesn't have the infrastructure t do much of anything in this regard
Why’d Brandon call a meeting with all the shipping magnates then and declare victory by saying he told them to fix the supply problem? Like they never thought of that.
Your response to my comment exposed you as a kook. Of course I've known that for as long as you have posted.

Golly gee whiz.
I suppose you MUST be smarter than the people they pay millions of dollars per year to manage this type of traffic.

The MAX size for a ship in the canal is 120k DWT
As of 2010 there were over 9,500 ships in operation exceeding that capacity.

You really should concede the fact that these people know more about their operations than you.
You don't even know what DWT stands for. Lock size and draft are the restraints.
Extra 3-4 days sail time vs having your ships sit idle off the California coast for months.
Once again Democrats scare away major businesses.

“Florida is where your success comes in, and our seaports are the solution to ensure the cargo shipping logjam doesn’t become the Grinch that stole Christmas,” said Michael Rubin, President and CEO of the Florida Ports Council. “Why pay to moor off the coast of California, when Florida shipping lanes are open and serving as the gateway for getting goods to America’s market,” Rubin said in a press release.

Once again, explain how it is the drmocrats fault. Do you blame jane d e mocrats when you fart?

It's noth8ng yo do with politics you ignorant fool. You paranoid about blaming dems. Grow up.
Once again, explain how it is the drmocrats fault. Do you blame jane d e mocrats when you fart?

It's noth8ng yo do with politics you ignorant fool. You paranoid about blaming dems. Grow up.
Who put the useless vaccine requirements in place that caused a manpower shortage?
Oh yeah. Democrats who have a supermajority stranglehold on California.
You must really believe President Joe Biden is the most powerful person in the world. He is solely able to gridlock trade, raise the price of gas, and magically keep the Trump Pandemic on going along with raising the prices of goods and services.
Actually he can.
As long as nobody tries to lift a finger to stop him....he can really screw up alot of stuff.
That's why we have a president after all.
To run the country....and if the other two branches of government (congress and the courts) don't stand in his way....he can make life pretty miserable for us.

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