Florida to Shipping Companies: Forget California, We’ll Unload Your Ships

Who put the useless vaccine requirements in place that caused a manpower shortage?
Oh yeah. Democrats who have a supermajority stranglehold on California.
Ask the unvaccinated people who are dying in hospital if it is a useless vaccine. You're as ignorant as concrete.

I hope they bring the country to it's knees
and fools like you realised it could gave all been avoided by getting jabbed.
Instead you blame the politics of California. You're really up to speed son.
Actually he can.
As long as nobody tries to lift a finger to stop him....he can really screw up alot of stuff.
That's why we have a president after all.
To run the country....and if the other two branches of government (congress and the courts) don't stand in his way....he can make life pretty miserable for us.
Art I and Art III supersede the power of Art II.
Once again, explain how it is the drmocrats fault.
Why am I not surprised you haven't been paying attention?
The issue here is primarily caused by a lack of truck capacity to move boxes and chassis to and from the ports.
This lack of truck capacity is a direct result of CA environmenal and union regs maming it too expensive for trucking companies to operate the prts.
Who created these laws and regs? Democrats.
Neither do you

This is a lie. The three major FL ports, comboned, cannot handle the traffic.

The vast majority of Asiatic freight come into the US through LA/LB - which is where the majority of the issue is.
The other WC ports have similar issues but do not move anyhere near as much freight - and so have a lesser effect.

Seems the White House has worked with the unions to extend 24-7 for unloading, hitching cargo and moving the trucks on three shifts:

Seems the White House has worked with the unions to extend 24-7 for unloading, hitching cargo and moving the trucks on three shifts:
Irrelevant to the point..
CA union regs require any truck driver moving traffic through the ports be a union member; owner operators are 'independent contractors' and as such, cannot join a union.
This -significantly- reduces the number of trucks able to service the ports.
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Ask the unvaccinated people who are dying in hospital if it is a useless vaccine. You're as ignorant as concrete.

I hope they bring the country to it's knees
and fools like you realised it could gave all been avoided by getting jabbed.
Instead you blame the politics of California. You're really up to speed son.
Ask Colin Powell and Biden’s DHS Secretary how the vaccine works.
If shipping companies look at states other than California for imports from China, they'll look at Oregon and Washington before Florida. No shipping company wants to go through a canal if they don't have to.
You don't even know what DWT stands for. Lock size and draft are the restraints.
Of course.
The weight of what the ship carries has nothing to do with draft, does it?

You clearly demonstrate why you post on a message board rather than handle cargo logistics for a large ocean carrier.


But, let's follow your plan. How about we divert 500 ships per day? AS I understand that's less than 1% of those waiting to offload.
After 30 days there would be around 13,000 ships waiting to pass the canal.

I understand you want to give your boy DuhDumbAss credit but this really is a stupid idea ...

What do you suppose would happen to traffic in SoFl if they were to double or triple the traffic through the ports?
There is only 1 rail line and one interstate north.
Add 10k 18 wheelers and 5 miles of train to the existing traffic and before long the trains and trucks couldn't move out of the port.

Let this one go.
If shipping companies look at states other than California for imports from China, they'll look at Oregon and Washington before Florida. No shipping company wants to go through a canal if they don't have to.

They're going to look wherever is prepared to actually offload their cargo. No, they'd probably rather not go all the way to Florida if they don't have to. Sadly, Oregon and Washington are nearly as suicidally leftist as California, so . . .
Of course.
The weight of what the ship carries has nothing to do with draft, does it?

You clearly demonstrate why you post on a message board rather than handle cargo logistics for a large ocean carrier.


But, let's follow your plan. How about we divert 500 ships per day? AS I understand that's less than 1% of those waiting to offload.
After 30 days there would be around 13,000 ships waiting to pass the canal.

I understand you want to give your boy DuhDumbAss credit but this really is a stupid idea ...

What do you suppose would happen to traffic in SoFl if they were to double or triple the traffic through the ports?
There is only 1 rail line and one interstate north.
Add 10k 18 wheelers and 5 miles of train to the existing traffic and before long the trains and trucks couldn't move out of the port.

Let this one go.

You understand wrong. It is about one hundred, ships waiting to offload. you dipshit!

Ships are measured in displacement which impacts draft.

I guess I-95 and I-75 are one interstate heading north. They are both connected by I-4 and I-10.

10K 18 wheelers? If you worked for a shipping container company, you'd be fired immediately because you are a moron.
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