Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

Explain Mississippi.
The truth and facts eviscerate slavery apologetics of the conservatives.

No one is apologizing for slavery...the democrat party is desperately trying to hide from it, since their party was the party of slavery, and jim crow, and fighting Civil Rights in this country...
This whining and complaining is typical liberal behavior. In the 1800s and early 1900s we realized indian children weren't getting an adequate education. So we gave them a free education in new boarding schools that were built. Liberals do nothing but criticize their own country.
2aguy must be a Klan boi based on his writing

I am a republican, you dumb fuck....the klan belongs to the democrat party, slavery belongs to the democrat party, jim crow, lynching, belong to the democrat party.........embrace your racism...your democrat party is the home of racism, violence and hate...
The Klan votes GOP, 2aguy boi, not the Democrats.

We all know it.

You are such a buffoon.

The klan voted for hilary.......and joe biden......

But the Democratic VP nominee might want to look at those who have publicly endorsed Clinton before he invokes the KKK. Will Quigg, grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter, is among those who have endorsed Clinton for president.

An interview, taped at a KKK rally in California in March, included this exchange:

Reporter: Who do you like for president, sir.

Quigg: Hillary Clinton.

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden as he tweets 'to hell with libertarian ideology'

  • Richard Spencer had previously announced his support for Joe Biden in August
  • He dropped his Support for Trump after the killing of Iranian Qassem Soleimani
  • Biden's campain manager rejected Spencer's support based on his past views
  • Uperturbed, Spencer showed a picture of his ballot on Tuesday, voting for Biden

The klan voted for hilary.......and joe biden......

But the Democratic VP nominee might want to look at those who have publicly endorsed Clinton before he invokes the KKK. Will Quigg, grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter, is among those who have endorsed Clinton for president.

An interview, taped at a KKK rally in California in March, included this exchange:

Reporter: Who do you like for president, sir.

Quigg: Hillary Clinton.

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden as he tweets 'to hell with libertarian ideology'

  • Richard Spencer had previously announced his support for Joe Biden in August
  • He dropped his Support for Trump after the killing of Iranian Qassem Soleimani
  • Biden's campain manager rejected Spencer's support based on his past views
  • Uperturbed, Spencer showed a picture of his ballot on Tuesday, voting for Biden

One guy as whacky as you, 2aguy.
The Hebrew slaves were so fortunate how to make bricks with straw for the pyramids.

MAGA does not get that millennial and Z will destroy them next year.
People in west Africa can barely sustain themselves without western help. That is a positive part of being descended from slaves for black americans. They are living better than they would have in the western coastal region of the continent of Africa today. They live on the best fed continent in the most free country.

End of story

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