Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

What do you mean??
He means that no one is about to be bamboozelded by the cosmetics argument from the gun lobby again. The assault weapons ban of 1996 was lead down a primrose path with arguments over detachable stocks, flash suppressors and grip styles. The firing mechanism and the round capacity including ammunition magazines are the point.

No...you are wrong...the "assault" weapon ban in 1996 was another feel good, really stupid gun law that did nothing to stop violent criminals or mass shooters from getting guns and when it ended nothing changed either way....it was a huge, waste of time that accomplished nothing and was just plain stupid........

France has an assault weapon ban...a real one...their people cannot own military weapons or fully automatic weapons....and every criminal or terrorist who wants one has absolutely no problem getting them....

See...the French went farther down the path of stupidity and it didn't help them either....

Consider yourself educated in reality.....
The legislation fell right where the congressmen, bought and paid for by the NRA, decided that grips and stocks and flash suppressors and other cosmetic distinctions were what made a particular gun more lethal, more dangerous, more capable of really racking up a stunning body count. They were useful idiots to assure nothing would work in the minds of those drinking the NRA kool-aide.

The guns used in Paris, semi-automatic firing systems and large capacity magazines, were brought in from Belgium. Just as the guns on the streets of D.C. are brought in from outside.
You still have not answered my question??
i cannot tell the difference from that photo. The bottom gun, the black one, has a visible safety, but it does not designate a firing system. If we were debating automobile safety features, would knowledge of torque ratio be pertainent? Would you be disqualified from the debate out of hand for not knowing engine displacement?

Your's is a cheap trick. Cosmetics is what derailed the Assault Weapons legislation of 1996. Such tactics are just a way of deflecting and ignoring the greater issue.
Well, if you knew anything other than the bleeding heart media has told ya.
You would know the bottom one is nothing more than a 500$ sporting/hunting rifle really no different than grand pappys "hunt'n gun" a .223 caliber varmint rifle with nothing more than simple cosmetics. It would never pass for in theater use.
Just The barrel and silencer adapter on the top one are worth over twice as much as the whole bottom set up.
The top one is at least military grade and then some, 6.8 spc and fully auto...
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I voted against the GOP, not for the Dems. And I'm done with your childish nonsense. You will never understand adults and I'm not here to teach you. The first however is ask, don't tell. I am confused about nothing, you just don't understand what I say.

You are really an idiot and very confused.

Let me 'splain some things to you so you won't be so confused.

There is hardly a dimes worth of difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats. They are both parties of big out of control government.

The Democrats preach bad government and they deliver bad government.

The Republicans preach good government but at the end of the day deliver about the same bad government as the Democrats.

The Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that isn't saying much because the Democrats are so bad.

The Democrats are the high speed bullet train to failure. The Republicans are the express train. They both will get you there.

However, to address your cowardice. If neither party meets your expectations then don't vote vote for either one because you are voting for bad government and that makes you part of the problem.

I don't vote for Republicans any more because they are almost as Liberal as the filthy ass Democrats. I don't get good government by voting for the lesser of two evils.

If you weren't such a fool and confused about things like this you would have the courage of your conventions instead of being a coward.

We are not going to get good conservative fiscal responsible government as long as idiots like you vote for big government candidates, are we?

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

I voted against the GOP, not for the Dems. And I'm done with your childish nonsense. You will never understand adults and I'm not here to teach you. The first however is ask, don't tell. I am confused about nothing, you just don't understand what I say.

You are really an idiot and very confused.

Let me 'splain some things to you so you won't be so confused.
This is why you know nothing. You tell, you do not ask. Very normal here.

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep. Liberals giveth and liberals taketh away, almost no citizen needs a gun today and the body-count is too damn high.

Not as high as it would be if we didn't have guns to protect ourselves.

I remember before our CCW laws were enacted how many ATM robberies and car jackings we used to have. I don't read too much about those crimes anymore after our legislatures allowed us to be armed inside of our vehicles. In fact now, you can even have a loaded firearm on your passenger seat if you desire.

Years ago when the law was being debated, I got into it with an anti-gun person just like you. He asked why I wanted to see CCW's in Ohio? I explained that my mother lives alone and never drove a car in her life. She likes to walk to the store, to church, to neighbors and having a CCW law would give me some assurance that she would be less likely to be attacked.

With that response, he asked if my elderly mother would carry a gun if legal? To that I replied "no she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

Criminals like certainty to commit a crime. The easier it is to commit a crime, the more likely they will do it. Stripping guns away from the innocent would provide that certainly. Everybody would be a target. So don't say citizens don't need guns. Maybe not, but what we do need is the liberty to have a gun.
A liberal nation? Why, because that's what your cohorts at Starbucks tell you?

For your information, we have a Republican led House and Senate, soon to have a Republican led White House. But keep your dreams. It's all you're going to have in the future.
This nation was founded by liberals. Your kind fled to Canada.

He's Ray from Cleveland, not Ray from Canada. :D
Tories fled to Canada, when they weren't spying on the liberals who founded this nation that is.

You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.

Violent crime and gun murders have been on the decline for the last couple of decades. Talk about fixing it, there's an old expression "If it's not broke, don't fix it." We must be doing something right, and gun restrictions isn't it because we now have more liberty with guns than we ever had.
One thing you stupid Liberals should keep in mind.

If Florida passes open carry then it will be a very dangerous state where you could get shot on the streets of Orlando or Daytona Beach at any time. You Liberals don't want to come here. If you already live here then it will be safer for you to leave. Please leave.

We Conservatives here in Florida would hate to see you Liberals get slaughtered so take our advice and stay out of our state. Please.

What liberals don't understand is the reason we need guns are because of them.

If I need to go to my convenient store after dark, do you think I'm worried about a Republican coming in, robbing the place, hitting me over the head and taking my wallet? Of course not. Republicans don't do those types of things.

Or if I need to go make a deposit at my ATM machine. Do you think I'm worried about a conservative wedging himself between my car and the machine forcing me to withdraw the maximum cash that it will allow? No,no,no, conservatives don't do those types of things--liberals do those types of things.

So before we can get rid of our guns, we would first have to get rid of liberals. Since that can't be done (and Lord knows we've tried) we absolutely need our firearms for protection against liberals.

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.
This nation was founded by liberals. Your kind fled to Canada.

He's Ray from Cleveland, not Ray from Canada. :D
Tories fled to Canada, when they weren't spying on the liberals who founded this nation that is.

You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.

Violent crime and gun murders have been on the decline for the last couple of decades. Talk about fixing it, there's an old expression "If it's not broke, don't fix it." We must be doing something right, and gun restrictions isn't it because we now have more liberty with guns than we ever had.
Oh, but it is broke, and the fix is, no guns.

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.

Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.
Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Let's see. You say that you MUST kill living things from time to time, and then you go and anoint yourself as someone who has a say in what another citizen owns? You must be crazy. Lol.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

As a citizen of the United States, whose rights you are trying to infringe upon, I say that you sir are an :ahole-1: and should not be taken seriously now or at any time in the future.
Let's see. You say that you MUST kill living things from time to time, and then you go and anoint yourself as someone who has a say in what another citizen owns? You must be crazy. Lol.
Not at all. It's math. Most people have no need for guns, while I still do. When I don't, into the fire they go, where they belong. How long before you grow up and can think more than one thought at a time?
Maybe you are too chickenshit to use a firearm for self defense if the need be but that doesn't mean that the rest of America is that cowardly.

If you are afraid of guns then don't buy one. If you don't want to use a gun for recreational purposes or for hunting then that is OK. If you don't want to carry one for self defense then be at the mercy of the crooks and the filthy ass government. It is your right to be a chickenshit little coward if you want.

Just get off your high horse and stop advocating taking liberty away from those Americans that aren't a chickenshit like you. It just makes you an asshole.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

As a citizen of the United States, whose rights you are trying to infringe upon, I say that you sir are an :ahole-1: and should not be taken seriously now or at any time in the future.
Liberals giveth, and liberals taketh away. That's how it works here.
I own guns, the guns still need to go.

Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

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