Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

Let's see. You say that you MUST kill living things from time to time, and then you go and anoint yourself as someone who has a say in what another citizen owns? You must be crazy. Lol.
Not at all. It's math. Most people have no need for guns, while I still do. When I don't, into the fire they go, where they belong. How long before you grow up and can think more than one thought at a time?

You don't have any knowledge or any right to say what anyone else can own. Lol.
He's Ray from Cleveland, not Ray from Canada. :D
Tories fled to Canada, when they weren't spying on the liberals who founded this nation that is.

You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.

Violent crime and gun murders have been on the decline for the last couple of decades. Talk about fixing it, there's an old expression "If it's not broke, don't fix it." We must be doing something right, and gun restrictions isn't it because we now have more liberty with guns than we ever had.
Oh, but it is broke, and the fix is, no guns.

Yes, because if we have no guns, criminals will not have them--just like criminals have no recreational narcotics today, or cheat on taxes because we have an IRS.

Laws only work on one group of people--law biding citizens. Laws don't work on criminals. That's why they are criminals in the first place.
Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

As a citizen of the United States, whose rights you are trying to infringe upon, I say that you sir are an :ahole-1: and should not be taken seriously now or at any time in the future.
Liberals giveth, and liberals taketh away. That's how it works here.

Sorry but that is not true at all. No one gives us rights. That is what the BOR is all about. I'm sorry that you have a very poor understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Good God, man. Go back to school!!!

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.
Now this has to be one of the funniest things I've read here all day! :lol:
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

You can't really be this stupid. You have to be a Poe. Have you heard of Poe's Law? :D

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Tories fled to Canada, when they weren't spying on the liberals who founded this nation that is.

You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.

Violent crime and gun murders have been on the decline for the last couple of decades. Talk about fixing it, there's an old expression "If it's not broke, don't fix it." We must be doing something right, and gun restrictions isn't it because we now have more liberty with guns than we ever had.
Oh, but it is broke, and the fix is, no guns.

Yes, because if we have no guns, criminals will not have them--just like criminals have no recreational narcotics today, or cheat on taxes because we have an IRS.

Laws only work on one group of people--law biding citizens. Laws don't work on criminals. That's why they are criminals in the first place.
With my version of gun control, there would be very few, and criminals wouldn't have them so you could be a real man in a real world, without a gun strapped to your side.
You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.

Violent crime and gun murders have been on the decline for the last couple of decades. Talk about fixing it, there's an old expression "If it's not broke, don't fix it." We must be doing something right, and gun restrictions isn't it because we now have more liberty with guns than we ever had.
Oh, but it is broke, and the fix is, no guns.

Yes, because if we have no guns, criminals will not have them--just like criminals have no recreational narcotics today, or cheat on taxes because we have an IRS.

Laws only work on one group of people--law biding citizens. Laws don't work on criminals. That's why they are criminals in the first place.
With my version of gun control, there would be very few, and criminals wouldn't have them so you could be a real man in a real world, without a gun strapped to your side.

Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

You can't really be this stupid. You have to be a Poe. Have you heard of Poe's Law? :D
I am completely sincere. Almost no one any longer needs a gun, period.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.
Truth is stranger than fiction, now you know.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

As a citizen of the United States, whose rights you are trying to infringe upon, I say that you sir are an :ahole-1: and should not be taken seriously now or at any time in the future.
Liberals giveth, and liberals taketh away. That's how it works here.

Sorry but that is not true at all. No one gives us rights. That is what the BOR is all about. I'm sorry that you have a very poor understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Good God, man. Go back to school!!!
Your rights came from liberals, period. Our words on paper, nothing more.
Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

You can't really be this stupid. You have to be a Poe. Have you heard of Poe's Law? :D
I am completely sincere. Almost no one any longer needs a gun, period.

I can be sure of one thing, that you are completely out of your head. Lol. :D

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.

You are talking about banning a body part and calling ME stupid? Oh. Okay then. :lol:

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.

How on earth would you ban a penis??? :) I've gotta hear this!
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

You can't really be this stupid. You have to be a Poe. Have you heard of Poe's Law? :D
I am completely sincere. Almost no one any longer needs a gun, period.

I can be sure of one thing, that you are completely out of your head. Lol. :D
Not at all. I deal in reality, that you cannot understand. You live in a world of gods, and angels, and dogma. I deal with what is, rape, and murder, and religion.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.

You are talking about banning a body part and calling ME stupid? Oh. Okay then. :lol:
If you could deal with anything that wasn't entirely literal, you'd realize that what I said was a safe world for women and girls would have no penises (AKA men) in it. I know, you don't get it.

Why would you own something that you hate and fear? Lol. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying it! :D

He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.

How on earth would you ban a penis??? :) I've gotta hear this!
Kill - All - Males...
Guns are a thing of the past? So what are criminals and terrorists using these days?
When almost no one has a gun, they won't either. You are fighting fire with fire, while I am banning fire. My way works better, for most...

You can't really be this stupid. You have to be a Poe. Have you heard of Poe's Law? :D
I am completely sincere. Almost no one any longer needs a gun, period.

I can be sure of one thing, that you are completely out of your head. Lol. :D
Not at all. I deal in reality, that you cannot understand. You live in a world of gods, and angels, and dogma. I deal with what is, rape, and murder, and religion.

Um, I hate to be the one to tell you, but apparently you do not live in reality. :D Lol.
I don't fear guns, and I own guns because they are very effective at killing living things, which I must do from time to time but almost no one now needs to. Guns are a thing of the past, and they should be.

tell that to someone breaking into your house hoping to bone you till they own you or worse
He is confused about a great many things. Decades ago in a far away land we would have referred to him as being beaucoup dinky dau.
I am confused about nothing. I have a penis, but if I was going to make the world safe for females, I would ban the penis. That pretty much solves the problem.

You are very, very confused. :)

Ban the penis now too? OMG, something is seriously the matter with you.
Men are who rape men, women, and children. If I wish to make women and girls safe, I ban the penis. I know, you don't get it, but, you are pretty fuckin' stupid so that is to be expected.

How on earth would you ban a penis??? :) I've gotta hear this!
Kill - All - Males...

I happen to like males. In fact, I have a son, dickwad.

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