Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry


Christians are fools, slaves, and children. Clear?

So that includes Obama, right?
What did I say, dumbass?

So you voted for a fool. Nice!
Well I couldn't vote for whatever useless asswipe the GOP puts up now could I. I vote against people, not for them.

So you voted for a fool, child and slave. That pretty well makes you a dumbass, doesn't it?
No, dumbass, I voted against the GOP asswipes. I'm not saying this again.
And yet another, who also took a shot and ran away: Woman opens fire at purse snatcher caught outside Walmart

"The unidentified woman who fired the shot left the scene before officers could talk to her. "

Your brave heroes shoot at people, and then run away.

because of assholes like you……

and again….3 stories….13 million people carrying guns, 1.5 million defensive gun uses that stop violent crimes and save lives……
Why don't you try denouncing those people instead of acting like an unpaid apologist for the NRA? Can't do it, can you you little gun freak.
The NRA is a pillar of freedom and harmless...
The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.
How has the NRA harmed you??
By blocking any fucking common sense legislation on guns in this country.

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep. Liberals giveth and liberals taketh away, almost no citizen needs a gun today and the body-count is too damn high.
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep.

No…you can't keep liberty without guns…..the government won't let you….they will eventually use their guns to deprive you of liberty…that is what has happened all throughout human history…..but since you and the democrats have destroyed the education system..too many people don't realize that...

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep. Liberals giveth and liberals taketh away, almost no citizen needs a gun today and the body-count is too damn high.

That is not what is says in the Bill of Rights. Maybe you missed the part that says "necessary to the security of a free state".

You are right about Liberals being assholes. They will take away liberty in a heartbeat.
No…you can't keep liberty without guns...
The fuck you can't. Stop believing the dogma. There are free people all over the damn world, and the don't have guns nor do they need them.

Wrong….those are people who are ready for submission to whatever strong man comes to power in the future……it took Germany 20 years to go from the Weimar Republic to the death camps…and they disarmed their people in the 1920s and the monsters used that in 1939 to murder 12 million people……

You can only have liberty with a well armed civilian population…there is no other way.

No, dumbass, I voted against the GOP asswipes. I'm not saying this again.

No, sorry but you don't get to chickeshit out like that.

If the Republicans don't meet your expectation then don't vote for them.

If the Democrat candidate is what you describe as a fool, clild and slave then only a dumbass like you would vote for him.

You have no moral or intellectual courage. You are simply a typical uneducated low information dumbass Moon Bat that is confused about everything.

You have no idea what you believe in, do you? All you do is spout this mindless Left Wing hate and you don't even know what you are saying most of the time, do you?

No, dumbass, I voted against the GOP asswipes. I'm not saying this again.

No, sorry but you don't get to chickeshit out like that.

If the Republicans don't meet your expectation then don't vote for them.

If the Democrat candidate is what you describe as a fool, clild and slave then only a dumbass like you would vote for him.

You have no moral or intellectual courage. You are simply a typical uneducated low information dumbass Moon Bat that is confused about everything.

You have no idea what you believe in, do you? All you do is spout this mindless Left Wing hate and you don't even know what you are saying most of the time, do you?
I do not throw my vote away. The lesser of two evils. Grow up and stop being a child.

It isn't dogma…it is human history…you should try to read some…..once you learn how….

These Moon Bats are uneducated and low information. They are just as ignorant on history as they are on economics, ethics, biology and climate science.
No…you can't keep liberty without guns...
The fuck you can't. Stop believing the dogma. There are free people all over the damn world, and the don't have guns nor do they need them.

Stop believing the dogma.

It isn't dogma…it is human history…you should try to read some…..once you learn how….
No, it's fucking dogma. Liberty doesn't come from having weapons. You had the damn guns and liberals, like myself, granted you liberty in this new nation and even allowed you to keep the damn guns anyway but times have changed and you no longer need them, to fight to government or anyone else.
I'm thinking we need open carry now, like Israel. When the Palis started knifing and shooting and running over people daily this summer, Netanyahu asked all Israelis with a gun to carry it. And that has resulted in a LOT of these monsters who attack people (usually women because they are easier) getting shot by Israelis who see the attack. I think we're getting there and had better start. I would participate if my state started needing civilians to stop the violent crime.

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep. Liberals giveth and liberals taketh away, almost no citizen needs a gun today and the body-count is too damn high.

That is not what is says in the Bill of Rights. Maybe you missed the part that says "necessary to the security of a free state".

You are right about Liberals being assholes. They will take away liberty in a heartbeat.
Liberty you can keep, but not guns. Just a matter of time.
I'm thinking we need open carry now, like Israel. When the Palis started knifing and shooting and running over people daily this summer, Netanyahu asked all Israelis with a gun to carry it. And that has resulted in a LOT of these monsters who attack people (usually women because they are easier) getting shot by Israelis who see the attack. I think we're getting there and had better start. I would participate if my state started needing civilians to stop the violent crime.
Israel does not have open carry. They have actually quite strict gun laws. Educate yourself.
Israeli gun control regulations 'opposite of US'

No, dumbass, I voted against the GOP asswipes. I'm not saying this again.

No, sorry but you don't get to chickeshit out like that.

If the Republicans don't meet your expectation then don't vote for them.

If the Democrat candidate is what you describe as a fool, clild and slave then only a dumbass like you would vote for him.

You have no moral or intellectual courage. You are simply a typical uneducated low information dumbass Moon Bat that is confused about everything.

You have no idea what you believe in, do you? All you do is spout this mindless Left Wing hate and you don't even know what you are saying most of the time, do you?
I do not throw my vote away. The lesser of two evils. Grow up and stop being a child.

If you voted for what you described as a fool, child and and slave then you did throw your vote away. Of course look at what you got. The worst President in the history of the Republic. You screwed up all around, didn't you?

You don't get to slam Christians for being "fools" and then run down to the polls as fast as your cub feet will carry you and vote for one. That just makes you look like a fool.

You are confused about everything. That comes with being an uneducated and low information Moon Bat.

You are filled with Left Wing hate and all that hate is gonna eat you up Boy. You really need to pull your head out of your ass.

Liberty you can keep, but not guns. Just a matter of time.

Mr Fool, I have a question for you.

What kind of Liberty can you have when only the crooks and the filthy ass government has the ability to have firearms and the people are defenseless?

A government that doesn't trust its citizen to defend themselves is a government that is oppressive or has plans to be oppressive.

No, dumbass, I voted against the GOP asswipes. I'm not saying this again.

No, sorry but you don't get to chickeshit out like that.

If the Republicans don't meet your expectation then don't vote for them.

If the Democrat candidate is what you describe as a fool, clild and slave then only a dumbass like you would vote for him.

You have no moral or intellectual courage. You are simply a typical uneducated low information dumbass Moon Bat that is confused about everything.

You have no idea what you believe in, do you? All you do is spout this mindless Left Wing hate and you don't even know what you are saying most of the time, do you?
I do not throw my vote away. The lesser of two evils. Grow up and stop being a child.

If you voted for what you described as a fool, child and and slave then you did throw your vote away. Of course look at what you got. The worst President in the history of the Republic. You screwed up all around, didn't you?

You don't get to slam Christians for being "fools" and then run down to the polls as fast as your cub feet will carry you and vote for one. That just makes you look like a fool.

You are confused about everything. That comes with being an uneducated and low information Moon Bat.

You are filled with Left Wing hate and all that hate is gonna eat you up Boy. You really need to pull your head out of your ass.
I voted against the GOP, not for the Dems. And I'm done with your childish nonsense. You will never understand adults and I'm not here to teach you. The first however is ask, don't tell. I am confused about nothing, you just don't understand what I say.

Liberty you can keep, but not guns. Just a matter of time.

Mr Fool, I have a question for you.

What kind of Liberty can you have when only the crooks and the filthy ass government has the ability to have firearms and the people are defenseless?

A government that doesn't trust its citizen to defend themselves is a government that is oppressive or has plans to be oppressive.
You will have the liberty to walk around and know you can only be shot by the police, who will only shoot you if you one, have a gun in your hands, or two, they have to.

Guns protecting liberty is a myth. Liberty is all over the world and guns are not required. That's just a lie you've been told, and swallowed as dogma.
The weapon in question is likely not banned. It depends on its model and auto versus semi.
What do you mean??
He means that no one is about to be bamboozelded by the cosmetics argument from the gun lobby again. The assault weapons ban of 1996 was lead down a primrose path with arguments over detachable stocks, flash suppressors and grip styles. The firing mechanism and the round capacity including ammunition magazines are the point.

No...you are wrong...the "assault" weapon ban in 1996 was another feel good, really stupid gun law that did nothing to stop violent criminals or mass shooters from getting guns and when it ended nothing changed either way....it was a huge, waste of time that accomplished nothing and was just plain stupid........

France has an assault weapon ban...a real one...their people cannot own military weapons or fully automatic weapons....and every criminal or terrorist who wants one has absolutely no problem getting them....

See...the French went farther down the path of stupidity and it didn't help them either....

Consider yourself educated in reality.....
The legislation fell right where the congressmen, bought and paid for by the NRA, decided that grips and stocks and flash suppressors and other cosmetic distinctions were what made a particular gun more lethal, more dangerous, more capable of really racking up a stunning body count. They were useful idiots to assure nothing would work in the minds of those drinking the NRA kool-aide.

The guns used in Paris, semi-automatic firing systems and large capacity magazines, were brought in from Belgium. Just as the guns on the streets of D.C. are brought in from outside.
You still have not answered my question??
i cannot tell the difference from that photo. The bottom gun, the black one, has a visible safety, but it does not designate a firing system. If we were debating automobile safety features, would knowledge of torque ratio be pertainent? Would you be disqualified from the debate out of hand for not knowing engine displacement?

Your's is a cheap trick. Cosmetics is what derailed the Assault Weapons legislation of 1996. Such tactics are just a way of deflecting and ignoring the greater issue.

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