Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.
Why worry who is carrying or not??
The John Waynes have a bad habit of killing people, as do guns.

Funny I never read of any stories of John Wayne's. I read plenty of stories of thugs shooting and killing people. I read stories of people that used guns to protect themselves. But no John Wayne stories.
You mean like the asshole who shot the victim of a car-jacking, grabbed his brass, and ran away before the police arrived?

What's your point?
Your little gun nuts shouldn't be playing heroes. If it goes bad they run away, and we don't need to add a crime to a crime.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.

As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.
Why worry who is carrying or not??
The John Waynes have a bad habit of killing people, as do guns.

The U.S. is on top of the world because of guns. It has the most, and is always willing to use em. That's what America's always been about. It's a violent bloody nation. You're delusional and naive if you believe otherwise.

Guns and violence is what put America on top of the mountain. That's why they made sure to include it in the Constitution. The day America goes soft, is the day it ends up like Great Britain and France... A weak fallen Empire.
Save the dogma, I'm uninterested.

Pass. Any damn fool that believes there is only One True God might as well join ISIS, they are that ignorant of religion and the history of mankind.

Does that mean your Boy Obama? Did you vote for a damn fool?

He claims to be a Christian that belongs to a very fundamental church. Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago is very liberal on social issue (because it is Black) but they are very fundamental on doctrine issues.
Christians are fools, slaves, and children. Clear?
One thing you stupid Liberals should keep in mind.

If Florida passes open carry then it will be a very dangerous state where you could get shot on the streets of Orlando or Daytona Beach at any time. You Liberals don't want to come here. If you already live here then it will be safer for you to leave. Please leave.

We Conservatives here in Florida would hate to see you Liberals get slaughtered so take our advice and stay out of our state. Please.
The world has been told to stay out of your state, or at least how fucking dangerous it is.
Which they had, they should have slaughtered whitey as soon as they touched the shoreline.
It was never in our nature, we could not go on forever living in teepee's and playing around with sticks and worshipping dirt.
Freedom was destined to leave Europe sometime and show up here, lucky for the Indians in the long run.
Reality had to be seen sometime, with all the whacked out superstitions Indians made up with herbal enhancements had to go away...
You are a great little house ****** for whitey. Noted. The redskins were far more civilized than whitey then...
Some Indians adapted and over came since then, the ones that perished. Shit happens.
The "redskins" were just superstitious then, overly naive.
The conquered never write the history, although it would not matter much most tribes never had any sort of written language the ones that did it was not much more than scribbles on cave walls...
You were conquered alright, a genocide that Hitler admired.

It wasn't genocide…another left wing lie.
The hell it wasn't. Damn near wiped them off the map.
Nope. It's a Liberal nation. If you ain't a liberal then get the fuck out, this nation isn't for your kind.

A liberal nation? Why, because that's what your cohorts at Starbucks tell you?

For your information, we have a Republican led House and Senate, soon to have a Republican led White House. But keep your dreams. It's all you're going to have in the future.
This nation was founded by liberals. Your kind fled to Canada.

He's Ray from Cleveland, not Ray from Canada. :D
Tories fled to Canada, when they weren't spying on the liberals who founded this nation that is.

You realize that you big government lefties are the equivalent of tories….you support government control over the people…the tories back then supported the king over the people…..you guys never change…you need government to make yourselves feel safe...
This is the liberal form of control, there is one, known as common sense. If most people don't need something and the body count is too high, fix it.
So glad you have so much concern for the victim, who was also shot in the head, and then not helped by your brave gun-nut.

My concern for the victim? You're the one that used him to promote your political point--not me.
I used him a real-life example of how stupid this is. Here's another:
"Woman charged for shooting at fleeing shoplifters in Home Depot parking lot"

So what's your point? That a fraction of 1% of firearm holders act irresponsibly? You have a higher percentage of irresponsibility with police officers and politicians; even a higher percentage of teachers messing around with kids in a sexual way.

Maybe we should ban teachers next. The kids would probably learn more considering the outcome of students from public schools.
And yet another, who also took a shot and ran away: Woman opens fire at purse snatcher caught outside Walmart

"The unidentified woman who fired the shot left the scene before officers could talk to her. "

Your brave heroes shoot at people, and then run away.

because of assholes like you……

and again….3 stories….13 million people carrying guns, 1.5 million defensive gun uses that stop violent crimes and save lives……
Why don't you try denouncing those people instead of acting like an unpaid apologist for the NRA? Can't do it, can you you little gun freak.

The world has been told to stay out of your state, or at least how fucking dangerous it is.

God bless you.

Please stay out of my state. It is extremely dangerous here with so many NRA members, Two million concealed weapon carry permits and potential open carry. You will be so much safer elsewhere and Florida will be a lot better off with fewer Libtard Moon Bats.

Win win for everybody.
As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.
Why worry who is carrying or not??
The John Waynes have a bad habit of killing people, as do guns.

The U.S. is on top of the world because of guns. It has the most, and is always willing to use em. That's what America's always been about. It's a violent bloody nation. You're delusional and naive if you believe otherwise.

Guns and violence is what put America on top of the mountain. That's why they made sure to include it in the Constitution. The day America goes soft, is the day it ends up like Great Britain and France... A weak fallen Empire.
Save the dogma, I'm uninterested.

You're living in naive denial over what your country is. It's a violent bloody nation. Americans love blood and perpetual war. You just haven't accepted that ugly reality yet. Possessing and acquring firerams is as American as apple pie. Like it or not, it is America.
My concern for the victim? You're the one that used him to promote your political point--not me.
I used him a real-life example of how stupid this is. Here's another:
"Woman charged for shooting at fleeing shoplifters in Home Depot parking lot"

So what's your point? That a fraction of 1% of firearm holders act irresponsibly? You have a higher percentage of irresponsibility with police officers and politicians; even a higher percentage of teachers messing around with kids in a sexual way.

Maybe we should ban teachers next. The kids would probably learn more considering the outcome of students from public schools.
And yet another, who also took a shot and ran away: Woman opens fire at purse snatcher caught outside Walmart

"The unidentified woman who fired the shot left the scene before officers could talk to her. "

Your brave heroes shoot at people, and then run away.

because of assholes like you……

and again….3 stories….13 million people carrying guns, 1.5 million defensive gun uses that stop violent crimes and save lives……
Why don't you try denouncing those people instead of acting like an unpaid apologist for the NRA? Can't do it, can you you little gun freak.
The NRA is a pillar of freedom and harmless...

The world has been told to stay out of your state, or at least how fucking dangerous it is.

God bless you.

Please stay out of my state. It is extremely dangerous here with so many NRA members, Two million concealed weapon carry permits and potential open carry. You will be so much safer elsewhere and Florida will be a lot better off with fewer Libtard Moon Bats.

Win win for everybody.
I always try my very best to stay out of that shithole.

So what's your point? That a fraction of 1% of firearm holders act irresponsibly? You have a higher percentage of irresponsibility with police officers and politicians; even a higher percentage of teachers messing around with kids in a sexual way.

Maybe we should ban teachers next. The kids would probably learn more considering the outcome of students from public schools.
And yet another, who also took a shot and ran away: Woman opens fire at purse snatcher caught outside Walmart

"The unidentified woman who fired the shot left the scene before officers could talk to her. "

Your brave heroes shoot at people, and then run away.

because of assholes like you……

and again….3 stories….13 million people carrying guns, 1.5 million defensive gun uses that stop violent crimes and save lives……
Why don't you try denouncing those people instead of acting like an unpaid apologist for the NRA? Can't do it, can you you little gun freak.
The NRA is a pillar of freedom and harmless...
The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.
So what's your point? That a fraction of 1% of firearm holders act irresponsibly? You have a higher percentage of irresponsibility with police officers and politicians; even a higher percentage of teachers messing around with kids in a sexual way.

Maybe we should ban teachers next. The kids would probably learn more considering the outcome of students from public schools.
And yet another, who also took a shot and ran away: Woman opens fire at purse snatcher caught outside Walmart

"The unidentified woman who fired the shot left the scene before officers could talk to her. "

Your brave heroes shoot at people, and then run away.

because of assholes like you……

and again….3 stories….13 million people carrying guns, 1.5 million defensive gun uses that stop violent crimes and save lives……
Why don't you try denouncing those people instead of acting like an unpaid apologist for the NRA? Can't do it, can you you little gun freak.
The NRA is a pillar of freedom and harmless...
The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.
How has the NRA harmed you??

Christians are fools, slaves, and children. Clear?

So that includes Obama, right?
What did I say, dumbass?

So you voted for a fool. Nice!
Well I couldn't vote for whatever useless asswipe the GOP puts up now could I. I vote against people, not for them.

So you voted for a fool, child and slave. That pretty well makes you a dumbass, doesn't it?

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?

The NRA is why we don't have common sense gun control here.

The NRA is the largest organization for gun safety in the US and the a strong proponent of the Bill of Rights.

Only uneducated low information Libtards would feel threaten by that.

If you had any common sense yourself you would join the NRA.

By the way Moon Bat. Do you consider "common sense" taking away a veteran's firearms because he reported to his doctor that he had insomnia? Because that is exactly what happen in New York with the SAFE Act, that the Moon Bats claimed was "common sense". The dumbasses!

Common sense is adhering to the Bill of Rights and not taking Liberty away from Americans. You Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding that, don't you?
Guns aren't liberty. That you can keep. Liberals giveth and liberals taketh away, almost no citizen needs a gun today and the body-count is too damn high.

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