Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? It's all headed towards disaster. Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
Open carry is obnoxious . Why not just walk around with a baseball bat . Fucking tools.
Then don't open carry. See how easy that was to fix for yourself? Can we get your city and vehicle color etc please? Criminals love victims handed to them on a platter.

I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.
Were you attacked by criminals bearing guns?
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?
'Florida state senator Don Gaetz (R-Dist. 1) is sponsoring SB 300 to move Florida out of the column of five states that oppose open carry and into the column of 45 that do not. SB 300’s House companion bill–HB 163–cleared the House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee on Wednesday. The Tampa Bay Business Journal reports that if legislation succeeds “The 1.45 million people in Florida with concealed-weapons licenses [will be able to] openly carry” their guns in businesses and properties that choose to allow open carry on their properties.'

Which means there really isn't 'open carry' for the most part, as to avoid the hassle of dealing with venues that will prohibit open carry, the vast majority of Floridians will opt to continue to conceal carry.
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

Many Americans are seeing the signs. Everything's falling apart around them. They're deciding to protect themselves and their families. I think that's a very wise decision. We are headed down a very dark path. It is what it is.
Then don't open carry. See how easy that was to fix for yourself? Can we get your city and vehicle color etc please? Criminals love victims handed to them on a platter.

I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.
Were you attacked by criminals bearing guns?
No idea if they had a gun or not,If I could have defended myself with a gun I would have. The usual thugs don't attack one on one they attack in groups. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6,I would rather be killed trying to defend my family which includes a wife and 3 daughters among my kids from a potential rapist than to claim the "moral high ground" of well at least I wasn't carrying an EVIL GUN! No thanks. Protection comes first,fortunately I haven't needed to use ANY of my weapons,I figure between my size and being aware of the people around me I hope to never use it,but I won't hesitate and I won't have to bury my wife and kids or testify at the trial of someone that tried to rape them because I refused to carry a defensive weapon. I will leave that to you pussies that are scared of a tool.
It's a good thing George Zimmerman had his gun when Trayvon Martin was beating his mind against the cement sidewalk.

Yes he is a real good guy. He killed a child he was harassing.

Yep, a 6'3" childt used to play football. He killed a "child" that attacked him, that's all.
Then he shouldn't have been harassing him. He was the adult.

He wasn't harassing him. He simply called the police to have him checked out. Martin fit the description of people that were robbing homes there.

Yeah right. He should have minded his own business. Kid wasn't doing anything wrong.
He thought Zimmerman was a queer. So he wanted to beat him up. He found out the hard way he was wrong.
I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.
Were you attacked by criminals bearing guns?
No idea if they had a gun or not,If I could have defended myself with a gun I would have. The usual thugs don't attack one on one they attack in groups. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6,I would rather be killed trying to defend my family which includes a wife and 3 daughters among my kids from a potential rapist than to claim the "moral high ground" of well at least I wasn't carrying an EVIL GUN! No thanks. Protection comes first,fortunately I haven't needed to use ANY of my weapons,I figure between my size and being aware of the people around me I hope to never use it,but I won't hesitate and I won't have to bury my wife and kids or testify at the trial of someone that tried to rape them because I refused to carry a defensive weapon. I will leave that to you pussies that are scared of a tool.
i'm several things, but I am not a " pussy" afraid of a tool. I do find it pathetic that you must frame your argument in favor of fear, suspicion, pessimistic and false bravado by calling me names.

I am not afraid of the gun, I am afraid of incompetent Rambo wannabes carrying guns as if they were penis extensions. I a, afraid of a general public packing heat as of this were not 2015 but 1857 Dodge City. I am afraid of an increase in gun violence because there is an increase in the number of open carrying cowboy. I don't trust the instincts of people to be peaceful simply because they think they are, in fact, Dirty Harry.

I am naturally optimistic and I realize my responsibilities. Taking the law into my own hands or allowing a teenage fantasy of b ing a sharp shooting movie hero are outside my imagination and beyond what I should do as a responsible American citizen.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.
Were you attacked by criminals bearing guns?
No idea if they had a gun or not,If I could have defended myself with a gun I would have. The usual thugs don't attack one on one they attack in groups. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6,I would rather be killed trying to defend my family which includes a wife and 3 daughters among my kids from a potential rapist than to claim the "moral high ground" of well at least I wasn't carrying an EVIL GUN! No thanks. Protection comes first,fortunately I haven't needed to use ANY of my weapons,I figure between my size and being aware of the people around me I hope to never use it,but I won't hesitate and I won't have to bury my wife and kids or testify at the trial of someone that tried to rape them because I refused to carry a defensive weapon. I will leave that to you pussies that are scared of a tool.
i'm several things, but I am not a " pussy" afraid of a tool. I do find it pathetic that you must frame your argument in favor of fear, suspicion, pessimistic and false bravado by calling me names.

I am not afraid of the gun, I am afraid of incompetent Rambo wannabes carrying guns as if they were penis extensions. I a, afraid of a general public packing heat as of this were not 2015 but 1857 Dodge City. I am afraid of an increase in gun violence because there is an increase in the number of open carrying cowboy. I don't trust the instincts of people to be peaceful simply because they think they are, in fact, Dirty Harry.

I am naturally optimistic and I realize my responsibilities. Taking the law into my own hands or allowing a teenage fantasy of b ing a sharp shooting movie hero are outside my imagination and beyond what I should do as a responsible American citizen.
Open carry is a poor choice for self-defense.

Concealed carry avoids becoming a target for criminals in the event of an incident and it allows one more options with regard to self-defense, the most desirable option being the ability to get away from an incident to safety without being expected to 'do something.'

Once carries a firearm for his own personal self-defense and that of family and friends he is with, not to act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'
I don't mind concealed . Open is a very aggressive move . If someone is walking around with a samurai sword or machete , people react to that .

Keep in in your pants !!! (Tee hee)
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Open carry is obnoxious . Why not just walk around with a baseball bat . Fucking tools.
Then don't open carry. See how easy that was to fix for yourself? Can we get your city and vehicle color etc please? Criminals love victims handed to them on a platter.

I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.

I didn't buy my first gun util my home was broken into, and I knew the creeps that did it. Of course these drug addicts didn't think I knew who was behind it, but I did. I let them know that I purchased a gun and couldn't wait to use it. I told them that whoever it was that broke into my house, they would be getting a one-way ticket to hell. I even told them I was setting up the culprits by having a friend come pickup my car, and I would be awaiting in the dark house for the lowlifes to return. They never came back or went anywhere near my house after that. LOL.
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Then don't open carry. See how easy that was to fix for yourself? Can we get your city and vehicle color etc please? Criminals love victims handed to them on a platter.

I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?

It only takes one time. Ask the victims in Paris--------------Oh, they can't answer can they?
How many times have YOU been attacked? And what makes you believe that you can rise to become a hero without harming the innocent?

How can more bullets flying around in a confused and panicked situation assure safety? Is everyone openly carrying a weapon a skilled marksman and aware of where each and every innocent civilian is at all points during a violent attack? Can you put out a fire with gasoline?

CCW holders have saved many lives in the past, either themselves or loved ones or others. I have yet to read or hear of a story of a legally armed citizen shooting somebody by accident when they needed to defend themselves. This is not to say it never happened, it's just that I'm unaware of it if it did.

The stories I've read (and have in my folder) are of people that successfully stopped a violent situation or saved lives.
I'm pretty old and don't know anyone who has ever needed a gun for defense. It's not that scary out there.

Allow me to introduce myself. I've used a gun to defend myself twice; a home break in and an attempted car jacking. It can be scary out there depending on where "there" is.

I'm getting pretty old too. I agree with you 100% that you need to use your mind to stay out of situations requiring the use of firearms. That is plan A with a capital A. I've been blessed with a life that has afforded me the safety of living in a good neighborhood and city with a low crime rate. Violent crime is almost unheard of "there". If I leave this safe enclave, I'm very careful and I go prepared. My plan is to avoid first, retreat if able second and only as a last resort, defend myself if cornered.

My state is about to go open carry January 1st. I'm still not sure where I come down on the decision. I support concealed carry. I guess I'm going to find out how comfortable I am with open carry. If it causes more problems than good, it can be repealed. If it turns out to be a good idea, it will stand. Time will tell.

I don't think it's a good idea to open carry, but it's also not a good idea to have laws against it.

If you want to open carry, be my guest. I can't see any harm in it.......at least to me.

As for myself, I will conceal my gun at all times. If I need to protect myself from an enemy, I don't want my enemy to know my game plan.
No harm ? You instantly put people on edge . Which can lead to incidents . Just put the damn thing away .
Yes he is a real good guy. He killed a child he was harassing.

Yep, a 6'3" childt used to play football. He killed a "child" that attacked him, that's all.
Then he shouldn't have been harassing him. He was the adult.

He wasn't harassing him. He simply called the police to have him checked out. Martin fit the description of people that were robbing homes there.

Yeah right. He should have minded his own business. Kid wasn't doing anything wrong.
He thought Zimmerman was a queer. So he wanted to beat him up. He found out the hard way he was wrong.

This is only speculation on my part, but I studied the case for a long time.

Martin was on the phone with his fat girlfriend when he ran from Zimmerman. Afterwards, he probably regretted his move because (in his mind) he embarrassed himself while she could hear what was going on.

Either she egged Martin on to go back and get Zimmerman, or Martin may have felt he needed to prove himself a tough guy so as to redeem his manhood.

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