Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

What do you think if someone walks into a room brandishing a gun? "Oh good, that stranger over there has a gun. I feel so safe now !'"

I guess you knew brandishing any kind of weapon is a serious offense in most states before you wrote this?

In most states, it is a felony to exhibit a weapon in an angry or threatening manner. In the rest it is a misdemeanor with very unpleasant consequences. The term may not be specifically defined. It has usually been construed in cases involving threats, either general or specific. To be a crime, a weapon must actually be displayed. Obviously some people have a lower threshold for fear than others.

Brandishing Law

Article by Kevin L. Jamison, an attorney in the Kansas City Missouri area concentrating in the area of weapons and self-defense.

What do you think if someone walks into a room brandishing a gun? "Oh good, that stranger over there has a gun. I feel so safe now !'"

It wouldn't bother me one way or another. Chances are if he or she is wearing an exposed gun, they are one of the good people.
I just keep my boom box on me thats ready to play Yoko Ono music at 200 decibles in case I ever get attacked.
There shouldn't be a difference between deciding to carry open or deciding to hide the gun......as long as you aren't a felon, you should just be able to carry a gun...hiding or not hiding is a personal choice......
Yeah right. He should have minded his own business. Kid wasn't doing anything wrong.
He thought Zimmerman was a queer. So he wanted to beat him up. He found out the hard way he was wrong.

This is only speculation on my part, but I studied the case for a long time.

Martin was on the phone with his fat girlfriend when he ran from Zimmerman. Afterwards, he probably regretted his move because (in his mind) he embarrassed himself while she could hear what was going on.

Either she egged Martin on to go back and get Zimmerman, or Martin may have felt he needed to prove himself a tough guy so as to redeem his manhood.

Or more likely he was freaked out over some creeper stalking him.

Nobody stalked anybody. You obviously don't know what the legal definition of stalking is.

But even if that were the case, that doesn't give any American the right to physically attack somebody.

Oh come on. Trayvon was walking home . Zimmerman entered his life . You think it was outrageous that the kid got defensive over some grown man openly following him at night ?

oh...you didn't follow the case or the trial....Martin was a young thug in training......he was close enough to his dad's girlfriends townhouse he could have simply gone home...instead, he doubled back and attacked Zimmerman.....
What do you think if someone walks into a room brandishing a gun? "Oh good, that stranger over there has a gun. I feel so safe now !'"

brandishing a gun...you mean pointing it at people...he should be arrested.....that is illegal.
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

yeah....the CDC was pushing gun control...not studying the issue....the CDC is full of anti gunners who use their positions to push a political agenda.......and violate the civil rights of law abiding Americans...
It only takes one time. Ask the victims in Paris--------------Oh, they can't answer can they?
How many times have YOU been attacked? And what makes you believe that you can rise to become a hero without harming the innocent?

How can more bullets flying around in a confused and panicked situation assure safety? Is everyone openly carrying a weapon a skilled marksman and aware of where each and every innocent civilian is at all points during a violent attack? Can you put out a fire with gasoline?

if the number of victims can be reduced when an idiot decides to start randomly shooting in a school or theatre or shopping mall or airport, that's a good thing.

If the soldiers at Ft Hood had been allowed to be armed, Hasan might not have killed as many as he did and he would probably be dead himself instead of wasting money feeding and housing him.

Yes, there is a risk inherent in allowing armed citizens, but the risk of not allowing it is much greater.

remember, if guns are banned only criminals and the government will have guns.
So, using your logic, good guys with guns, no matter how competent they may be as marksmen, make the world safer? More guns firing makes a confused situation safer? And adding guns to any situation creates safety?

you have it all wrong. if a would-be criminal knows that there armed civilians in the area he plans to rob, attack, rape, car jack, etc, he will think twice and probably pick another place.
March 31, 1981. Four men are grievously wounded on the streets of Washington, D.C. Two of the four wounded men were armed. One suffered a head wound and was rendered paraplegic. The fourth victim was the President of the United States of America.

They were surrounded by the best trained, best armed cadre of security personnel in the world. Yet all those good guys with guns (and for my money we should call them great guys) an assailant got off all those shots.

What happens in the mall food court, God forbid, another nut who got a gun too easily makes his own history?

Boy....that was stupid...so according to you guys the Secret Service should be disarmed since they didn't stop the shooter...right?

and the fact that Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.5 million times a year according to Bill Clinton.......lives saved and crimes stopped....
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".

the CDC is not non partisan...they are partisan anti gunners....
No harm ? You instantly put people on edge . Which can lead to incidents . Just put the damn thing away .

do you realize that open carry occurs in a majority of states,right now.....and it is not a problem....

what is it with you guys...normal people who carry guns are not shooting people with malice or through jitters....

In the U.S. As elsewhere we have the majority of gun murders committed by violent career criminals...killing other violent career criminals....not normal people...

It is a fact that open carry and concealed carry do not increase shootings...in fact more Americans than ever now carry guns...13 million Americans and our gun murder rate is going down, not up....you realize hat right? our gun mirder rate is going down......with 13 million Americans actually carrying guns...
What's the benefit of OPEN carry? I don't see the pros .

The benefits of open carry........

-if you concealed carry in an open carry state and your pistol is exposed from under your shirt...you can't be arrested by the police for exposing your pistol...and that has happened and it is one of the reasons anti gunners force concealed carry only on gun owners....

another thing...when people open carry...like they do in many states...non gun owners learn there is nothing to fear from normal gun owners...it makes them less fearful of guns and gun owners...which is the main reason anti gunners oppose allowing open carry...

another reason to open Cary...you can carry a regular sized pistol...instead of having to carry a smaller, harder to shoot pistol...which means you are more likely to hit what you want to hit when you need to hit it....another thing the anti gunners don't like...they need accidents and collateral damage in self defense encounters to push their gun control laws...
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?
Only takes once and actually I have been attacked when I was a teen in the ghetto I was living in. Took to carrying a knife after that.
Were you attacked by criminals bearing guns?
No idea if they had a gun or not,If I could have defended myself with a gun I would have. The usual thugs don't attack one on one they attack in groups. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6,I would rather be killed trying to defend my family which includes a wife and 3 daughters among my kids from a potential rapist than to claim the "moral high ground" of well at least I wasn't carrying an EVIL GUN! No thanks. Protection comes first,fortunately I haven't needed to use ANY of my weapons,I figure between my size and being aware of the people around me I hope to never use it,but I won't hesitate and I won't have to bury my wife and kids or testify at the trial of someone that tried to rape them because I refused to carry a defensive weapon. I will leave that to you pussies that are scared of a tool.
i'm several things, but I am not a " pussy" afraid of a tool. I do find it pathetic that you must frame your argument in favor of fear, suspicion, pessimistic and false bravado by calling me names.

I am not afraid of the gun, I am afraid of incompetent Rambo wannabes carrying guns as if they were penis extensions. I a, afraid of a general public packing heat as of this were not 2015 but 1857 Dodge City. I am afraid of an increase in gun violence because there is an increase in the number of open carrying cowboy. I don't trust the instincts of people to be peaceful simply because they think they are, in fact, Dirty Harry.

I am naturally optimistic and I realize my responsibilities. Taking the law into my own hands or allowing a teenage fantasy of b ing a sharp shooting movie hero are outside my imagination and beyond what I should do as a responsible American citizen.

And the fact that 13 million people carry guns now and our gun murder rate and our gun accident rate are going down, not up completely escapes you.....

and the fact is you are wrong.....
Then don't open carry. See how easy that was to fix for yourself? Can we get your city and vehicle color etc please? Criminals love victims handed to them on a platter.

I don't carry at all and have never been the victim of a criminal. Your mind is the best defense.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?
How many times have you been attacked?

It only takes one time. Ask the victims in Paris--------------Oh, they can't answer can they?
How many times have YOU been attacked? And what makes you believe that you can rise to become a hero without harming the innocent?

How can more bullets flying around in a confused and panicked situation assure safety? Is everyone openly carrying a weapon a skilled marksman and aware of where each and every innocent civilian is at all points during a violent attack? Can you put out a fire with gasoline?

13 million Americans now carry...and our gun murder rate and our gun accident rate are going down....you are wrong in your misguided opinion....
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

yeah....the CDC was pushing gun control...not studying the issue....the CDC is full of anti gunners who use their positions to push a political agenda.......and violate the civil rights of law abiding Americans...
The CDC was studying the effects of gun violence. NRA propaganda has you believing the studies were about gun control. How much of an ostrich must one be to be so devoted to the gun? Does that make seeing gun violence against innocents easier to bear?
Isn't this thread about OPEN carry vs concealed carry ? I don't mind concealed carry , I just hate it when people have their guns visible like it's the Wild West .

The west wasn't wild...only in the movies....everyone could carry so everyone had a reason to not start fights...
And neither was Zimmerman. Zimmerman did the right thing. He noticed a suspicious person that didn't live in the complex, and he called the police to have Martin checked out.

No harassing a kid who did nothing wrong is not the right thing.

So how did he "harass" Martin? Martin ran (which looked very suspicious) and Zimmerman ran after Martin to keep an eye on where he was at until the police got there. I don't see harassment in that case. That's not to mention the fact that the chase was less than ten seconds.

This is besides the fact that somebody following you for a few seconds does not give you the right to break the law by committing felonious assault.

There is no law about following somebody, but there are laws against physically attacking a person.

You have the story just from Zimmerman. What we know is that Martin wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm not impressed by an adult starting a fight with a kid and then when he gets his butt kicked shooting him. He should have been thrown in jail no doubt. We have seen this guy is a turd by his actions since.

Zimmerman didn't start a fight with anybody. After Martin outran him, he hid between the houses waiting on Zimmerman to get off the phone with the police. When Zimmerman walked by, Martin attacked him.

Martin was less than a football field away from where he was staying. In the time he separated himself from Zimmerman to the time Zimmerman got off the phone with dispatch, Martin could have crawled home. But he didn't. He waited right there.

As the autopsy showed, Martin didn't have a scratch on him with the exception of the bullet hole and a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something. Zimmerman suffered several injuries including two black eyes, a broken nose, lacerations on the back of his head, and some minor back injuries.

All evidence points to Zimmerman being attacked. There is zero evidence that Zimmerman laid a hand on Martin.

Florida gun laws are similar to our own here in Ohio. While I don't know the exact wording of their laws, I do know ours, and it states: A licensed firearm carrier may use their weapon if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.

Zimmerman's injuries were in the category of serious bodily harm. In fact, Zimmerman could have legally shot Martin long before he suffered all those injuries.

It's cute you think you know what happened. We know he didn't listen to what the police told him to do. Sorry but Zimmerman is a tool. He harassed a child into a fight and then shot him when he got his ass kicked.

yeah twit...he did listen...when the 911 operator said they didn't need him to follow the thug he stopped and started back to his car to meet the police...it would help if you studied the case...
The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

yeah....the CDC was pushing gun control...not studying the issue....the CDC is full of anti gunners who use their positions to push a political agenda.......and violate the civil rights of law abiding Americans...
The CDC was studying the effects of gun violence. NRA propaganda has you believing the studies were about gun control. How much of an ostrich must one be to be so devoted to the gun? Does that make seeing gun violence against innocents easier to bear?

sorry...they were only about gun control....the Doctors at the CDc are gun grabbers...
The same leftist predictions that never came true after they instituted CCW's in the states.

When CCW's were being debated here, the leftists predicted we would have shootouts in the street like Dodge city. Never happened.

Then they passed our Castle Doctrine which gives homeowners legal rights to defend themselves inside their home with firearms. The leftists predicted people would be dragging enemies into their homes, shooting them, and then telling the police it was a break in. Never happened.

Then they passed a law so CCW holders could keep loaded firearms in their vehicles and within reach. The leftists predicted it would lead to deadly road rage incidents and people would be firing at each other while driving on the highways. Never happened.
Had the NRA not blocked non-partisan studies by the CDC on gun violence in America, we may have actual statistics to call on rather than a dismissive and unreliable "never happened".
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

yeah....the CDC was pushing gun control...not studying the issue....the CDC is full of anti gunners who use their positions to push a political agenda.......and violate the civil rights of law abiding Americans...
The CDC was studying the effects of gun violence. NRA propaganda has you believing the studies were about gun control. How much of an ostrich must one be to be so devoted to the gun? Does that make seeing gun violence against innocents easier to bear?

there were 8,124 gun murders in the U.S. In 2014...the majority of which were violent criminals with long criminal records and the victims were also violent criminals......

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