Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

It isn't?

Hey, check this out... it's a video on when slavery REALLY ended in the US.

I listened to the annoying video by the prissy little bitch from start to finish

Its wrong in many ways I hardly know where to begin

first he depicts history being taught as a 4 minute parody

then he spends over an hour saying what could not be said in 4 minutes

all of the injustices that the little bitch mentions were covered in part or all in typical high school history classes up to this day

apparently he thinks the only thing worth mentioning in American history is our treatment of black people

and perhaps indians

but nothing else since there is simply not enough time to cover all of history in the detail he is demanding for slavery

and in fact there is not enough time to cover slavery in the minute detail he wants

and what is the gist of his argument?

that black failure in 2020 is solely the blame of white people before and since

What a jerk
Ok I could not make it to the end

I ran out of patience in 1940

but since the guilt-ridden white lib failed to present any fact that I dont already know I dont think I’m missing anything by not listening to the rest of his bs
Right. We are so behind that we have people dying to get across our border from over 150 countries. We didn't call the Canadian truckers shutdown the Winter of Love. Our former VP didn't promote donating to GoFundMe to bail out any trucker that got arrested.

You have people from 150 countries trying to get into the USA because it's so easy to get a job once you sneak in. Republicans have made it it EASY for people to overstay their visas because you don't punish employers who hire illegals. And then YOU blame the immigrants for staying.

Republicans voters have to be the stupidest people on the face of the earth because you keep falling for the same lies, over and over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

How many times have Republicans told you they're better for the economy, and then they crash it into a tree? 3 times in the last 40 years.

How many times have Republicans told you they're for law and order, and then a large number of Presidential staffers and appointees are sent to jail for crimes against the nation? Every single time a Republican has been in office since Richard Nixon.

How many times have Republicans told you that they're the party of fiscal responsibility, and then they double the deficit?????

Shame on you Ray.
I listened to the annoying video by the prissy little bitch from start to finish

Its wrong in many ways I hardly know where to begin

first he depicts history being taught as a 4 minute parody

then he spends over an hour saying what could not be said in 4 minutes

all of the injustices that the little bitch mentions were covered in part or all in typical high school history classes up to this day

apparently he thinks the only thing worth mentioning in American history is our treatment of black people

and perhaps indians

but nothing else since there is simply not enough time to cover all of history in the detail he is demanding for slavery

and in fact there is not enough time to cover slavery in the minute detail he wants

and what is the gist of his argument?

that black failure in 2020 is solely the blame of white people before and since

What a jerk

Just the fact that you refer to the woman in the video as "that little bitch" makes everything YOU say irrelevant.
Just the fact that you refer to the woman in the video as "that little bitch" makes everything YOU say irrelevant.
I was referring to the guilt-ridden white lib who appears to be a male

but with libs you never know
You have people from 150 countries trying to get into the USA because it's so easy to get a job once you sneak in. Republicans have made it it EASY for people to overstay their visas because you don't punish employers who hire illegals. And then YOU blame the immigrants for staying.

Republicans voters have to be the stupidest people on the face of the earth because you keep falling for the same lies, over and over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

How many times have Republicans told you they're better for the economy, and then they crash it into a tree? 3 times in the last 40 years.

How many times have Republicans told you they're for law and order, and then a large number of Presidential staffers and appointees are sent to jail for crimes against the nation? Every single time a Republican has been in office since Richard Nixon.

How many times have Republicans told you that they're the party of fiscal responsibility, and then they double the deficit?????

Shame on you Ray.

What a load of shit. Trump reduced border crossings by 90% in 2019. The only reason it took so long is because the Communists did everything they could to stop his successful border policies. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did, at least until the appeals process was complete. They are coming now because Dementia put out a welcome mat at our border. He stopped the Stay in Mexico policy. He went back to catch and release. His first day in office he stopped the wall construction. People come here for other reasons besides employment, which many employers are Democrats as well.

If you are a legal immigrant to this country, you have to be tested for covid, you must be vaccinated. All you really get is a handshake. If you're an illegal, Dementia is now giving you a free smart phone and a ride to anyplace in the country you want to go, all for free. In commie cities, they allow illegals to have drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs they are not legally allowed to have, They warn employers and illegals alike when ICE comes to town to do workplace raids. They are allowing illegals to vote in local elections. A huge welcome mat by the Communists.

So don't say they come here for jobs. It's estimated we have over 20 million illegals in this country (an estimate that has stood for 25 years) and they are not all working illegally.
Right. We are so behind that we have people dying to get across our border from over 150 countries. We didn't call the Canadian truckers shutdown the Winter of Love. Our former VP didn't promote donating to GoFundMe to bail out any trucker that got arrested.

Uh, they aren't trying to get here from advanced countries. If it was white people trying to get in here, you'd be all for it.
I listened to the annoying video by the prissy little bitch from start to finish

Its wrong in many ways I hardly know where to begin

first he depicts history being taught as a 4 minute parody

then he spends over an hour saying what could not be said in 4 minutes

Well, it's clear you don't know where to begin. The fact is, even I hadn't heard about the use of Debt Peonage as a mechanism to re-enslave black people, or that it went on as late as 1942, when it was only outlawed because it was a bad look going into World War II.

all of the injustices that the little bitch mentions were covered in part or all in typical high school history classes up to this day

apparently he thinks the only thing worth mentioning in American history is our treatment of black people

Weren't covered in my High School. They weren't covered in my college studies of history, either. And before you whine about "Public Education", I went to a fairly elite Catholic HS in Chicago that has produced no less than FOUR mayors for this city.

but nothing else since there is simply not enough time to cover all of history in the detail he is demanding for slavery

and in fact there is not enough time to cover slavery in the minute detail he wants

and what is the gist of his argument?

that black failure in 2020 is solely the blame of white people before and since

We have plenty of time to cover it. Frankly, he covers it pretty well in a 1 hour video.

The real problem is, we tend to whitewash our history, pun intended. We play up the accomplishments of white people while playing down the human costs to people of color.
The fact is, even I hadn't heard about the use of Debt Peonage as a mechanism to re-enslave black people,
Neither had I

but is that something a 6th grader needs to know?

I dont think so if it means skipping other parts of American history
Well, it's clear you don't know where to begin. The fact is, even I hadn't heard about the use of Debt Peonage as a mechanism to re-enslave black people, or that it went on as late as 1942, when it was only outlawed because it was a bad look going into World War II.

Weren't covered in my High School. They weren't covered in my college studies of history, either. And before you whine about "Public Education", I went to a fairly elite Catholic HS in Chicago that has produced no less than FOUR mayors for this city.

We have plenty of time to cover it. Frankly, he covers it pretty well in a 1 hour video.

The real problem is, we tend to whitewash our history, pun intended. We play up the accomplishments of white people while playing down the human costs to people of color.
The fact is that black history is only 12% of the American story
You have people from 150 countries trying to get into the USA because it's so easy to get a job once you sneak in. Republicans have made it it EASY for people to overstay their visas because you don't punish employers who hire illegals. And then YOU blame the immigrants for staying.

Republicans voters have to be the stupidest people on the face of the earth because you keep falling for the same lies, over and over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

How many times have Republicans told you they're better for the economy, and then they crash it into a tree? 3 times in the last 40 years.

How many times have Republicans told you they're for law and order, and then a large number of Presidential staffers and appointees are sent to jail for crimes against the nation? Every single time a Republican has been in office since Richard Nixon.

How many times have Republicans told you that they're the party of fiscal responsibility, and then they double the deficit?????

Shame on you Ray.

Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Voting for a Republican for President is the definition of insanity.
I don't. seems a stupid thing to do.
just because you dont know doesnt mean others dont

ok lets make it simple

blacks contributed more or less than their population and how?

the woke guilt-ridden lib teachers think its much more to the point that no others history matters

and thats what parents are complaining about

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