Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

If you go on to read the article you linked it says this:

Note the MSNBC chick wants to talk all the race hustle stuff that is CRT. She's mad they can't now. That's why the law is necessary. Parents can sue for anything--and yes it's a pain. Most of these frivolous lawsuits are soon tossed out.

DeSantis said that CRT is “crap” and pledged to pass legislation giving permission for parents and employees to sue if they are subjected to listening to the theory, according to Vanity Fair.

MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones said the bill is about “prioritizing white hypersensitivity over truthful teachings” and notes that “lessons about America’s racist and sexist past are acceptable only if they don’t offend white people.”

“To me, these new demands for fealty to fragile whiteness sound like a re-up of the Black Codes, laws instituted during and after the Civil War to reinforce white supremacy. In some states, the codes permitted capital punishment against Black people for minor crimes like petty theft, allowed whippings for vagrancy and swearing, and banned Black land ownership. Florida’s particularly harsh codes allowed white people to beat Black workers for ‘disrespect,’ as historian Jerrell H. Shofner wrote in his 1976 essay on the state’s racist laws. Historian Joe M. Richardson wrote that white Floridians passed the codes out of fear that their racist world was crumbling around them,” Ja’han said.

“It seems DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led legislature are operating with a similar fear. They see the facade of white supremacy—weak as it is—crumbling under the weight of high school lesson plans and workplace trainings. And bills like SB 148 are sad attempts to piece that facade back together…. That’s why—if the white parents complaining about Black authors weren’t enough—it’s clear that the Florida bill is designed to coddle white people, even though it doesn’t mention them specifically,” Ja’han added.

Florida follows six other states that have taken measures to ban critical race theory, according to the World Population Review.
Fucking scumbag lefties.

I hope they choke on their own bullshit.
Fucking scumbag lefties.

I hope they choke on their own bullshit.

Well you’re clearly choking on your own bullshit. What a complete and total moron you are.

The Republican party has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and completely destroyed life for working Americans and you’re blaming the Democrats. You’re just that stupid and gullible.
The Republican party has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and completely destroyed life for working Americans and you’re blaming the Democrats. You’re just that stupid and gullible.

Right because people are doing so much better now. Highest inflation in 40 years, the worst border problem we had in 20 years and expected to get much worse by the end of next month when title 42 ends, supply chain shortage, labor shortage, the Afghanistan Taliban now the most well armed terrorist group in the world, gas prices double along with other fuels, the highest housing interest rate in 11 years. Good thing we don't have Republicans in charge anymore, eh?

Of course I forgot, it's all Putin's fault.
Right because people are doing so much better now. Highest inflation in 40 years, the worst border problem we had in 20 years and expected to get much worse by the end of next month when title 42 ends, supply chain shortage, labor shortage, the Afghanistan Taliban now the most well armed terrorist group in the world, gas prices double along with other fuels, the highest housing interest rate in 11 years. Good thing we don't have Republicans in charge anymore, eh?

Of course I forgot, it's all Putin's fault.
Crime shooting up as well----200% - 400% in many lib areas.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.

Wow, the second and third paragraphs are ridiculous assumptions and have no resemblance to what the first says. But hey, since when do you commies care about facts.

Well you’re clearly choking on your own bullshit. What a complete and total moron you are.

The Republican party has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and completely destroyed life for working Americans and you’re blaming the Democrats. You’re just that stupid and gullible.

Raise your hand if you care what the Canadian thinks of Republicans. Or our "reputation".

As an aside it's fascinating that liberals are always going on and on about how we look to others--rather like they never left high school.
So...now we're down to NOT teaching history?
Wonder how long it will be before that history is re-written permanently....or deleted straight away?

I have no problem with it being taught that Northerners generally did not believe blacks to be equal to whites. They weren’t fighting to free slaves, but to preserve the Union, just as Southerners claim they weren’t fighting to preserve slavery, but to maintain States’ Rights. Whatever gets you through the night, I guess.

but just like every other war, it "evolved" into some other goal.

The War on Terror evolved into "Bringing democracy to the Middle East".
World War I evolved from a dispute between Austria and Serbia to "Making the World Safe for Democracy" (It didn't.)
Well you’re clearly choking on your own bullshit. What a complete and total moron you are.

This from a leftie?


Look in the mirror, asswipe.

The Republican party has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and completely destroyed life for working Americans and you’re blaming the Democrats. You’re just that stupid and gullible.
Fuck the Republicans. And fuck you too. A pox on both your idiotic brain dead houses.
Raise your hand if you care what the Canadian thinks of Republicans. Or our "reputation".

As an aside it's fascinating that liberals are always going on and on about how we look to others--rather like they never left high school.
I do. Wanna know why? Well hon, one of the many examples I can give you is because you right wingers drooled and fawned all over those proud, freedom loving Canadian truckers that clogged the streets of Ottawa for days. Remember? Freedom loving patriots?...we should do that here. How'd that work out? I always find it fascinating that those of you who trumpet themselves as "real" Americans and "core" Americans aren't a little more aware of how this country is viewed internationally by other peoples. You wonder why (except in certain totalitarian countries) that we are looked upon as way behind the curve..on just about everything.

Spare me your, "well then why don't you move there" speech. You move...if you feel you can't evolve. :)
I do. Wanna know why? Well hon, one of the many examples I can give you is because you right wingers drooled and fawned all over those proud, freedom loving Canadian truckers that clogged the streets of Ottawa for days. Remember? Freedom loving patriots?...we should do that here. How'd that work out? I always find it fascinating that those of you who trumpet themselves as "real" Americans and "core" Americans aren't a little more aware of how this country is viewed internationally by other peoples. You wonder why (except in certain totalitarian countries) that we are looked upon as way behind the curve..on just about everything.

Spare me your, "well then why don't you move there" speech. You move...if you feel you can't evolve. :)

Right. We are so behind that we have people dying to get across our border from over 150 countries. We didn't call the Canadian truckers shutdown the Winter of Love. Our former VP didn't promote donating to GoFundMe to bail out any trucker that got arrested.
This from a leftie?


Look in the mirror, asswipe.

Fuck the Republicans. And fuck you too. A pox on both your idiotic brain dead houses.

Well aren't you the most ridiculous FuckBoi yet to show up here. What a complete tool you are. Not a single idea in your

1700 posts, none of them with ANY content whatsoever, and all of them saying "leftists are scum". I guess with you limited education, vocabularly, and intellect this was the only job you could get. Hating on people for no reason.

These are the people who would lead you.

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