Florida's Economy Is Collapsing Under Covid19 And Only Republicans Are To Blame

We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
I think you got my point or did it go right over your head. You aren't controlling this conversation with your deflection.

What have the Republicans done? Tell me!!!
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

OMG... DailyKOS is your reference?
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Kos strongly Left Biased based on story selection that almost exclusively favors the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to non-vetted content as well as a few failed fact check and misleading claims.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
I think you got my point or did it go right over your head. You aren't controlling this conversation with your deflection.

What have the Republicans done? Tell me!!!

Here let me help you ...
You wrote: "99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
FACT:Overall, women-owned businesses accounted for 19.4 percent of all U.S. operations and brought in about 4 percent of the country's overall sales receipts, even though women account for more than half – 50.8 percent – of America's total population. The group estimates only about 25 percent of the S&P 500's executive or senior-level officials and managers are female.

HMMM.... 25% of S&P 500's are female. Far off from 1%.

HMMM... "39 percent of managers in 2015 were women"
Women made up 39.2 percent of the 17 million people employed in management occupations in 2015. The management occupation with the highest share of women was medical and health services managers at 73.7 percent.

In 2019, 29% of senior management roles are held by women, the highest number ever on record.

So YOUR credibility is REAAALLLY DAMAGED hahaha....
We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
I think you got my point or did it go right over your head. You aren't controlling this conversation with your deflection.

What have the Republicans done? Tell me!!!
What have you done? Besides bitch and cry.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?
We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
I think you got my point or did it go right over your head. You aren't controlling this conversation with your deflection.

What have the Republicans done? Tell me!!!
What have you done? Besides bitch and cry.
Me I just keep working and saving and fuck you all. Idiots.
Putting Scott's incompetence and corruption aside, the one person most responsible for the depth of the economic slowdown in the US is unquestionably Trump. Had he acted earlier the depth and length of the shutdown would not have been so severe.
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

Do I think anything Donald Trump did or said is directly responsible for Barak Obama, his administration, the Democratic party, and their surrogate MSM protecting Hillary from indictment / prison for reported / recorded / undeniable crimes, for rigging the DNC primary and eventually giving her the nomination she could not win, attempting to affect the 2016 election and engage in a failed coup attempt based on a false Russian Collusion narrative and consisted in numerous crimes, to include Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Espionage, altering govt documents and witness testimony, manufacturing false evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, collusion with foreign spies, Intel organizations - t o include the RIS, and committing numerous GFISA Court Abuses to illegally acquire warrants to illegally spy on Americans....?

No. Nothing Donald Trump did - as proven over and over thanks to Democrats - caused any of this....not even defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Do I think anything said was partly responsible for the Democrats being completely wrong from the start on COVID-19?

Yes. Democrats TDS became so bad that Democrats raced without even thinking to the other side of any issue, any argument just to oppose the President.

As seen in many examples prior to COVID-19, Democrats took up any position as long as it was the opposite of Donald Trump -- CASE IN POINT:

President Trump did exactly what Obama did - use drones to fight terrorism, but instead of killing US citizens President Trump ordered the strike that killed the leader of the largest terrorist group in the Middle East, perhaps the world, a terrorist who was responsible for the maiming and murder of thousands of US troops, women, and children throughout the Middle East...and Trump-hating Dems raced to call Iran and apologize to their leaders (who HAVE led chants of Death to America) and tell them THEY stood in solidarity with the world's leading exporters of terrorism.


COVID-19: President Trump imposed a travel ban - Democrats went ape-shit opposing it, calling his actions xenophobic and 'fear-mongering' while they told people to ignore him, go about their daily lives, 'nothing to see here'. They have since admitted it was the right thing to do...despite making it clear earlier they would not have done so....

Dems and snowflakes have and continue to come up with every irrational, insane justification for blaming the President for all of THEIR crimes and actions, as you suggested, but its still more TDS from the Left.

the one person most responsible for the depth of the economic slowdown in the US is unquestionably Trump. Had he acted earlier the depth and length of the shutdown would not have been so severe.



It was President Trump who activated the CDC, created a Virus Committee, declared an emergency, and instituted a travel ban to attempt to stop the infectious spread of COVID-19....DURING WHICH TIME

- China and the WHO lied to the world, urged nations NOT to seal their borders, refused to allow the CDC into the country to assess the situation...

- 2020 Democratic party Nominee Joe Biden, who has been wrong about every Foreign Policy decision he has ever made, led the Democrats' opposition to the Travel Ban, calling Trump doing so Xenophobic and declaring the President was engaging in fear mongering

- Pelosi and top Democrats told Americans NOT to listen to the President, told them 'nothing to see here', down-played the growing pandemic, an repeatedly gave them advice that would result in the SPREAD of the virus (gather in large numbers, party, lick windows, continue to shit n the streets in SanFran, 'Come to Chinatown'....

The Democrats made it clear THEN that they opposed the Ban and had they been in power the Ban would not have been imposed, resulting in the wider, faster spread of the virus in the US, many more infected, and many more DEAD Americans.

These same Democrats now admit the Ban was a great idea - the 'right thing to do'...but continue to lie, spin, and re-write history to undermine / attack the president - fanning the continued flames of divisiveness - during an on-going national emergency....

Why do you ALWAYS leave all that out...and more....during these ignorant, partisan, childish rants?
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?
Liberal leftist traitors are easily swayed...
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?

First of ALL you have NO proof for your statements about Trump.
BUT I have the following proof abut the BIASED MSM.
You tell me... would you if you donated $$ to Hillary, say anything positive about Trump? Of course you won't. You
hate Trump as does the MSM!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So what kind of deleterious information would you BET that the MSM that donated 96% to Hillary would produce?

See the difference between people like me is WE Prove our statements.... YOU ... nothing. Zero. Zilch.
As a result more people are distrusting the MSM!
Only 7% of Americans trust the media – survey
The American Press Institute report comes in the wake of a September 2015 Gallup poll which found that only 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media, with about 33 percent saying they had a fair amount, and 60 percent claiming they had either little or no trust in the media.
We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
I think you got my point or did it go right over your head. You aren't controlling this conversation with your deflection.

What have the Republicans done? Tell me!!!
What have you done? Besides bitch and cry.
Me I just keep working and saving and fuck you all. Idiots.
What a rotten attitude. Unamerican to the core.
Last edited:
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?

First of ALL you have NO proof for your statements about Trump.
BUT I have the following proof abut the BIASED MSM.
You tell me... would you if you donated $$ to Hillary, say anything positive about Trump? Of course you won't. You
hate Trump as does the MSM!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So what kind of deleterious information would you BET that the MSM that donated 96% to Hillary would produce?

See the difference between people like me is WE Prove our statements.... YOU ... nothing. Zero. Zilch.
As a result more people are distrusting the MSM!
Only 7% of Americans trust the media – survey
The American Press Institute report comes in the wake of a September 2015 Gallup poll which found that only 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media, with about 33 percent saying they had a fair amount, and 60 percent claiming they had either little or no trust in the media.
Trump was the best guy out of all the Republicans he ran against. There, happy?

But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

go for it easy
Death by irony.
<<. “Does anybody have the guts to say this COVID-19 is a political ploy? Asking for a friend. Prove me wrong,” he wrote on March 13, according to the Sun.
Two days later, McDaniel reportedly called “bulls–t” on Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s stay-at-home order closing bars and restaurants.>>
An Ohio man who dismissed the coronavirus pandemic as a “political ploy” and ripped his state’s lockdown as “bulls–t,” has died of COVID-19, according to reports…

About this website


Man dies from coronavirus after calling it a ‘political ploy’
An Ohio man who dismissed the coronavirus pandemic as a “political ploy” and ripped his state’s lockdown as “bulls–t,” has died of COVID-19, according to reports…
go for it easy
Death by irony.
<<. “Does anybody have the guts to say this COVID-19 is a political ploy? Asking for a friend. Prove me wrong,” he wrote on March 13, according to the Sun.
Two days later, McDaniel reportedly called “bulls–t” on Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s stay-at-home order closing bars and restaurants.>>
An Ohio man who dismissed the coronavirus pandemic as a “political ploy” and ripped his state’s lockdown as “bulls–t,” has died of COVID-19, according to reports…

About this website


Man dies from coronavirus after calling it a ‘political ploy’
An Ohio man who dismissed the coronavirus pandemic as a “political ploy” and ripped his state’s lockdown as “bulls–t,” has died of COVID-19, according to reports…
Man dies from coronavirus after calling it a ‘political ploy’

COVID-19 has the same mortality rate right now, according to scientists, as the annual Influenza virus. I have not said it is a complete political sham...but it is being used on several different political fronts - 'Never let a crisis go to waste'. In the heart of this crisis, when Americans should be pulling together, the Libs/Democrats/snowflakes/media have been willing to shred the country apart to take down Trump. This has never been more evident that by the monstrous lying, flip-flopping, and attempts to re-write the history books by Democrats...

Democrats say Trump did nothing
- Activated CDC
- Stood-up Virus Board
- Declared a health emergency
- Imposed a travel ban

Democrats opposed the 'fear-mongering', 'xenophobic' travel ban - told people 'Nothing to see here'

Democrats then admitted it was the right thing to do.......

BUT they then claimed he enacted it too late and lied by declaring they would have done it sooner....
--- WTF? They opposed it, drafted legislation to pass to stop it....

For over 4 FUCKING YEARS the Democrats, media, and snowflakes have done nothing but attack, undermine, plot, plan, attempt to find AMND MANUFACTURE anything they could to take the US President down...simply because he beat Hillary's criminal ass in 2016.

ENOUGH already.....I just wish the criminal traitorous F*ers would have left the country like they promised they would if he won.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?

First of ALL you have NO proof for your statements about Trump.
BUT I have the following proof abut the BIASED MSM.
You tell me... would you if you donated $$ to Hillary, say anything positive about Trump? Of course you won't. You
hate Trump as does the MSM!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So what kind of deleterious information would you BET that the MSM that donated 96% to Hillary would produce?

See the difference between people like me is WE Prove our statements.... YOU ... nothing. Zero. Zilch.
As a result more people are distrusting the MSM!
Only 7% of Americans trust the media – survey
The American Press Institute report comes in the wake of a September 2015 Gallup poll which found that only 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media, with about 33 percent saying they had a fair amount, and 60 percent claiming they had either little or no trust in the media.
Trump was the best guy out of all the Republicans he ran against. There, happy?

But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.

Embarrass us? Really?
And how do you know he "loves" divisiveness?
For the first time in a very long time probably since Truman and I remember... we have a totally "politically incorrect" president. He didn't do it for the salary...he gives it away. He didn't do it because he was bored. GEEZ they guy had 2 billion people watching him! So you tell me what benefit does Trump get from being the President?
Of course it helps his ego! Geez... look at what Obama said on his nomination....
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
The Omniscient Obama... the ...God...
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

I mean Obama slowed the oceans and healed the planet.
The least Trump could do in his first 3 years is as follows:
“This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail.” ibid


The system and overall process were intentionally designed by Republicans to make it as difficult as possible to apply for unemployment – in the hope that applicants would simply give up.

This is yet another example of how Republicans are in the pocket of employers and hostile to working Americans.

You don't have any idea how stupid this post is

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