Florida's Economy Is Collapsing Under Covid19 And Only Republicans Are To Blame

Fake news. Meanwhile back in the real world Disney and the state of FL are using Disney's employee data to get unemployment checks out to their workers avoiding the normal unemployment process altogether.
LOL! You cry "fake news" and in the very next sentence you acknowledge the system is broken,,by admitting the desirability of avoiding the 'normal unemployment process altogether'!!
You know Republicans have run out of arguments when they fall back on FAKE NEWS.

By the way, last night my aunt called and i was drinking and I gave it right back to her. I didn't allow her to talk while i was talking. I didn't allow her to change the subject. And i told her you don't get to say it's fake news just because the facts don't jive with reality.

OMG Trump can say it on tv and the next day these guys will say he didn't say it. And to say he did, is just fake news. Because it's not what he meant. We're getting sick of him having to explain what he said wasn't what he meant.

I remember my Republican friend said, "People don't realize Trump means what he
Florida also has many military bases, naval bases. The blue angels fly outta Pensacola naval air station
Those are government jobs
No shit Sherlock. Who happen to support local economies!
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Comrades we must Remain on shutdown and only open eveR so slowly to save lives....who could be against saving lives

Prepare for you chip Implants and rushed vaccine .....or else

We're in this tooooogehTheeeeerrr

This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Comrades we must Remain on shutdown and only open eveR so slowly to save lives....who could be against saving lives

Prepare for you chip Implants and rushed vaccine .....or else

We're in this tooooogehTheeeeerrr

View attachment 325688
It used to be funny when people who thought like you were considered a fringe part of the republican party but you guys actually got one of yours elected. Scary.

I've heard many people say Trump is doing a bad job. Many people.

Trump tells Geraldo that 'many people' in White House applauded after Vindman left

When he says, "many people are saying" he's spreading lies.

What he means is he's saying it.

And now his lies matter

This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Comrades we must Remain on shutdown and only open eveR so slowly to save lives....who could be against saving lives

Prepare for you chip Implants and rushed vaccine .....or else

We're in this tooooogehTheeeeerrr

View attachment 325688
It used to be funny when people who thought like you were considered a fringe part of the republican party but you guys actually got one of yours elected. Scary.

I've heard many people say Trump is doing a bad job. Many people.

Trump tells Geraldo that 'many people' in White House applauded after Vindman left

When he says, "many people are saying" he's spreading lies.

What he means is he's saying it.

And now his lies matter

No one gives a flying fuck what ewe ass poled Trump haters think.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.

Same here. I live in Florida and we aren't doing any worse than the rest of the country. I still go to work every day as do many other.

Another post by a moron.
You get your info from the Daily Kos? Seriously? If DeSantis had listened to the Democrats and had imposed more extreme measures earlier, the economy would have been hit much harder.
Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

Nonsense. Democratic policies made a huge middle class that poor people could get into by doing some pretty basic things. Go to school, that we made affordable. Work, at jobs we made companies pay a fair wage through unions.

Charles and this post of yours is stupid. Black people see us liberals promote diversity. They see your side thinks it's ok that 99% of hiring managers in corporate America still are white males. In a country as diverse as ours?

Charles is an idiot. He doesn't realize what Democrats have done for poor and middle class people.

You Republicans want to turn the country into Charles Dickens Tiny Tim's where the masses are the rabble and the rich rule and there is only a small merchant class.

That's at least what your policies produce. Just look at how everyone is broke after just 2 weeks of not getting paid. You Americans are stupid af.
Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

Nonsense. Democratic policies made a huge middle class that poor people could get into by doing some pretty basic things. Go to school, that we made affordable. Work, at jobs we made companies pay a fair wage through unions.

Charles and this post of yours is stupid. Black people see us liberals promote diversity. They see your side thinks it's ok that 99% of hiring managers in corporate America still are white males. In a country as diverse as ours?

Charles is an idiot. He doesn't realize what Democrats have done for poor and middle class people.

You Republicans want to turn the country into Charles Dickens Tiny Tim's where the masses are the rabble and the rich rule and there is only a small merchant class.

That's at least what your policies produce. Just look at how everyone is broke after just 2 weeks of not getting paid. You Americans are stupid af.
Have fun on the Plantation.
Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

What a stupid quote. And you're even dumber for posting it.

Do you think we could eliminate poverty if poor people voted GOP? I think they already tried that one. It didn't work.
The War on Poverty has been around for 50 years. We have pissed away TRILLIONS on it.

Poverty rate is basically the same today as it was before they started.
Nonsense. Democratic policies made a huge middle class that poor people could get into by doing some pretty basic things. Go to school, that we made affordable. Work, at jobs we made companies pay a fair wage through unions.

Charles and this post of yours is stupid. Black people see us liberals promote diversity. They see your side thinks it's ok that 99% of hiring managers in corporate America still are white males. In a country as diverse as ours?

Charles is an idiot. He doesn't realize what Democrats have done for poor and middle class people.

Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males.
Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

What a stupid quote. And you're even dumber for posting it.

Do you think we could eliminate poverty if poor people voted GOP? I think they already tried that one. It didn't work.

We will never eliminate poverty. Who tried what that didn't work?

Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

What a stupid quote. And you're even dumber for posting it.

Do you think we could eliminate poverty if poor people voted GOP? I think they already tried that one. It didn't work.
The War on Poverty has been around for 50 years. We have pissed away TRILLIONS on it.

Poverty rate is basically the same today as it was before they started.
Idiot! We had poverty under control in the 90's. If you wanted to be middle class, you could, easily. Even with just a high school degree.

Today we have many people who you think are middle class but they are lower middle class, they don't have any savings and they are two weeks away from losing it all. These are the idiots who wear MAGA hats.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

Hey, TDS Troll, where is your thread criticizing Andrew Cuomo for the same thing? There are New Yorkers who filed for unemployment a month ago who have received nothing. Where is your thread criticizing Steve Sisolak? There are Nevadans who have been waiting three weeks to get a response regarding the claims they filed.
Nonsense. Democratic policies made a huge middle class that poor people could get into by doing some pretty basic things. Go to school, that we made affordable. Work, at jobs we made companies pay a fair wage through unions.

Charles and this post of yours is stupid. Black people see us liberals promote diversity. They see your side thinks it's ok that 99% of hiring managers in corporate America still are white males. In a country as diverse as ours?

Charles is an idiot. He doesn't realize what Democrats have done for poor and middle class people.

Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males.

We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.
Whatever. Do you also want to talk about trannys I’m bathrooms? I’d rather talk about why a poor person like you votes with the rich and not with us

What a stupid quote. And you're even dumber for posting it.

Do you think we could eliminate poverty if poor people voted GOP? I think they already tried that one. It didn't work.
The War on Poverty has been around for 50 years. We have pissed away TRILLIONS on it.

Poverty rate is basically the same today as it was before they started.
stat check---it would appear that the war on poverty reduced poverty by over 40%? In twenty years. then a slow rise..since 1980. Poverty rates are still much lower than in 1960--I'd say that not all that money was wasted.

Overall for the nation the poverty rate fell from 22% in 1960 steeply down to 12% in 1980 then moved up moderately to 15% during the current era
We even stopped investing in the intellectual infrastructure of this nation: college education. A degree that a student in the 1970s could have paid for by working as a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant (what my wife did in the late 60s - I did so working as a near-minimum-wage DJ) now means incurring massive and life-altering debt for all but the very wealthy. Reagan, who as governor ended free tuition at the University of California, put into place the foundations for the explosion in college tuition we see today.

You refused to answer the simple questions I posed to you and instead gave us a "history" lesson.

Once again, keep in mind, this is 2020.

"Specifically, how have Democrats made schools affordable?

What have Democrats done that made companies pay a fair wage through unions? What percentage of private companies are unionized today?

Please show us all where 99% of managers in corporate America are white males."
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....

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