Florida's Economy Is Collapsing Under Covid19 And Only Republicans Are To Blame

This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
NO it will NOT be Blue if the Daily Kos continues to call Floridians dumb and Georgians dumber!
Look at the side articles and tell me why would ANY Floridian believe the Daily Kos?
Plus again... DailyKos is considers very very liberal...
Overall, we rate the Daily Kos strongly Left Biased based on story selection that almost exclusively favors the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to non-vetted content as well as a few failed fact check and misleading claims.
Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 4.29.33 PM.png
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.


Did your Dad show her the tape? Or at the minimum the link where the tape is?
See the problem is the word "CONTEXT".... which evidently you don't understand.
Case in point...Here is MY proof why the MSM hates Trump so and almost all the time take things out of context.

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Tell me if you donated money to Hillary how would you feel?
Several news organizations took remarks President Donald Trump made Wednesday out of context to suggest he was referring to undocumented immigrants at large as "animals," when in context it appears the President was likely referring to members of a violent gang.

The comment in question happened at a White House roundtable discussion on the subject of immigration and so-called "sanctuary cities." Complaining at the roundtable about confusion between different levels of law enforcement, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims brought up the violent gang Mara Salvatrucha, better known as MS-13.

Speaking immediately after Mims, Trump said, "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in -- and we're stopping a lot of them -- but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before."
But several major media outlets stripped the context from Trump's comments, publishing stories and posting tweets that strongly suggested he had said undocumented immigrants at large "aren't people," but "animals." In some cases, outlets that placed the comments in context in stories removed the context in tweets.

But of course people LIKE YOU believe every word coming from the MSM...while intelligent people do a little more
research... Geez you know this Internet!
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

The media has destroyed their credibility....don't blame us....
So the media, academia, science and the media have all lost credibility with you? Then the Republicans have been successful with your stupid ass.
Democrats and snowflakes have lost both sanity and common sense, since the night it was announced Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Ever since then EVERYTHING under the sun has been President Trump's fault.
- The Obama administration's treasonous FISA Court Abuse-fuelled coup attempt? Trump MADE them do it.
- Dems opposing the life-saving Travel Ban? Trump
- Biden's videotaped confession of extortion? Trump
- Dems' House Impeachment based on Zero crime / evidence / witnesses? Trump made 'em do it....
- Pelosi and Dems destroying small businesses by blocking the bill? Trump
- Trump FORCED Obama to invade Syria

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.....

It's called 'TDS'...and it's too bad it isn't 'terminal'...
You don't think the things Trump has said and done have anything to do with it?

If what you say were true Trump would easily be re elected but the people paying attention and who are not brainwashed aren't buying what you are trying to sell.

Trump has been crying about the unfair media from day one. Never mind the actual things they are calling him out on. Just focus on the media as if it were the enemy of the people.

You people are scary. You are so loyal to this criminal snake and you believe him as if he's not the problem. The problem is billionaires own our government. And you elected one. One that has such a shady past it's sick. Remember he cried about the Clinton foundation and then his foundation was closed? What's wrong with you people?

First of ALL you have NO proof for your statements about Trump.
BUT I have the following proof abut the BIASED MSM.
You tell me... would you if you donated $$ to Hillary, say anything positive about Trump? Of course you won't. You
hate Trump as does the MSM!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So what kind of deleterious information would you BET that the MSM that donated 96% to Hillary would produce?

See the difference between people like me is WE Prove our statements.... YOU ... nothing. Zero. Zilch.
As a result more people are distrusting the MSM!
Only 7% of Americans trust the media – survey
The American Press Institute report comes in the wake of a September 2015 Gallup poll which found that only 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media, with about 33 percent saying they had a fair amount, and 60 percent claiming they had either little or no trust in the media.
Trump was the best guy out of all the Republicans he ran against. There, happy?

But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
You think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are radical far right justices? Kindly point out all of the extreme rulings that they've made, Sealy!
The truth is...Republicans appoint moderates to the Court...Democrats appoint far left justices...and it's been that way for the past forty years!
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

Here is someone who has drank the coolaid.
Bottom line is this. America is not great for 80% of it's citizens. Too many of you started shitting your pants after only being off work for a couple weeks.

If you say the GOP is about putting more money in the middle classes pocket, I say over the past few decades they have taken money out of our pockets and given it to the rich. Now Trump comes along and gives you a $1 hr raise and you think America is great again? HA!

Oh and don't act like this "hate" started with Trump. It started with Carter. Were we as mean to Reagan and Bush? I don't think so. Then you guys were horrible to Bill Clinton. Were we that mean to Bush 2? I don't think so. Then you treated Obama like a pos.

So you started this a long time ago before Trump. Trump didn't create the division he just widened it.

Oh, and this division benefits your party. If not for the division you broke asses would have no reason to vote GOP. They don't serve you financially. THey only give you god, gays guns and racism you stupid bastards.
yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.
Why would a state populated by retirees want to pay taxes into an unemployment system?
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.


Did your Dad show her the tape? Or at the minimum the link where the tape is?
See the problem is the word "CONTEXT".... which evidently you don't understand.
Case in point...Here is MY proof why the MSM hates Trump so and almost all the time take things out of context.

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Tell me if you donated money to Hillary how would you feel?
Several news organizations took remarks President Donald Trump made Wednesday out of context to suggest he was referring to undocumented immigrants at large as "animals," when in context it appears the President was likely referring to members of a violent gang.

The comment in question happened at a White House roundtable discussion on the subject of immigration and so-called "sanctuary cities." Complaining at the roundtable about confusion between different levels of law enforcement, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims brought up the violent gang Mara Salvatrucha, better known as MS-13.

Speaking immediately after Mims, Trump said, "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in -- and we're stopping a lot of them -- but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before."
But several major media outlets stripped the context from Trump's comments, publishing stories and posting tweets that strongly suggested he had said undocumented immigrants at large "aren't people," but "animals." In some cases, outlets that placed the comments in context in stories removed the context in tweets.

But of course people LIKE YOU believe every word coming from the MSM...while intelligent people do a little more
research... Geez you know this Internet!
The media is a watch dog against a corrupt government. You want that last line of defense to go away?

There are plenty of right wing medias out there that could have exposed Obama for something if he did something really bad. He didn't. Benghazi was a political hit job. Sorry the main stream media didn't go along like they did Monicagate.

But also notice the media allowed Bush to lie us into Iraq. We didn't use the word lie back then. But today we have to use the word lie because Trump is a liar.

Rush is a liar too. The other day he said Covid 19 was called Covid 19 because this is the 19th strain of the virus. That's a fucking lie. Either that or Rush is getting and giving MISINFORMATION. Why is your side trying to downplay how serious this virus is? Is it because you can't afford to be out of work for a month? Do I need to loan you some money? We know Trump had to send you some money. Pussies.
yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.
yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.
Lots of guys and gals who worked in NYC and were laid off in their 40s are now working again in their 50s in the the financial industries making the salaries they made prior to their forced retirements.
yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.

I don't want your personal stories of how it helped. Show me statistics.

Two years ago Friday, Republicans in Congress passed a sweeping tax cut. It was supposed to be a gift-wrapped present to taxpayers and the economy. But in hindsight, it looks more like a costly lump of coal.

In fact, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder. And most of them didn't go out and hire more employees. They only hired more employees if demand grew. It did for a little bit right after the tax break but then dropped off.

Ok, here is one way the tax breaks helped. My rich brother purchased 65 acres and built a home on it. He has employed many people up north with that money. I'm not trying to say the tax breaks did nothing but remember last year 2.3% growth.

"The tax plan will pay for itself with economic growth," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

It hasn't worked out that way.

So you can tell me your personal stories I can't despute your claims but I can dispute Steven's claim.

Oh yea, and this In fact, the economy grew 2.9% in 2018 — exactly the same as in 2015.

How did Obama do so well without giving these tax breaks?

The tax cut, along with increased government spending, did give a short-term lift to the economy and businesses temporarily boosted investment. But the rocket fuel burned off quickly. Business investment declined in the last two quarters.

Do I need to go on?

yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.
Lots of guys and gals who worked in NYC and were laid off in their 40s are now working again in their 50s in the the financial industries making the salaries they made prior to their forced retirements.
Using Trump's tactic I see. "Lots of people" He says MANY PEOPLE agree with me. LOL.

I'm sure when the stock market was booming under Obama the financial industry started hiring back some of the people who got laid off after the Bush Great Recession.

I've seen lots of people lose their jobs last year and I don't see them easily finding jobs that pay just as good. You would think with zero unemployment it would be easy to find another job. I wasn't. It certainly wasn't like the Clinton 90's. I remember people quitting my company because it was $30K salary plus commission and the boss gave them an extra $10K not to lose them. Today the employer says BYE.

Yes the economy was SLIGHTLY better under Trump after that tax break but how bad would it have been if he didn't pass the tax break? His numbers are just about the same as Obama's. Would they be worse if he didn't give those tax breaks? And why didn't he give more to the middle class? This is why I'm not a republican. Giving more to the middle class helps everyone because when we have more money we buy shit. That helps the corporations, government, everyone. Giving my brother money helped some other people too sure but mostly him. Again, the rich owns our government and Trump favors them. You don't see that? You've been Trumped.
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

Here is someone who has drank the coolaid.
Bottom line is this. America is not great for 80% of it's citizens. Too many of you started shitting your pants after only being off work for a couple weeks.

If you say the GOP is about putting more money in the middle classes pocket, I say over the past few decades they have taken money out of our pockets and given it to the rich. Now Trump comes along and gives you a $1 hr raise and you think America is great again? HA!

Oh and don't act like this "hate" started with Trump. It started with Carter. Were we as mean to Reagan and Bush? I don't think so. Then you guys were horrible to Bill Clinton. Were we that mean to Bush 2? I don't think so. Then you treated Obama like a pos.

So you started this a long time ago before Trump. Trump didn't create the division he just widened it.

Oh, and this division benefits your party. If not for the division you broke asses would have no reason to vote GOP. They don't serve you financially. Tey only give you god, gays guns and racism you stupid bastards.

You should really begin reading the new thread on the IHME model pushed by elitist Liberal academia Harvard Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch, used to base the disastrous economic decision made upon, which completely expert-agreed-upon models that are much more proven. The IHME starts with and is based on blind faith / trust inb the transparent and completely open timely sharing of viral / epidemic data...

This Harvard 'expert' and other like-minded 'experts' pushed a model that was doomed from the very start as it relied on what China and the WHO was feeding the rest of the world...resulting in the same disastrous / failed predictions as made by Joe Biden and other Democrats who - based on what China and the WHO was telling the rest of the world - told Americans to ignore the President, called his travel ban - which they admit now was the right thing to do - 'xenophobic' and 'fear-mongering', and gave Americans advice that would have led to more US infections and death.

The IHME begins and relies on epidemic information provided by the countries that have the virus before the US...but evidence proves China knew as early as OCTOBER 2019 about their outbreak and hid it from the rest of the world...with help from the WHO. China not only hid the time-sensitive information but knowingly allowed it to spread globally by refusing to shut down International travel from the very epicenter of the growing pandemic. MONTHS of secrecy and eventual misleading, refusing to share data, rendered the IHME useless before China ever officially announced they had a problem...

Still, these 'experts' from elitist liberal indoctrination camps...er, colleges, pressured the govt to use their model that completely went away from the tried and true models used and advocated by true Epidemiologist experts. Basing economic policy that drove the govt to shut-down the economy / nation on a model that relies on the CHICOMS sharing info was INSANE. Just like what has and continues to go on, China F*ed the US (and world) with help from the WHO and the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat leftists

This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

Hey, TDS Troll, where is your thread criticizing Andrew Cuomo for the same thing? There are New Yorkers who filed for unemployment a month ago who have received nothing. Where is your thread criticizing Steve Sisolak? There are Nevadans who have been waiting three weeks to get a response regarding the claims they filed.

The point of the thread went right over your head. It's obvious to me you didn't read the article that explains the whole situation. Even republicans who voted for it are calling it a total mess and are not happy about the whole thing.

It's not the time it takes as much as rick scott and the republicans created a system that is designed to prevent people from receiving unemployment. So that rick scott can say unemployment is low and not have to pay out unemployment compensation to many people which also keeps unemployment payments by business low.

Unfortunately it hurts the very people it's supposed to help and is designed to do exactly that.

The states you mentioned don't have that system. Their system isn't designed to deny people unemployment like Florida is.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.


Did your Dad show her the tape? Or at the minimum the link where the tape is?
See the problem is the word "CONTEXT".... which evidently you don't understand.
Case in point...Here is MY proof why the MSM hates Trump so and almost all the time take things out of context.

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Tell me if you donated money to Hillary how would you feel?
Several news organizations took remarks President Donald Trump made Wednesday out of context to suggest he was referring to undocumented immigrants at large as "animals," when in context it appears the President was likely referring to members of a violent gang.

The comment in question happened at a White House roundtable discussion on the subject of immigration and so-called "sanctuary cities." Complaining at the roundtable about confusion between different levels of law enforcement, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims brought up the violent gang Mara Salvatrucha, better known as MS-13.

Speaking immediately after Mims, Trump said, "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in -- and we're stopping a lot of them -- but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before."
But several major media outlets stripped the context from Trump's comments, publishing stories and posting tweets that strongly suggested he had said undocumented immigrants at large "aren't people," but "animals." In some cases, outlets that placed the comments in context in stories removed the context in tweets.

But of course people LIKE YOU believe every word coming from the MSM...while intelligent people do a little more
research... Geez you know this Internet!
The media is a watch dog against a corrupt government. You want that last line of defense to go away?

There are plenty of right wing medias out there that could have exposed Obama for something if he did something really bad. He didn't. Benghazi was a political hit job. Sorry the main stream media didn't go along like they did Monicagate.

But also notice the media allowed Bush to lie us into Iraq. We didn't use the word lie back then. But today we have to use the word lie because Trump is a liar.

Rush is a liar too. The other day he said Covid 19 was called Covid 19 because this is the 19th strain of the virus. That's a fucking lie. Either that or Rush is getting and giving MISINFORMATION. Why is your side trying to downplay how serious this virus is? Is it because you can't afford to be out of work for a month? Do I need to loan you some money? We know Trump had to send you some money. Pussies.

Well the primary reason no one believes a word you wrote, starting with "media is a watch dog" which is right! But the fact
is the MSM which you depend on gave 96% of donations by "journalists" to Hillary. She lost. The MSM was angry at the winner.
As a result the MSM reports ONLY what will make Trump look bad, regardless of the FACTS.
But the most important reason most people don't believe you is YOU don't substantiate your "Facts"!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
FACTS like I substantiate above!
So everything you write is subjective. Just as most of the MSM today does, subjective reporting.

So until you substantiate with links that I can follow up with to prove your statements... YOU are a liar!
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

Here is someone who has drank the coolaid.
Bottom line is this. America is not great for 80% of it's citizens. Too many of you started shitting your pants after only being off work for a couple weeks.

If you say the GOP is about putting more money in the middle classes pocket, I say over the past few decades they have taken money out of our pockets and given it to the rich. Now Trump comes along and gives you a $1 hr raise and you think America is great again? HA!

Oh and don't act like this "hate" started with Trump. It started with Carter. Were we as mean to Reagan and Bush? I don't think so. Then you guys were horrible to Bill Clinton. Were we that mean to Bush 2? I don't think so. Then you treated Obama like a pos.

So you started this a long time ago before Trump. Trump didn't create the division he just widened it.

Oh, and this division benefits your party. If not for the division you broke asses would have no reason to vote GOP. They don't serve you financially. THey only give you god, gays guns and racism you stupid bastards.

NO PROOF... hence you are a LIAR!
Give me proof that America is not great for 80% of it's citizens!
HERE because you are so lazy... PROOF you are full of CRAP!
The official poverty rate is 12.3 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 estimates.
That year, an estimated 39.7 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure.
According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 13.9 percent.

AGAIN... dummy! Prove your 80% figure! Otherwise you are full of CRAP!
Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 9.08.48 AM.png
yes, American workers want to be paid fairly and republicans think less is fair.
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back from overseas. He vetoed TPP. He it's more pro-union than any Republican president in my lifetime...and still you undermine him and support a party that sides with Chinese Manufactures over Americans. Read any thread where I personally promote moving manufacturing back from China and see who is against it.

Spoiler alert...it's your democrats.

Look around...they don't give a flying fuck about you unless they can use you as a foil against Republicans to consolidate power for themselves.

Right now supporting China is that foil and you're old news. And you know where old news goes? In the trash.

Wise up and support bringing manufacturing back to America...support Trump and the Republicans.
Yea, trump says he agrees with labor to bring back jobs but they won’t be high paying jobs When they come back.

trump said a lot of things that made him sound like a different republican. I’m not buying most of it. I see the con happening. Just look at his tax break that went mostly to the rich. You all got a tax break right? Still you’re all begging for a stimulus check after two weeks of being unemployed.
The tax break got a lot of professionals back into the careers market; people I know.

I don't want your personal stories of how it helped. Show me statistics.

Two years ago Friday, Republicans in Congress passed a sweeping tax cut. It was supposed to be a gift-wrapped present to taxpayers and the economy. But in hindsight, it looks more like a costly lump of coal.

In fact, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder. And most of them didn't go out and hire more employees. They only hired more employees if demand grew. It did for a little bit right after the tax break but then dropped off.

Ok, here is one way the tax breaks helped. My rich brother purchased 65 acres and built a home on it. He has employed many people up north with that money. I'm not trying to say the tax breaks did nothing but remember last year 2.3% growth.

"The tax plan will pay for itself with economic growth," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

It hasn't worked out that way.

So you can tell me your personal stories I can't despute your claims but I can dispute Steven's claim.

Oh yea, and this In fact, the economy grew 2.9% in 2018 — exactly the same as in 2015.

How did Obama do so well without giving these tax breaks?

The tax cut, along with increased government spending, did give a short-term lift to the economy and businesses temporarily boosted investment. But the rocket fuel burned off quickly. Business investment declined in the last two quarters.

Do I need to go on?

Let me quote Rush, “GDP is higher than ever and so...”.
Your bullshit media stats mean nothing to me when I know hundreds of professionals in my neighborhood have been back to work in their chosen careers.
When you can look in the mirror and post that since the tax cut, NYC and Nassau County and Miami and every major metropolis in the US weren’t booming, you’re either an idiot or a liar.
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

Here is someone who has drank the coolaid.
Bottom line is this. America is not great for 80% of it's citizens. Too many of you started shitting your pants after only being off work for a couple weeks.

If you say the GOP is about putting more money in the middle classes pocket, I say over the past few decades they have taken money out of our pockets and given it to the rich. Now Trump comes along and gives you a $1 hr raise and you think America is great again? HA!

Oh and don't act like this "hate" started with Trump. It started with Carter. Were we as mean to Reagan and Bush? I don't think so. Then you guys were horrible to Bill Clinton. Were we that mean to Bush 2? I don't think so. Then you treated Obama like a pos.

So you started this a long time ago before Trump. Trump didn't create the division he just widened it.

Oh, and this division benefits your party. If not for the division you broke asses would have no reason to vote GOP. They don't serve you financially. THey only give you god, gays guns and racism you stupid bastards.

NO PROOF... hence you are a LIAR!
Give me proof that America is not great for 80% of it's citizens!
HERE because you are so lazy... PROOF you are full of CRAP!
The official poverty rate is 12.3 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 estimates.
That year, an estimated 39.7 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure.
According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 13.9 percent.

AGAIN... dummy! Prove your 80% figure! Otherwise you are full of CRAP!
View attachment 326586
SB is a liar when it comes to anything an R did that helped the economy.
He’s a real sick fuck.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

Hey, TDS Troll, where is your thread criticizing Andrew Cuomo for the same thing? There are New Yorkers who filed for unemployment a month ago who have received nothing. Where is your thread criticizing Steve Sisolak? There are Nevadans who have been waiting three weeks to get a response regarding the claims they filed.

The point of the thread went right over your head. It's obvious to me you didn't read the article that explains the whole situation. Even republicans who voted for it are calling it a total mess and are not happy about the whole thing.

It's not the time it takes as much as rick scott and the republicans created a system that is designed to prevent people from receiving unemployment. So that rick scott can say unemployment is low and not have to pay out unemployment compensation to many people which also keeps unemployment payments by business low.

Unfortunately it hurts the very people it's supposed to help and is designed to do exactly that.

The states you mentioned don't have that system. Their system isn't designed to deny people unemployment like Florida is.

AND again... the source DailyKos... and what is their reputation?

Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 9.44.08 AM.png

"Non-vetted" content! Do you totally comprehend that?
But then again maybe some of the more moderate guys would have appointed more moderate justices and they wouldn't have embarrassed us around the world and made us less safe all the way around. He loves the divisiveness so don't complain. This is exactly how Trump likes it. I just think/hope it's going to backfire on him in nov.
...says a snowflake who still supports proven criminal traitors that just failed in another coup attempt to oust the US President, creating more hate and division in the US in the last 4+ years than the Russians ever dreamed of doing in 2016

Here is someone who has drank the coolaid.
Bottom line is this. America is not great for 80% of it's citizens. Too many of you started shitting your pants after only being off work for a couple weeks.

If you say the GOP is about putting more money in the middle classes pocket, I say over the past few decades they have taken money out of our pockets and given it to the rich. Now Trump comes along and gives you a $1 hr raise and you think America is great again? HA!

Oh and don't act like this "hate" started with Trump. It started with Carter. Were we as mean to Reagan and Bush? I don't think so. Then you guys were horrible to Bill Clinton. Were we that mean to Bush 2? I don't think so. Then you treated Obama like a pos.

So you started this a long time ago before Trump. Trump didn't create the division he just widened it.

Oh, and this division benefits your party. If not for the division you broke asses would have no reason to vote GOP. They don't serve you financially. THey only give you god, gays guns and racism you stupid bastards.

NO PROOF... hence you are a LIAR!
Give me proof that America is not great for 80% of it's citizens!
HERE because you are so lazy... PROOF you are full of CRAP!
The official poverty rate is 12.3 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 estimates.
That year, an estimated 39.7 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure.
According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 13.9 percent.

AGAIN... dummy! Prove your 80% figure! Otherwise you are full of CRAP!
View attachment 326586
You're not in poverty but you are 2 weeks away from losing it all. You don't get it?

I have $40K liquid and my home is paid off. How long could I go without a paycheck? And the answer is a mighty long time. How about 80% of America how long can they go?

Are they saving enough to retire? What percent are saving enough to retire?

My blue collar parents were able to retire at 62. MAGA my ass. I'll be able to retire at 62 but 80% won't be able to retire at 67. Believe that.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

Hey, TDS Troll, where is your thread criticizing Andrew Cuomo for the same thing? There are New Yorkers who filed for unemployment a month ago who have received nothing. Where is your thread criticizing Steve Sisolak? There are Nevadans who have been waiting three weeks to get a response regarding the claims they filed.

The point of the thread went right over your head. It's obvious to me you didn't read the article that explains the whole situation. Even republicans who voted for it are calling it a total mess and are not happy about the whole thing.

It's not the time it takes as much as rick scott and the republicans created a system that is designed to prevent people from receiving unemployment. So that rick scott can say unemployment is low and not have to pay out unemployment compensation to many people which also keeps unemployment payments by business low.

Unfortunately it hurts the very people it's supposed to help and is designed to do exactly that.

The states you mentioned don't have that system. Their system isn't designed to deny people unemployment like Florida is.

AND again... the source DailyKos... and what is their reputation?

View attachment 326595

"Non-vetted" content! Do you totally comprehend that?
If your god/king/president is the right you're god damn right the media is a liberal left watchdog. And if Clinton is in office they'll go after him fucking Monica with a cigar.

Did you want them to do more with Benghazi and Fast and Furious? Then they should have gone after iran contra and after bush for lying us into Iraq.

The media is our watchdog. Who else is going to tell you what's going on? WHO?

Stop demonizing academia, science, labor and government. The rich and powerful are playing you and pitting you against us. Meanwhile 80% of you are fubar. And 50% of you don't even vote. Dummies.

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