Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

No, she's a slut who believes it's the Federal governments responsibility to force vendors to provide "anything she wants" via legislation...

She's an authoritarian bitch just like every progressive...

Okie dokie then.

Let me ask you this:

If a married couple has sex, and has a child, and then that child attends public school, and the family gets tax credits for their children.

How is the mother of the child not then considered a "whore" in the exact same way that Rush Limbaugh called Ms Fluke a "whore"?

She had sex, and she is receiving benefits from the public for that sex.

So, how is Rush Limbaugh not calling pretty much every mother in America a "whore" and a "prostitute"?

Do you people never think this jackassed reasoning to it's logical conclusion?

A) she is a whore (in all sorts of ways) because she is begging THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to force a business to provide her with contraceptives.

B) She is a delusional tyrant (see A).

C) Your analogy is dumb considering, and quite obviously you are ignorant to the difference between STATE and FEDERAL government. And I cant say I'm shocked about that considering progressives ignore the Tenth Amendment..
No, she's a slut who believes it's the Federal governments responsibility to force vendors to provide "anything she wants" via legislation...

She's an authoritarian bitch just like every progressive...

Okie dokie then.

Let me ask you this:

If a married couple has sex, and has a child, and then that child attends public school, and the family gets tax credits for their children.

How is the mother of the child not then considered a "whore" in the exact same way that Rush Limbaugh called Ms Fluke a "whore"?

She had sex, and she is receiving benefits from the public for that sex.

So, how is Rush Limbaugh not calling pretty much every mother in America a "whore" and a "prostitute"?

Do you people never think this jackassed reasoning to it's logical conclusion?

A) she is a whore (in all sorts of ways) because she is begging THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to force a business to provide her with contraceptives.

B) She is a delusional tyrant (see A).

C) Your analogy is dumb considering, and quite obviously you are ignorant to the difference between STATE and FEDERAL government. And I cant say I'm shocked about that considering progressives ignore the Tenth Amendment..

Hello Rushbo.

No, she's a slut who believes it's the Federal governments responsibility to force vendors to provide "anything she wants" via legislation...

She's an authoritarian bitch just like every progressive...

Okie dokie then.

Let me ask you this:

If a married couple has sex, and has a child, and then that child attends public school, and the family gets tax credits for their children.

How is the mother of the child not then considered a "whore" in the exact same way that Rush Limbaugh called Ms Fluke a "whore"?

She had sex, and she is receiving benefits from the public for that sex.

So, how is Rush Limbaugh not calling pretty much every mother in America a "whore" and a "prostitute"?

Do you people never think this jackassed reasoning to it's logical conclusion?

A) she is a whore (in all sorts of ways) because she is begging THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to force a business to provide her with contraceptives.

B) She is a delusional tyrant (see A).

C) Your analogy is dumb considering, and quite obviously you are ignorant to the difference between STATE and FEDERAL government. And I cant say I'm shocked about that considering progressives ignore the Tenth Amendment..

A) The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is the reason women get paid maternity leave. Does that make every mother who has taken maternity leave a PROSTITUTEV

B) that doesn't even make sense

C) What the fuck does what portion of the public she takes her money from have anything to do with her "whore" status in Rush's analogy?
Really, Saved?

Your argument is really:

"How is that different? It's different because... 'Cause you're stupid! That's why! Jerk!"

Are we regressing to preadolescense now?
Really, Saved?

Your argument is really:

"How is that different? It's different because... 'Cause you're stupid! That's why! Jerk!"

Are we regressing to preadolescense now?

Restating your strawman is not adult. BTW, don't look behind you, but I answered the question.
Vast, $3,000 a year in contraception sort of defines a slut.

Putting aside the fact that the pill doesn't cost any more if you have more sex...

People aren't upset because he called her a "slut".

People are upset because he called her a "whore" and a "prostitute", and because he called her those things because she expected the insurance companies and the public to help pay for her sex life.

So, since childbirth alone costs an average of $9000.00, without complications being considered, how do the simple acts of conception and chilbirth not make every mother in this country a WHORE using Rush Limbaugh's logic?
Vast, $3,000 a year in contraception sort of defines a slut.

Putting aside the fact that the pill doesn't cost any more if you have more sex...
People aren't upset because he called her a "slut".

People are upset because he called her a "whore" and a "prostitute", and because he called her those things because she expected the insurance companies and the public to help pay for her sex life.

So, since childbirth alone costs an average of $9000.00, without complications being considered, how do the simple acts of conception and chilbirth not make every mother in this country a WHORE using Rush Limbaugh's logic?

Not my numbers or argument really. It seems Ms. Fluke used both.
Well then call her stupid. Call her a liar.

Hell, call her a slut, I don't care.

Personally I find slutty women to be attractive, so in my eyes, slut is a complement. After all, why would anyone want a woman who didn't like sex?

But calling her a whore and a prostitute is just way beyond the pale. And the logic used to back up those words makes every single mother in the united states a whore, and I just can't get down with that.
Just like Ms. Fluke. [/your argument]

Ms Fluke didn't reach for power.

She testified in front of a congressional committee.

You honestly don't see the difference there?
Not when she's spent her entire adult life as a political activist for leftist abortion and female political lobbyists and activism.

This was her brass ring.
Fluke is a phoney from the word go..........and apparently though, a phoney who gets poked alot!!
No, she's a slut who believes it's the Federal governments responsibility to force vendors to provide "anything she wants" via legislation...

She's an authoritarian bitch just like every progressive...

Okie dokie then.

Let me ask you this:

If a married couple has sex, and has a child, and then that child attends public school, and the family gets tax credits for their children.

How is the mother of the child not then considered a "whore" in the exact same way that Rush Limbaugh called Ms Fluke a "whore"?

She had sex, and she is receiving benefits from the public for that sex.

So, how is Rush Limbaugh not calling pretty much every mother in America a "whore" and a "prostitute"?

Do you people never think this jackassed reasoning to it's logical conclusion?
Unrelated strawman fail
Vast, $3,000 a year in contraception sort of defines a slut.

Somebody has no concept of how the pill works.

Somebody also doesn't know that the pill has benefits far beyond contraception.

Educate yourself.

It doesn't matter....

I'm getting sick of the argument that "it can help you, therefore it's good" hence the federal government can force it on you...

I know BC can help ovarian cysts and other problems - that doesn't change the fact that 99% of the woman using "the pill" will be doing such to terminate a pregnancy..

You know as well as I do 99.99999% of woman who use the pill do so to terminate pregnancies (or kill their own children)....
Okie dokie then.

Let me ask you this:

If a married couple has sex, and has a child, and then that child attends public school, and the family gets tax credits for their children.

How is the mother of the child not then considered a "whore" in the exact same way that Rush Limbaugh called Ms Fluke a "whore"?

She had sex, and she is receiving benefits from the public for that sex.

So, how is Rush Limbaugh not calling pretty much every mother in America a "whore" and a "prostitute"?

Do you people never think this jackassed reasoning to it's logical conclusion?

If I have to explain why your post is stupid, then there really is no need for a discussion.

This entire conversation is stupid. Rush Limbaugh brought a world of stupidity upon us with this moronic line of logic.

But since it's been brought up:

If a woman who receives financial benefit from the public as a result of sex is a whore (which is exactly what Limbaugh was saying), then how are mothers who receive tax breaks and public assistance with the child's schooling not also a whore?

Obviously I don't believe any of this crap to be the case.

But that is, quite definitely, the logical conclusion of Rush Jackass Limbaugh's line of (ahem) "reasoning".

And you wonder why people are so fucking offended?
Sooooo... you're saying by YOUR OWN logic your mother was a whore? I'm not calling her one. I'm just extrapolating your line of thinking and applying it accordingly.

Suffice it to say that by this same line, you think everyone's mother, grandmother, great grandmother is a whore.

I'm not so sure you thought the ramifications of your statement through.

Oh, we know why we're offended. We're just shocked you're offended by the wrong thing.

And you can leave this conversation any time, since it is apparently a waste of your time by implied estimation as you have voiced it.
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Yes, of course Fitz.

The line of logic that I'm so adamantly and obivously attacking here, is of course the logic I'm supporting....

Because I'm not pointing out the glaring flaw in someone else's line of logic and saying that it's a bad thing.

Did you even bother to read this conversation?

Have another drink there Fitzie.
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Yes, of course Fitz.

The line of logic that I'm so adamantly and obivously attacking here, is of course the logic I'm supporting....

Because I'm not pointing out the glaring flaw in someone else's line of logic and saying that it's a bad thing.

Did you even bother to read this conversation?

Have another drink there Fitzie.

That's why we have a Bill of Rights..

Arguing over logic is counter-productive....
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Yes, of course Fitz.

The line of logic that I'm so adamantly and obivously attacking here, is of course the logic I'm supporting....

Because I'm not pointing out the glaring flaw in someone else's line of logic and saying that it's a bad thing.

Did you even bother to read this conversation?

Have another drink there Fitzie.
Still waiting for that Maher condemnation and demand for retractions and disciplinary action.

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